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Hayley's POV

After getting out the bathroom from doing my morning routine; I walked downstairs , I then walked into the living room; to see Klaus & Elijah reading, as I walked past them going into the kitchen.

After getting out the bathroom from doing my morning routine; I walked downstairs , I then walked into the living room; to see Klaus & Elijah reading, as I walked past them going into the kitchen

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As I walked to the fridge; looking for something to eat. I heard footsteps; I peeped my head out to see Elijah leaning against the door frame.

"you're back", I smirked.
"yes; as it seems I am", he said.

"Your a complete jerk for leaving without telling me; you made a promise that you couldn't keep. If there's anything I know about making promises, is don't make one if you can't keep them", I said pulling out some ice cream & chocolate fudge.

"Something came up; my apologies", he said.
"When's the next time you go shopping? Next time put milk on the list", I said.

As Rebekah walking inside the room; from coming outside, "and bleach", she said.

As Elijah walked towards me with a blow of cereal; as he put back the ice cream & chocolate fudge; as he took out the milk.

"sorry for what happened to while I was gone", he said.
"Milk", I said.
As after he finished pouring he gave me the bowl & spoon.

"Klaus & I are going out this afternoon; your scheduled to come with us", he said.

"Scheduled? What am I? A celebrity?", I asked him walking away.

"Well; since being almost everyone is trying to kill you; we promised we will protect you", he said.
"There we go again; making promises you can't keep", I smirked.

"did you ever think about how many people you guys are planning on killing, to keep Hayley safe?", Rebekah asked as dragged a body across the floor with one hand.

"potentially; no one", he said.
As I arched my eyebrows; "realistically; just about everyone", he said.

"Thanks for breakfast", I said walking out the kitchen.


As I waited for Sabine; one of the witches were supposed to come over. I did these without Klaus permission. Klaus & Elijah were out; so was Rebekah.

As the door bell rang; I walked to the door opening it, to see Sabine; I smiled inviting her in.
"You ready?", she asked.

I nod; closing the door & leading her to the kitchen.
"This is perfect; do you mind getting on top of the kitchen counter?", she asked.

As I laid on the table; watching Sabine light candle around me. As she placed her hands over me; and began speaking this witch talk.

"y-your baby is healthy. I think your going to have a baby girl", she said as I smiled.

As the candles suddenly lit out; and Sabine looked up as if she was possessed; "Olm' le' ama", she said.

As then she fell to the ground; I quickly shot up off the counter, looking over her body.
"Shit", I said as I jumped off the counter and walked towards her, shaking her.

"Sabine!", I shook her.
As she shot up; gasping for air. As she looked like she saw something; something that scared her.

"a-are you okay?", I asked her.
"The baby? You & your baby are in danger. Once you have the baby get out of New Orleans before it's too late", she said getting up from the ground.

"Too late for what? Sabine?", I asked.
"Whatever you do; you can't let the harvest girls wake; they'll will kill you & your unborn child for a ritual you can't let that happen. Promise you won't let that happen", she said quickly packing up her things.

"Sabine? Wait!", I said as she began rushing to the door. As she touched my wrist; as suddenly I saw things.

Like the future. What in the hell was happening. As I saw Sophia's niece; and 2 other girls & one older woman hovering over a baby.
Was that my baby. As I saw giving birth; I saw Klaus pinned against the wall. As I held my baby in my arms; my throat was slit.

I saw me choke on my own blood as those witches took my child; as Klaus yelled in pain. As I saw him hold my body in his hands; as he cried. I died.

As she let go off me; it was back to present time; as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Don't let that happen", she said quickly walking out the house.


As I sat in the family office; searching up what Sabine had said earlier so I can translate it or something.
When Klaus walked inside; "how was your day?", I asked him.

"from the fact I killed almost everyone who pissed me off; excellent", he smirked.
I rolled my eyes; "and yours?", he asked.

"Like any other normal day; I would have being a pregnant werewolf", I said.
As he was about to walk out the room; "I learned something; today", I said.

"Watch is?", he asked.
"I think it's a girl", I smiled.

As he turned around & stood there

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As he turned around & stood there.
"Goodnight; little wolf", he said.
"Goodnight", I said.

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