Ms Barnes.
James Barnes.
My father.
My mind has been in a constant spiral since Strucker said... those words. I was so dumbstruck that I didn't bother escaping for the past two "meal times". And also the fact that I was healing from the last one.
I just. . . can't think straight.
I shuffled on the bed.
James Barnes aka Bucky. Steve's best friend. The Winter Soldier. Is my father.
This is a crud ton to take in. And it most definitely counts as the icing on the cake for this very lovely weekend of a downward spiral of my life.
Fudge balls.
I shuffled on the bed again.
I mean, I knew my mom was lying when she said he was dead. But technically speaking, he is dead. To the world. Officially speaking. Since James Barnes body was never found. Crap, I need to stop calling him by his full name. Oh geez this is WEIRD.
Fu. . .dge.
Freaking shit.
How do I explain this to Jake? How do I explain this to Steve? How do I explain this at ALL?!
And when the time comes. . . how am I supposed to explain this to Bucky?
Fuck me.
I worked out the hints, I worked out the clues, the dates, the lies my mom told me, the memories, it seems to match up. But I can't help but reject that idea since it came from Strucker. The dude is now Hydra's new head Mojo JoJo. He could be lying just to get in my head, but what was the likeliness of him saying Buckys name? He could have said some other random persons name or even someone from the team, but he didn't.
I need to wrap my head around this. . .
~8 weeks later~
It's been. . . sixteen "meal times" since Strucker told me about. . . that. I've tried nine times out of those sixteen meal times to escape, all of them obviously a failure. Strucker got so used to me escaping that he melded half the doors I find in this joint shut. Which would explain why I didn't bother for my other attempts. . . Although I think I saw a way of contacting the team in one of the many rooms, a computer room to be exact, but there were a lot of workers and scientists in there. And soldiers.
And the other reason why I haven't tried escaping is the fact that Strucker orders his men to beat me to a pulp when I do. I didn't make that deter me.
Until now.
The last time I tried he made them break my arm. I took the pain and swallowed my pride in his presence but deep down I was burning with rage. I had to snap it back in place and create a makeshift cast in order for it to heal. Its still healing. I can feel my healing slowly dwindle over time. Best guess is because of malnutrition. Then- as if the collar and broken arm wasn't enough- they figured they'll put a pair of cuffs on me as an extra double precaution. The thick metal restraints are too heavy for my weak muscles to manage, they are like one of those Chinese finger trap thingys but with your whole arms.

1 × Unearth × Avengers
Fanfiction"Screw it." × × × × If sixteen year old Daya knew her world would be turned upside down once her life got twisted in with the Avengers, she would have ran for the hills. With her long forgotten memories surfacing more and mor...