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[song: I hate you; I love you]

Klaus's POV

I was now painting to take my mind off of how angry I was at Hayley; but also how confused I was..... why in the hell was she crying last night? Did something happen? I wanted to ask her; but I knew she wouldn't have told me the truth.

As Elijah walked into the room; slowly waiting for me to say something back.

"so are we just going ignore the fact that the mother of your child, was crying last night?", he said.

"I think I rather not talk about the mother of my child; or how she feels", I say.
"No, wonder she hates you", he mummers turning around.

"What was that, brother?", I asked.
"Last night; she was crying. You didn't ask her wants wrong; you weren't even concerned about her. Do you even care about the mother of your child?", he asked.

"You could've asked her; why didn't you", I asked.
"Because she's in love with you, Klaus!", he shouts angrily.

"I can't help her because she doesn't want it from me; but for some reason she wants it from you", he said.
As I slowly looked down; "she cares so much about you; but it's like you don't even care", he said as if he was surprised.

"What do you want me say? You know how I am, Elijah. I hurt people I love. That's who I am the big bad monster. I don't care about anyone. The only thing that matters to me is having power & the child Hayley is carrying", I said.

"One day; you'll have to choose. you can't have both", he told me.

"Then I'll choose power", I said.
As Elijah stared at me; "have you just given up your humanity?", he asked.

"Oh; please. You knew I threw my humanity away centuries ago", I said.
"You did. But when this girl came into your life; she changed everything including you; and how you acted around her", he said.

"Your in love with Hayley; and your upset she doesn't love you then way she does me. Get over it; brother", I said.

"This has nothing to do with her", he said.
"This has everything to do with her!!!", I shout.

"Face it; you don't deserve her. You don't deserve happiness Klaus; and frankly at this rate your never going to have it", he said.

As I couldn't take anymore of his remarks; I grabbed the dagger; I staked him for; and put it up against his chest but he fought back.

"are you mad?", Rebekah asked walking into the room.

"Klaus; stop it!", Rebekah shout. I ignore her; trying to stake him. I pushing harder & harder trying to stab his heart.

As Elijah began to grunt in pain.
I smiled with joy.

"What's with all the noise? I'm trying to sl-- Hayley walked into the room; before she could even finish her sentence she finds me like this; a dagger against my brothers chest.

I immediately pulled away from him; as Elijah turned around to him. As Hayley stared at the dagger in my hand; I placed it on the table.

"I'm sorry if we woke you; we-- Hayley cut Elijah off "don't say having an argument. This family possibly couldn't know the definition of that. I'm going for a walk", she said.

"I'll come with you", Rebekah said.
"We'll were gone, don't try to kill each other", Rebekah continued.

"You don't want her to hate you; but what you don't realize is she already does", Elijah said walking away.

Hayley's POV

As Rebekah & I sat in the car; the drive to where ever the hell we were going was quiet.
"What in the bloody hell is wrong with you? Why are you so damn quiet?", she asked.

"Was Klaus always like this?", I asked her.
"Like what? Possessive; cruel; a complete & total jackass?", she asked.
I nod.

"There was a time where my brother was happy; but that time was very short. There was a time where my brothers never fought. They'd always have each other's back. We had all of our backs", she said.

"I can't him but think I'm the reason Klaus is so angry", I said.
"Klaus causes his own anger; he over looks to much things. Your mad at him because he doesn't love you the way you love him; and I wouldn't blame him. Our family has to many enemy's for klaus to even put interest into someone. I surprised you didn't see that", she said.

"My brother cares about you; he may not show it or act like it, but if does something bad or unfair it's for you. Because he's trying to keep you & the child your carrying safe", she said.

"What about Elijah", I said.
"Elijah & my brother's relationship have also been complicated since being Im the only girl & the youngest", she said.

"You say brothers as if you have more then 2", I said.
"I do; or at least I did", she said.
I looked at her confused; "I have 4 brothers. Finn, Elijah, Klaus and Kol", she said.

"You said you did? So are they dead?", I asked her.
"Unfortunately; no. Finn & Kol are probably laying in a box & has been for more then 90 years", she said.

"You speak about your brother Finn & Kol as if-- she cut me off; "as if they caused this family pain?", she said keeping her eyes on the road.

"They did. But what they did to klaus was much worse", she continued.
"Finn & Kol teamed up against Elijah; Klaus & I with our father to kill us. But our father wanted to kill Klaus more. Finn & Kol betrayed us. They lost all of our trust; and for that Klaus dagger them; and in the result they were no longer allowed to be called our family", she said.

"Your dad was a dick", I said making her laugh at little.
"I know. Our family is so dysfunctional you can't believe the half of it", she said.
"That's why after the child is born I'm leaving", she added.

"Your what?", I asked.
"I can't stay here. Not anymore", she said.
"Rebekah you can't leave. W-who am I gonna go to when I need to talk to someone?", I asked.

"Elijah & Klaus will protect you", she said.
"Why are you leaving?", I asked.
"The centuries of following my brother's around; I realized that I haven't done anything for me. I want to think about me for once", she said.

"You should do the same", she told me.
"Elijah & Klaus would never let me leave", I said.
"Not if they don't know", she said.
"Uh?", I asked.
"After the child is born leave New Orleans; and don't come back. If you know whats best for you", she said.

"What about klaus & Elijah?", I asked.
"Stop worrying about them. Just worry about you; and what's best for that child", she told me.

"Think about it", she said.
"can you just imagine having your child grow up having a normal life?", she asked.
"Hope is isn't never gonna be normal", I said.
"Hope?", she asked.
"Hope. Hope is the name I'm going to name my child", I said.

"Why hope?", she asked.
"Out of all this; hope is the only thing that makes everything that bad happened to me or your family; worth happening", I said.

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