33 × Hard Wired

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HEY! So I did not crawl into a hole and go off the grid, but I was SHOOK. DAMN RUSSO BROS AND CO. AND INFINITY WAR IS A HUGE BALL OF STEAMING HOT FEELS! That is all I'm going to say. #thanosdemandsyoursilence. Oh, and look at little steeb! He's such a little sour cat Irish Catholic sass ball of fight me, I heard that from a post.😂



Third Person POV

After the events that had taken place twenty-four hours earlier, Daya was checked out by Dr. List- Struckers second in command and assistant doctor - and informed Strucker that she had suffered a concussion. Meaning that whatever planned attempts to get information out of her were cancelled. She was beginning to come around now, and the pain in her head had numbed the effects of throwing her into another memory. Which was for the best to some degree.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and was met with the same bright light as before. She kissed her teeth as she realized that she never got close to escaping, nor Jake and the team rescued her. She groaned as she brought her hand up to her head, feeling the wrap around her forehead. The force from the impact on the rock had nearly split her skull, but a worthy cut managed to spill some blood. Her hand trailed over the thick and scratchy material before bringing it back down to her side, propping herself up on the flat uncomfortable bed.

"Damn. . ." She cursed as she looked around the cell. It proved to be an annoyance to her with its metal interior, bright light, and freezing air. Not to mention nothing but a bed made out of hard foam and a pillow made out of a tough plastic. Then her stomach growled prompting her to roll her eyes.

The thought that she was back in there was a major headache, and it wasn't helping the concussion. With her major head injury, and the previously healed back injury caused by Pietro, things weren't going her way. But in her eyes it was just a setback. Like her power, she was headstrong, stubborn, and erratic. Such traits could either spell defeat or triumph to her enemies.

The sudden thought of her mom and what Strucker said made her more upset. The douche may have been lying but why lie? Why was it so important to bring up her mom? The facts weren't making any sense to her, and the mess of confusion was pounding on her concussive cut. Instead she ran laps of different ways to escape this irksome confinement.

As she sat on the bed mulling over the thought of escape, Strucker and his soldiers were notified of her awakening by the security system monitoring her in the cell and were already on their way. The squad that she had always deemed a bunch of "turds" were highly trained soldiers, the likes of which Hydra could afford. Their tactics based on many forms of martial arts, hand to hand combat, Black Ops standards, and SHIELD standards. Yet compared to Daya's very own tactics, they were less than her. The only problem is that she hasn't completely figured that out.

The formation in which they were in was strategically thought out. Seeing as she would go for a fight first, dishing out punches or kicks to take the first wave out, Struckers squad predicted a few soldiers with shields would deter her from causing any problems, which was proved in her first awakening. This time around they made the strongest of them first, in order to stray from a pattern, then lining up behind them would be the "tasers". And as the name suggests, they would be the ones that would subdue her with electric shocks from their batons. As they all closed in on her cell, Strucker remained behind them, maintaining the maniacal boss entrance.

When they finally reached and paused at the door, Daya remained silent and deep in thought on what the plan of escape was. Not knowing they were already literally at her doorstep she decided to lay back down onto her side. The exact moment she did, the squad was notified by surveillance to enter.

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