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Hayley's POV

As freya & Rebekah were yelling at each other downstairs, I rolled my eyes closed the door. As the wolf guard stood in from of hope's door.

Yes. They were there only to protect Hope & I.
I sped into the living, "do you guys mind I just finished putting hope to sleep", I said.

"Sorry", Freya said.
"We just talking about how long you think that bitch is gonna stay here", Rebekah said.

"The faster she's out of here, the better. That bitch is sneaky, and I don't trust her, and for some reason your dumb ass brother does. I mean did you not hear them to last night?", I said.

"Because he wants to be distracted", freya said.
"Shut up", Rebekah mumbled elbowing her.

"Distracted from what?", I asked.
"You", freya said.

"Do you not know what shut up means?", Rebekah said.
"She deserves to know", Freya said.

"Know what? Why would he want to be distracted by me?", I asked.
"Klaus's is... he has feelings for you", Freya said.

I looked at her, and then Rebekah, and laughed.
"Klaus doesn't love anyone but himself, and power", I said.

"Too bad Aurora doesn't know he's using her", I added.

"Oh. I know", the voice said walking into the kitchen powering herself a drink.
"Know what?", freya asked.

"That klaus is using me?", Aurora said.
"So you know he's using you yet you still sleep with him, and you don't care. You don't have any pride for yourself do you?", I asked.
"You shouldn't be talking", she said.

"What?", I asked.
"You knew klaus didn't love you, and you still wanted him to, you partially forced him into having sex with him", she said.

"He wanted me. He got me pregnant. Not you. Isn't that what you wanted. A family with klaus? To bad he couldn't love like he loves me. In fact anyone who has ever loved you was wrong. And I feel pity on the next guy you sleep with, there gonna have left overs. Because that's all you are. Sloppy Seconds. ", I said.

"Excuse me?", she asked as I could tell I was getting under her skin.

"This is really funny because now I remember why exactly I killed your brother because he was just like you. Bitchy, Ignorant, possessive, obnoxious, and most of all he was a bad lair. And that's what you are lying to yourself. But i do wonder if your not here to kill me, why exactly are you here. Is it maybe because you have no where to go, or is it because no one else gives a shit, if you end up like your brother?", I asked her.

As she breathed heavily, and stared at me.

"Your going to regret you ever sa- I cut her off, "actually, I won't. Because if you kill me, guess who will never forgive you, and might actually kill you?", I asked.

"Klaus. If you didn't know", freya said.
I smiled.

"I would love to stay in chat but I really don't have time to hear you talk about your depressing life ", I said walking away.

I stared at Klaus at he held Hope, rocking her in the rocking chair.

"I don't want you feeling you have to be powerful enough for me", he said.

"What?", I asked.
"You join Jackson pack. Your their leader. I knew you were smart, and cunning, but I never knew you could be a queen", he said.

As I walked into the room, sitting down on the chair across the room.
"I've given you thousands of reasons to abandoned me, but you didn't. Why is that?", he asked.

"Because what your holding right now is a spitting image of you & I, me leaving you, would also be me taking all this away from hope. You guys are her family. You guys are my family. And family or not. Your supposed abandon the ones you care about", I said.

He was about to say something when I cut him off, "I only know one way this ends, Klaus. One of us will eventually get hurt, trying not hurt the other. So what ever we're doing just-- just stop it", I said.

"What do you mean?", he asked.
"Aurora... you're using her for a pain reliever, you can't just pause the pain when you feel your ready, because it will come back and bite you in the ass", I said.

"And you & Jackson", he finally spoke up.
"Jackson & I what?", I asked.

"Are you- I cut him off, "yes. We are. It could've been you. But I'm not good enough for you. And it took me a long time to realize, I deserve better then being your second choice. You don't get to choose to love, and choose not to. It's either you do or you don't", I said.

He was left speechless.
"So now I'm playing the cards. And I choose myself. I choose to be happy, and honestly I would've never been as happy as I am now, with you or Elijah, because the truth is no matter where you go, how far you live on, trouble will always follow this damn family", I said.

"But your still here", klaus said.
"Only for hope. If it wasn't for her I would've been gone months after sleeping with you", I said harshly.

"I'm going out. So don't wait up. I got some unfinished business with the witches, and there going to see how angry I am", I continued.

"Don't start a war", klaus said.
"If you can't tell by now. We're in a series of war right now. And this damn family is in the middle of it", I said.

"I get it. Your a father now. But you have multiple other responsibilities, get your head out of your ass, because it isn't a hat. If you don't do something people will think we're hiding and scared of Lucifer", I said.

"What about Marcel?", he asked.
"I'll handle him", I said.

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