1: Chapter one

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"Sirius! Get up! Wake up!" Harry Potter yelled at his twin brother, but the boy was proving increasingly more impossible to awaken. Sirius merely groaned and rolled over onto his brother's feet, causing Harry to sigh and kick his brother in the stomach, the boy flinched and opened his hazel eyes, staring at his brother in disgust.

"Ow." He stated plainly, before sitting up and rubbing his abdomen with a glare at his brother.

"I did try to wake you." Harry said, raising his eyebrows at his brother, who just glared at him again and started hunting for clean clothes.

"Thanks Harry." Sirius sighed at his brother, who laughed at him.

"You're welcome Sirius, now hurry up, we need to make the bacon and coffee, it's Dudley's birthday." Harry told him, Sirius stared at him for a moment, before his eyes widened.

"That's tomorrow, right?" Sirius asked, Harry shook his head.

"You said that yesterday, it's today." He pointed out, Sirius frowned.

"Don't give me that look." Sirius said accusingly at his brother.

"What look?" Harry frowned.

"The look you give me every time you think I say something stupid." Sirius answered.

"You did say something stupid." Harry told him, a hint of smugness in his voice.

"It was a genuine question." Sirius responded, before sighing. "You're doing it again!" he added.

"I'm not doing anything, now hurry up." Harry answered, back. Sirius rolled his eyes and pulled on his socks.

"Let's go!" He yelled happily, doing an army style roll out of the cupboard under the stairs. Harry laughed and shook his head, before following his brother into the Kitchen, where Harry began to make bacon, and Sirius began to make their aunt and uncle some coffee.

When the two had finished and everyone was sat at the table, Sirius noticed the way Dudley's face changed from happy to angry as he counted his presents. The twins looked at one another and quickly began to eat their breakfast, lest Dudley turn the table over, again.

However, that did not happen, instead an argument began to break out, but Sirius wasn't bothered by that, he was too busy cutting the fat from his bacon into tiny pieces. Harry was watching him, concern on his face.

"Siri, what are you doing?" He asked, Sirius shrugged.

"I don't know." He answered with another shrug.

"Mrs Figg is ill, she can't take them." Aunt Petunia said, after finishing her conversation on the phone, with someone who was presumably Mrs Figg. Both Harry and his brother looked up at this. At least they wouldn't have to spend another day looking at pictures of cats, again.

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