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Song: Can you hold me x Nightcore

4 Months Later

Hayley's POV
I woke up in a familiar room; familiar bed. I sat up to realize I was in my room; at the michealsons family home.

As I then heard conversation from outside the door; "where'd you find her?", the voice of Klaus asked.
"in the corner. She killed at 30 of Marcel's men", Elijah said.

I covered the covers off of me; placing on my shoes. As the door opened; "welcome back to reality little wolf", Klaus said sarcastically.

"What the hell?", I asked both of them.
"You do know kidnapping is a crime; right?", I asked.
"We didn't kidnap you. We just simply took you back", Elijah said.

"Take me home now", I said.
"Home? You mean those motels you crash at?", Klaus asked.

"Fine... I'll let myself out", I said.
As I walk past both of them; "Hayley; wait", Elijah said.

As I ignored him going downstairs; going to the front door as I opened the door; I tried to walk out but it wouldn't let me. It was like a barrier.

"What is this?", I asked.
"We had Sophia put a protection spell on the house; so you can't leave until we allow you to", Klaus said.

"Allow me too? I'm not a slave or a dog", I said.
"You're a danger to yourself & others", Elijah said.
"It's called collateral damage; look it up", I said.

"No. what you're doing is much worst then collateral damage. You're killing innocent people; your basically throwing away your humanity", Klaus said.

"Why do you even care? You do the same thing; kill innocent people. It's what you do; or should I say we..... because after all I am exactly like you; a hybrid. Which means I can't die... so you might as well call me immortal", I said walking over to the liquor stand & pouring myself a glass of Hennessy.

"You don't have to do this Hayley. We know you're hurt.", Elijah said.
"You don't know a damn thing about me. Or how I feel. You do not have the right to judge as if your prefect. And you're wrong.... I'm perfectly fine", I said.

"So I say you call that witch too break the spell; and let me go", I said drinking from the bottle; drinking away my sorrow.

"Hayley; you know we can't do that", Klaus said.
"well; that's going to be a problem for me. Because I attend on leaving this house; whether both of you or unconscious or not. The choice is yours", I said.

"You're gonna fight us?", Klaus asked.
"Fight is a exaggeration of word. I prefer snap of the neck", I said smirking.

"Do you even here yourself right now? Have you lost your sanity?", Elijah raised his voice at me; I could see he hated seeing me like this.

"Were just trying to help you, why won't you let us?", he continued.
As I just snapped; I threw the glass bottle to the ground as anger filled inside of me. My blood was boiling.

"I DONT NEED YOUR HELP!", I shout at him.
"If you want to help me; help me by bringing my damn daughter back", I said with tears streaming in my eyes.

As they stared at me; "what's wrong? You haven't seen me like this? Angered? What's the big deal anyway? Huh?!", I said basically breaking down.

As I then sped into my room; going into hopes to see her stuff is still up.
"Ahh!!", I shout angrily wiping everything off her desk. I then began breaking the wood of the crib.

"Why is this still up? You thought she was coming back? Well; sorry.... she's not. She's gone... she's GONE!!", I shout basically messing up everything in her room.

"Hayley! Hayley!", Klaus said walking into the room to see damaging hopes things.
As I saw about to through something; Klaus caught my hands restraining me.

"Let me go! Let me go; Klaus", I shout at him.
As I swung at him; he caught my other hand; he pinned me against the wall.

"Turn it on! Turn it on! TURN IT ON!", Klaus shout at me wanting me to turn back on my humanity. And at his command I did.

I breathed heavily as he pinned me against the wall; as I realize what've I've done these 4 months. I killed a lot of people who didn't deserve to die. I was hurt. I was depressed. I was broken.

As I began to break down.
"Look at me... you're gonna get through this. We as a family are gonna get through this", he told me.

"I'm a mess. I killed people. Innocent people. I killed Genevieve... all I wanted was revenge but when I killed her I felt.... I felt nothing. All those people. I'm a monster. Klaus-- I- I--- he cut me off; "you're far from a monster. Believe me when I say that; Hayley.... hope isn't the miracle that made me the man I am now... you are. Before hope; before you.... I was a bitter; man; with cruel intentions for the world. But all of sudden this girl.... this beautiful young; smart; independent girl came into life & changed the way I felt about life it's self. You changed the way I looked at people", he said.

"Things will get better", he added.
"When? It's been 4 months? How long will it take?", I asked.

"As long as it has to; to make sure hope is & will remain safe", he said.
"Promise me one thing after all this is over?", i asked him.

"What's that?", he asked.
"After hope is safe & back in my arms; promise me you will kill Esther", I said.

"I'll do that with pleasure", he said wiping my tears.
As I gave him a hug; he slowly hugged me back.

Klaus's POV

I watched as Hayley slept peacefully; as I laid the blanket on her; as I ran my fingers through her soft hair; watched how she move around in bed.

As I slowly walked out the room closing door behind me; as I walked in the hallway to see Elijah standing in the door frame of the window outside.

"you love her?", he asked.
"What?", I asked turning around.

"you love her don't you?", he asked turning around towards me.
"I prefer not to talk about my feelings towards or about the mother of my child", I said.

"There you go again. You open up & then when you expect something bad to happen; you build that same wall up; and block every out", he said.

"Please brother; I do not have time for you lecturing", I said.

"Just talk to me, Niklaus", he said.
"I let her in!", I shout.

"What do you want me to say? I let her in; Elijah. I don't let people in. Do you know how it felt to watch someone take everything from you; like it's nothing. That's exactly what those witches did. When Hayley died... I lost myself. It was like nothing else mattered. Yes. I do. I do love Hayley", I said.

"Then why do continue to ignore your feelings for her; knowing that she's in love with you", he asked.

"For you!", I shout.
He looks confused.
"Because she loves you too. It wouldn't be fair for her to choose between us", I said calmly.

"She said t-- I cut him of, "she didn't have too. I see why she looks at you; and it's clear to see she loves you", he said

"But she also love you", he said.
"But if she has to choose; I'm pretty sure it won't me", I said.

"I'm gonna go. I got some business to take care of", I said.

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