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Trigger Warning In This Chapter

Hayley's POV

"I'm sorry", Jackson said.
"What?", I asked.
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you like Klaus & Elijah did or could've", he said.

"Look at me. I'm fine", I lied.
"Your beaten up and bruised. This would've never happened if- I cut him off, "Jack, I'm fine", I said.

"If I don't make it out of this- I cut him off once again, "don't do that. We're gonna be fine. Both of us. We will make out of this", I said.

"Hayley just listen to me. Please.", he said.
I nodded.

"The first moment I saw you, I realized I was in love with you, and I have never stopped loving you since. I want you to remember me as I am. You & hope has been the best thing that could've ever happened to me in my life. I love you, and I will always love you", he said.

"You don't have to say anything. Because I know how you feel, and it doesn't have to be the same but I don't care. If I get to spend my last moments loving you, being here with you, then I will", he said.

"Last moments. Jack, we're going to get out of here, okay.", I said.

"Unfortunately, he's right. Maybe you will. But... your friend won't", Lucifer said as he walked into the room.

"What?", I asked.
"You killed The Martel's, my friends. So now I'm going to kill someone that you care about", he said walking to Jackson.

"No! Please don't!", I yelled at him.
"No. No. Please!", I shout as he reached his cold hand into Jackson's heart, and ripped it out.

"Ahh-Ahh-Ahh-Ahh!!!", I screamed as I watched Jackson take his last breath.
Tears screaming down my cheeks, looking at Jackson as he slowly died.

As Lucifer tossed his heart to the ground, "you can thank the father of your child for that", he said as he then walked away.

"I'm so sorry.", I cried.

As Jackson died in front of me, I sat there feeling what I felt when I last my daughter, before I died. I felt weak again.

"Come on", Lucifer said pulling me out the car, as I was tied up, and beaten, and weak, blood on my shirt. As he got back inside the car, leaving me in the corner, where Hybrids weren't allowed.

"well, meet again", he said getting back into the car driving off. I walked in the dark making my way into the road.

As cars passed by, I stood in the middle, as a car stopped in front of me.
"Hey, Miss are you okay? Are you bleeding?", the voice of the innocent man asked me.

"I will be", I said as I sped toward him and sucked his blood, as a removed his head from his body.

As I got into his car and drove towards the mikealsons house

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As I got into his car and drove towards the mikealsons house. After a few hours of driving, I pulled into the driveway.

As I walked into the house angrily. As Freya stood up from sitting on the steps. "Where the hell is that bastard?", I asked her.

"Hayley? Jesus? What happened? Is everything okay?", she asked me.

"Hayley? Came to apologize for everything you sought to take from me?", Klaus asked.

As I walked towards him, "do you have any idea what you have taken from me?", I asked swinging at him.

"The same thing you sought to take from me, the chance to raise our daughter, your punishment, suits your crime", he said blocking my swing, and twisting my arm behind my back, making me yell.

As I turned around and kicked him.
"Your family was going to ruin her life", I said.
As he slammed me against the table, holding me by my neck, "my family was protecting her, while you were playing hide & seek in the forest with Jackson", he said.

As I head butt him, "don't you dare speak his name", I said pushing him off of me.

"There's a very short list of people who tried to take Hope away from me, and your the only one left breathing", he said approaching me.

"Are you that delusional, klaus? All of those people who fought for us, fought for our daughter. You took all of them away from their families, you took all of them away from me!", I shout at him.

"Yes, yes. Your precious pack, that family you chose over us, and in doing so that family you chose over hope", he said.

"It's that what you planned on telling her when she got older and asked for me? That I abandoned her!?", I asked as I turned around breaking a leg of a chair, about to stab him with it when he over powered me.

I then dropped it, and sped upstairs, as he followed me. As I swung at him twice, and missed.

"My parents left me", I said shoving him.
"Yours, turn there backs on you. Look at us now, klaus!", I shout pushing him.

"Niklaus!", the voice of Elijah said walking into the house.

"She deserves something better then what we had. That is all... I have ever wanted for her. Something better", I said pushing him as he wouldn't fight back.

As I hit his chest a twice, "fight back", I said.
"Fight Back!", I yelled as I slammed him.

As he looked at me, and I looked at him.
We both breathed heavily, as it was silent between the both of us. I knew he was tell I was broken. That this was the breaking point. To all of this.

Jackson & his people are dead because of him. Because he was a jealous asshole, who didn't want to get hurt, and in that not trying to get hurt stage, I was the one who ended up getting hurt.

"I'm taking my daughter & I'm leaving New Orleans. And when I do. I'm not coming back", I said as tears formed in my eyes.

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