35 × Set In Stone

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Daya's subconscious...

Bucky continued to lead me over to the chair. The lab coats were all making final preparations with IVs, needles, and other various forms of medical supplies. The ones I cannot remember nor have the attention span to learn the names for my life. The room was practically buzzing with science dudes, soldiers, and a whole lot of weird.

When I got to the chair, I turned around and looked around at everyone. My brows knitted and I felt the need to cry. Bucky, still standing in front of me, saw this and picked me up. But instead of him carrying me or just holding me in his arms, he placed me down on the chair gently. My view suddenly became blurry. . . I was crying.

"Prep it."

Suddenly with those words I was being surrounded by all the lab coats. One hit a switch and without warning I was clamped in place by my arms, some actual metal clamps snapped shut around my tiny arms. Another began flicking a needle before jamming it into my arm, the feeling of the liquid being sent through my veins in an instant. A weird chill made its way down my spine causing me to shiver.

"Open." One of the guys said with what looked like a bite guard in his hand, inching it closer to my face. I grimaced but clenched it between my teeth.

My eyes continued to study the room, all the men and soldiers standing around in expectance. The man in the suit stood with a smile whereas Bucky stood beside him with a frown. His expression unreadable but you could tell he was upset in some way. The soldiers seemed pleased to see me in the chair and state I was in, some of their lips curled upward into smirks. As I continued to stare, the lab coats came from behind and joined them to observe me up front. I turned to see who was left but someone pushed my tiny self back into the chair, a weird mechanical device coming right over my head.

Then my screams filled the air.

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Third Person POV

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Strucker stood anxiously as he stared at the now foggy black water filled tank. Daya had been under for a full twenty minutes and soon he and Dr. List were about to pull the plug, until an ominous green glow began to appear. The vibrant green streaks coursing through Daya's veins were making themselves known. Because of her attire, the flow started from her underarms and travelled down to her palms. And Strucker had an idea of what was happening.


"Heart rate spiking. . ." Dr. List answered as he looked between the tablet in his hands and her with a worried expression. The amount of energy being produced by her powers were coming in waves, chaotic, unstable, erratic waves. And since they never experienced this display, they were about to find out that her power shorted out the other inhibitor devices; and that meant the collar. "Sir. . . I think-"

"Doc!" A soldier came rushing in, cutting him off. Because of the urgency, he and Strucker turned to acknowledge him as if to tell him to go on. "The twins. . . The girl began to scream. She said something about feeling someone's presence and that her mind was being torn apart. . ." He said between breaths.

Strucker and List shared a look.

"You don't think. . ."

"The wipe. . ." Strucker recalled and completed his assumption, turning back around to look at Daya's bright veins.

He was there when they performed the procedure. Although he wasn't present in the room, he was there. The sudden thought of her mind being wiped picked up in her memories made him realize how close the events of her memorization begun. Hydra wanted warriors but she rejected their cause completely, so they figured a wipe could do the trick. Only thing is that every bit of information about Hydra over the years, every last file up until her wiping, was stored away in her brain. The private sessions her mom had between hours were study sessions, and because of her authority the others never dared to question her. Besides snitching Strucker.

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