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Hayley's POV

I sat in the bathtub with my knees to my chest staring at the ground thinking hard about my life. Life period. I knew there was no coming back from what I had decided. After this child is born.... I'm leaving this time for good. This family is gonna do nothing but ruin hopes life & I can't allow that.

After showering; I went to get dinner. The dining room was quiet. All you heard was forks against plates. Neither did Klaus or Rebekah say anything to each other. I barley ate. I had to many things on my mind to be worried about eating.

As the door bell rang; Klaus's severs got the door. As suddenly footsteps approached the room; Klaus wiped his mouth waiting for whomever it was to enter.

As it was Jackson. I immediately stood out my seat; "w-what are you doing here?", I asked him.
"I need to talk to you", he said.
"Hayley? Who's your friend?", Klaus asked.
"He's kinda cute", Rebekah said.

"This is Jackson. Jackson; this is Klaus the father of my child", I said.
"So what brings you to New Orleans?", Klaus asked.

"Hayley & I have a lot to talk about", Jackson said.
"Like what?", klaus asked.
"I need her help. My pack.. needs a leader. I'm there leader but they need a queen", he says.

"Look at that. Hayley being a queen", Rebekah said.
"Be realistic here. I'm 17 years old; how do you expect me to lead & take care of a pack of wolves... if I can't even take care of myself", I said.

"You could come live with me", Jackson said.
As I quickly looked at klaus who was pretending not to listen to our conversation as he cut he's bloody stake.

I rolled my eyes; as I walked him to the door to continue to talk to him.
"What is it you want from me?", I asked.
"I need your help", he said.
"And tell me why would I help you? Last time I spoke to you we weren't really on good terms", I said.

"At the woods... what I said... I meant. And If you won't help me because of a few harsh words, then your most certainly not ready to run my pack. Here's the address to our territory... if you want to find out the truth about what you really are... you'd come", he said handing me a piece of paper.

"Your out of your mind if you think I'd ever be able to run a pack of wolves. I'm barely old enough to buy a house", I said as he walked away.

"Stop using your age for an excuse. You may be 17 years old; but your more then just some teenage girl", he said getting into his car.

I rolled my eyes going back into the house; closing & locking the door. Then turning around to see Klaus standing on top of the stairway.

I held my chest in fright.
"The hell? You scared me", I said.
"so. Jackson huh?", he asked.

"What?", I asked.
"I don't like the fact that you being the mother of my child is alone with him", he said.
I arched my eyebrow; "are you & him... you know together?", he asked.

"W-wh... no. Ew... no", I snapped.
"Why?", I continued.
"No reason", he said.

"I think you like him", Rebekah said walking into the front area.
"I- I barely know him", I said.
"Seems like he knows you more then you know yourself", she smirked.

"What is that supposed to mean?", I asked.
"I think he likes you", she said.

"Just because we were supposed to be married or whatever doesn't mean I like him or he likes me. We're practically strangers", I said.

"You we're gonna marry him?", Klaus asked.
"No.", I said.
"It's stupid... besides he isn't my type. He's a good guy", I said.

"You have a type?", Rebekah asked.
I nod.
"And what might that be?", Klaus asked.
"If it isn't clear already; I'm more into... you know... bad boy.. like a 900 year old bad vampire", I smirked.

"Watch what you wish for; love", he said.
"Careful klaus; you might fall in love with me", I smirked once more walking up the stairs.

"Goodnight. You to sleep well. I know I will", I said going into my room as I knew Klaus was staring at me.

Rebekah's POV

"Did she just?", I asked.
"What?", Klaus asked so cluelessly.
"She just -- nevermind", I said walking away laughing.

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