After what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence, the jet landed.
I couldn't see much from the windows above us, or from the cockpit seat, but then the back hatch of the jet slowly lowered. I leaned forward a little in my seat to get a better look at my prison and I was shocked to see what was outside.
It was bright, bustling, loud, New York City.
I was looking down at a rolled out mat of cityscape and buildings with bright lights and obnoxious taxi cars beeping at pedestrians. What a wonderful place full of cement, dirt, and earth that I can most certainly manipulate.
"Really, my prison is in the middle of New York?" I mumbled to myself, "That settles my nerves about mutant fish guarding my underwater penitentiary"
"What?" Douche-bag Stark spat out at me while unstrapping me from my seat.
I rolled my eyes and lifted my cuffed hands to wipe his disgusting saliva off my face, then tilted my head to the side with annoyance.
"Nothing" I growled back while he picked me up from my seat.
Capt. A stepped in between us then took my arm and walked me out. Thank God he did that because I don't think I would have been able to hold myself back from sending his smug metal butt to the floor with a few good hits.
Before we completely walked out of the jet, I caught one last glimpse of Jake, but by his body language and expression, he seemed worried, but from what? Douche-bag went and got him, so he was his escort off the jet, Thor followed behind them, and Barton and the Red-head came from the cockpit and followed out too. I'm just going to give the few Avengers that I do not know the names to, my own nicknames because its getting tiring to mentally say the names I already made up.
So let's start with Capt. A..... I'm going to call him Cap. The "Red-head" is going to be...... Sam (from totally spies). Douche-bag Stark suits him, and Barton and Thor can stay. I think that's going to help ease this major headache I'm having.
Cap walked me down the ramp and out into this big hangar looking room with glass windows surrounding it. The bright city shone real easy through them and nearly blinded me since my eyes were still adjusting from the poorly lit jet. I peered away from it all and landed my eyes on a huge letter A.
Wait a second...the extremely clean glass windows, the landing pad ON TOP (or side of the building) that can hold this jet, and the huge letter A suspended on the wall... I'm in Avengers Tower!?
Yup, I'm that slow at times, but I blame my major headache.
We continued walking straight ahead to what looked like two metallic double doors, and in front of it was the Hulk. The dude is like my role model, so I had to contain myself from "fan-girling" at him. I walked with my head and posture straight forward, but that didn't last when I walked right past him...
"Hu-hayee....." I breathed at him while gesturing my fingers to him. I think my greeting was along the lines of Stitches awesome hello... And Gosh! I probably looked like a moron! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
As I mentally beat myself up over muttering those unreal words at his face, Cap exchanged a nod with him and then we passed through the doors. I dropped my gaze to the floor in front of me to hide my shame, but then the sparkling floors and sleek interior of the hallway made me look back up. The walls were a shiny metallic surface and there was a fancy trim along the walkway.

1 × Unearth × Avengers
Fanfiction"Screw it." × × × × If sixteen year old Daya knew her world would be turned upside down once her life got twisted in with the Avengers, she would have ran for the hills. With her long forgotten memories surfacing more and mor...