20 × Full Story

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Worst. Meeting. Ever.

If they expect me to attend another meeting like that, I will throw myself out a window. I mean I completely blew my chance of being serious and taking part in the meeting "seriously" the moment I walked through the door. Not even walk through the door! Fumble awkwardly through the door.

Well, now I'm on my way back to my room. They asked me what I could "help" with and I said that I could get Jake to tell me what he knows.

Ain't that the million dollar question.

I got to hand it to him, the last time he kept a secret from me this good was also another time Kane had a mission for him. And he didn't tell me what it was about until a week later. And the amount of pestering I did to get it out of him should probably be a world record.

The secret wasn't even a HUGE secret. It was something about... jewels? I don't remember.

"JAKE!" I screamed down the hall with a smirk.

The rooms all look the same, so what else am I supposed to do?

"WHAT!?" He yelled back from a room two doors down.

"You gotta start talking! That's what!" I yelled back while strutting up to it.

"What do you mean?" He replied gruffly.

Annnddddd... Release the hounds....

"Grrrrrrruuuuuaaaaaahhhh! Just say words that make sense! Tell them what you know! Save us both a heep of stress and get us out of here!" I growled back from my side of the door.

While throwing my hands up and around the air like a mad chicken I might add.

There was a quiet pause for a while before he could respond. And when he did, I knew he seriously thought about what he was going to say next.

"I'll... I'll talk. But only to you. I don't want them hearing it from me. I don't believe THEY will believe what I have to say anyways. No matter what I try to tell them." He answered in a low voice through the door.

I nodded in satisfaction, but I remembered he couldn't see me.

Derp moment.

"Okay." I agreed with a nod again.

× × × ×

"Okay.... What do you know?" I questioned while turning around dramatically in my spinny chair and feeling my fake beard.

After I dragged Jake out of his room, I started my interrogation in my room. His room seemed a little too plain for my taste, so that's why we ended up back in my room.

"I- What is that?" He jumped topics and pointed to my fake beard.

"Ah, ah, ah, I ask the questions around here." I corrected him while pointing my finger back at him.

He folded his arms and raised one brow with irritation at my get up. I motioned to the scrap piece of paper I cut up on the table and the roll of tape I used to stick the beard to my face with.

"Is that what you've been doing for the past 10 minutes?" He asked with a bit of sarcasm.

"Yes." I answered plainly.

Moving away to the edge of my bed, he scoffed and dropped his posture to a more relaxed one.

"All that's missing is a sweet 'stash." He motioned to his own lips and made an outline of a curly moustache with his fingers in a joking manner.

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