The sky was beginning to darken to a deep blue as the sun began to set. I was perched on the highest cart of the ferris wheel at an abandoned amusement park I claimed as my hide-out, taking in the sight before my eyes. The air was crisp from the changing of seasons, and I longed for it since the last time it visited. Usually I would spend my day trying to keep myself out of trouble, but it's Friday, and I am celebrating my freedom.
I was left at a foster home when my mom died 6 years ago. I try not to remind myself about it too much, but I don't know how I could have possibly lived with 2 absolute strangers after how she raised me. I mean, she trained me to defend myself at the age of 8, so I haven't got a clue on how to show remorse when it comes down to some dumb child that tries to steal my crayons (if I were to go to school).
If only I had such memories.
I leaped off the edge, and latched onto my rope to slide down to the ground expecting to find my best friend Jake, so we can begin our weekend shenanigans. Jake's like my partner in crime, literally, we helped each other get away from the foster home, and we've been working together since. He's only a few months older than me, but I'm stronger and faster than him, so I consider him like a little brother that I can beat up.
I reached the ground with a thud, wondering where the devil he was. Suddenly, I heard swift footsteps behind me, so I turned around getting ready to pummel someone into the ground, but like the punk he is, he leaped onto me like a frog and let gravity work its magic.
"Sup Daya! I got you this time!" he exclaimed while pulling my hoodie over my head, and being boastful about his little achievement.
"Whatever floats your boat you weasel" I began to protest while getting up off the ground "You didn't sneak up on me, I was just about to punch you in the face before you leaped onto me like a frog" I taunted.
"Sure, whatever you say "OH GREAT AND SKILLED DAYA", you just don't want to admit that I finally got the jump on you! Oh this is gold..." he shot back, beginning to burst into his fit of laughter.
"Can you just please tell me if we have anything interesting to do tonight, besides skipping stones across the lake, and pickpocketing drunks" I deadpanned, causing him to take me seriously, and usually he knows not to mess with me.
Then we both started conversing as we began to walk toward our run-down apartment building to plan our scheme.
"Yeah, I got a really important "task" that Kane offered me, but it was only meant for me because he didn't want me to share the money with you" he began to explain, that stupid selfish old fart, "anyway, we both know that I'm going to share it with you, and if I get this done, we'll get DOUBLE the usual" wow, I take back what I said.
I began to skip a rock between us with my foot as we made our way down the sidewalk, trying to make it seem like we were just having a normal chat once I saw a crowd of drunk friends make their way down our path.
"So what makes this "task" so important, that it's worth 5,000 dollars?" I questioned, while making sure I kept our conversation quiet from the crowd making their way towards us.
"Kane didn't tell me what it was, but all he said was that some people would KILL for it, so I'm pretty sure it's REALLY important" he quipped, but kept with my tone and spoke soft back. "in any case, we can handle ourselves with this" he said while a smirk was making its way up his lips.
Then, out of nowhere, one of the drunk guys from the crowd crashed into me, causing me to trip and fall.
"What the HELL DUDE?!" I yelled while pushing myself up off the ground. Making my fists clench beside my sides, trying extremely hard not to punch the daylights out of the guy.
"Ugh, Sorr-y" he slurred
"You know what? It's fine, have a nice evening" I said very calmly then patted down his jacket, but Jake looked at me very confused like "okay then, Daya didn't just explode on a guy, nothing abnormal about that". And he was certainly right about my actions because I stole the guys wallet.
"Pick-Pocketing Drunks" I said while waving it in his face, and I made sure the guy was gone before I showed off my prize.
Jake just looked at me tiredly when I showed my trophy off since I showed how simple it is, and how boring it is to do. I need my thrills to get a good- wait, spoke too soon! The guy came hollering after me while rushing towards us, fumbling over his own footsteps ever so slightly.
"Gotta Dash!" I said while putting the wallet back into my pocket, then I shoved Jake to run with me.
"So Daya, are you up for a little pillaging?!" he exclaimed as we took off down the road.
So, what did you guys think? Do you have any theories yet? This is just the "first chapter" I know, but still, imagination can come from anywhere! Are my writing skills good so far? Cause I honestly love the way I wrote this! It went a bit different in my original version though, but this is still good.
Anyways, I know this is a short chapter with not a lot of action, but trust me it gets full of action soon. Might just get an Avenger...

1 × Unearth × Avengers
Fanfiction"Screw it." × × × × If sixteen year old Daya knew her world would be turned upside down once her life got twisted in with the Avengers, she would have ran for the hills. With her long forgotten memories surfacing more and mor...