2: chapter three

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The Dursleys now knew that the twins were not permitted to use magic outside of school. After Dobby had made Aunt Petunia's pudding all over their guest, a letter had arrived for Harry, warning him of the rules of use of magic outside of school. And the Dursleys were furious.

The very next day, Vernon had called a workman to the house, to fit bars on the window, had a cat flap fitted in the door and installed several locks onto the door as well.

Seeing as the work was finished, Sirius decided to have a power nap. His injuries, although so close to healing, were still causing him both pain and discomfort and taking their toll on his ability to sleep at night. As he slept, the Dursleys entered the room, explaining to Harry, as though he would not have possibly guessed, that there would most definitely be now way for him to go back to Hogwarts. They were on their way out, ready to lock the two in, when Aunt Petunia paused and regarded her youngest nephew thoughtfully.

"We should split them up." She finally decided. Harry's eyes widened in horror and he sprang up, standing protectivly in front of his brother.

"No! Don't you dare touch him!" Harry yelled at the adults, whom looked slight shocked and very taken aback.

Sirius awoke at his brothers shout, he looked around in confusion, before settling on the scene in front of him. "Harry? What's going on?" He questioned he didn't like the atmosphere on the room, it both worried him and put him on edge.

"They want to split us up." Harry told him, Sirius' eyes widened, he didn't like the thought ofosjng his brother and the two facing the Dursleys alone.

"No!" He whispered, his eyes pleading with his Aunt. "Please?"

Uncle Vernon grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the room. He tried desperately to get free, and Harry tried to help him, but was fended away from his brother by Aunt Petunia. When they made it downstairs, and Petunia unlocked the cellar door, he rigged where they were to lock him up.

He fought desperately to get away, but ended up being pushed down the stairs. He hit the ground with the stomach churning sound of bones cracking. He assumed it was his ankle, as that had began to hurt him dreadfully. And then he did what he had promised never to do again, especially not because of them. He began to cry.

And as he cried, he began to lose his grip on consciousness, and before the darkness over took him completely, he sent out a desperate plea in his mind, despite knowing no one would hear him. He called for help from those he hoped would hear him. He called to Jane and Ollie, before the darkness grabbed hold of him.

Ollie shuddered suddenly, frowning at what had just overtaken him.

"Did you feel that?" He looked up from the textbook he was studying to stare at his sister in surprise. And then he nodded.

"Yeah, it felt like... Sirius." Ollie frowned, he felt like the younger boy was in trouble and it unsettled him.

"I think he's in trouble." Jane nodded, she put down her book and went over to the window. "Those muggles are no good."

"You don't think they've done something to him, do you?" Ollie asked tentativly, she turned and stared at him, not looking too impressed.

"He mentioned being locked under the stairs as though it was normal. What do you think?" She replied, shaking her head at him.

"Should we go and find him? What if he's in trouble?" Ollie began to worry, Jane sighed at him.

"For God's sake Ollie, of course he's in trouble, you felt that didn't you?" She gave him such a glare that it scared him slightly.

"Yeah... What do you think happened to him?" Ollie asked.

The door opened and Aro walked in, he was lacking his usual composure. The two stood to attention.

"We will not be looking for the boy." He told them, they stared at him as though he had just told them that pigs were beginning to fly in the wild.

"We can't just leave him!" Ollie yelled, he barely argued with Aro anymore.

"How do you suppose we find him then? You know when he's in that house I can't track him." Aro told them grandly.

"We know people who can." Jane countered, but to her surprise, Aro shook his head.

"No, leave him for now, my seer has told me he is in for an interesting rescue, we will meet him in Hogwarts." With that Aro left, leaving the Swan siblings to frown at one another.

"He had to be the problematic one, didn't he?" She rolled her eyes and went back to her book.

"Problematic? He's the one who saved us!" Ollie argued, she just pulled a face at him, he laughed and picked up his book again.

Sirius did get rescued in the end, but not by who he had hoped. Instead, it was a red-haired fourth year, who looked at him in shock, and slight horror, before shaking the shoulder of the unconscious boy, hoping that he would wake up.

"Sirius? Hey are you alright?" Fred crouched down beside the boy, sighing in relief as he woke up.

"Fred?" Sirius frowned.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Fred helped Sirius up to his room, and into a flying car, where he sat, dazed and confused, waiting for Harry and George to get into the car.

"What happened to you?" Ron asked him, Sirius looked up, his head aching and his eyes feeling like they were on fire.

"I don't really know."

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