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"Everyone stop what your doing. We have a present", Rebekah said walking into the house, as I dropped Marcel's body to the ground.

As Klaus walked out from the family room, "w-what is this?", Klaus asked.

"Marcel.", Rebekah said.
"I know who he is. What the hell is he doing here?", he asked.

"We went over to discuss a few things about the current situation we are in. And for some reason he didn't want to listen. Maybe he'll listen to you", I said.

"Take him back. Now", he said turning around.
As Rebekah sighed.
"Your turned it on didn't you?", she asked.
"What?", I asked.
"His humanity", she said.
"I said take it back", he said.

"What?", I asked.
"Take him back to the corner now", he said.
"No.", I said.

"Excuse me?", he asked turning back around to us.
"I said no.", I said standing my ground.

"By you trying to prove your point, that we're not afraid, your not only putting all of us in danger, your putting hope in danger. Your starting a big war, you don't even know how to end", he said.

"If you haven't looked around recently, where already at war. And by us packing our things and leaving, mines Lucifer wins.", I said.

"If we have to pack our things and never return to New Orleans, to be safe, then I will", he said.

"And what will then? We live in a farm house, where no one wants to kill us?", I asked.

"No matter where you go, how far your away, there will always be someone out there to kill us", I continued.

"He hurt Elijah, Klaus", I said.

"Is that what this is all about? Him getting hurt. I knew it", he said.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now? None of this is about just Elijah. This about all of us. Your family. Hope's family. I will not sit here, and let you run away from your scared of", I said.

"I'm not afraid of anything. I'm Klaus Mikealson", he said.
"No your not. Your that little boy who was afraid of their father; before you turned into a blood sucking demon Klaus Mikealson", I said.

"I said take him Hayley, and I won't say it again", he said.

"And I don't care what you say. I'm not going down without a fight. You want to leave. Go. Go be coward like your damn father.", I said as he slapped me.

"I am nothing like my father", he told me as I held me cheek.

"Niklaus!", Rebekah shout at him.
"No, she deserves to hear this. Your not a damn hero, so stop trying to be. If you want to go and fight, then go. Your want to prove your damn point. Prove it. Just leave my family & I out of it", he told me.

"Fine. I will. But I hope you know, when you fall, so does every one else behind you", I said walking to the door.

As Freya stood in front of it.
"Out of my way", I told her.
"No", she said.
"You want to get your point across to Klaus. Make him listen", she told me.

As I walked to the stair level, and broke wood turning into a dagger. As I walked into the family room as Klaus was painting.

I then took one of his paintings, and stepped into it.
"Are you mad?", he asked me.

"Not quite yet", I said as he approached me.
I kicked him, making him fall to the ground.

"What are you doing?", he asked me.
"You don't want to listen, then I'll kill you, and make everyone else listen", I said.

As I ran towards his, about to stab him when he overpowered me, throwing to the ground, as he was on top of me.

I was about push it into his heart, as he turned around to mine. As I struggled to push it back, when it got closer, and closer to my heart.

"Fight back", he told me.
"Do it.", I told him.

"I don't think you have it in you. After hope, your ended up like your father, a drinking alcoholic, who abandons their family", I said making him mad.

"Shut up", he told me.
"Make me", I said.

As the piece of wood entered inside of me, "more!", I shout at him.
As suddenly his eyes turned black.

"With pleasure", he told me.
"Niklaus!", the voice of Elijah pulled, more like yanked Klaus across the room, helping me off the ground.

As I stood up looking at Klaus, as Klaus cracked his neck.

"It's so good to be back", he said.
I smiled.

"So... don't we have a war to get too?", he asked.
"Yes. But what are we going do with him?", Rebekah asked pointing to Marcel.

"Leave him to me", Klaus said walking out the family room.

"You're okay?", I said turning to Elijah.
"Yeah. After Freya's magic healed me. Okay. So where at war?", he asked.

"Yes. And I think where going to need more help", I said walking towards the door.

"Where you going?", he asked.
"Mystic Falls, I have some... friends who owe me a favor", I said.

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