1: chapter twenty eight

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York was nicer than Sirius had expected. He had left Harry with instructions to cover for him, nd had made it to York alone, with a fiver and his wand only.

He doubted his aunt and uncle would care, and the closer he got to the Swan siblings, the less his wounds hurt. He was wandering through side street after side street, following his gut feeling.

He wasn't sure where he was going, he just knew he had to find his friends. He wasn't even sure how Jane had sent that letter, but he knew it had to be bad if she herself had reached out for help.

Suddenly, he sensed something in the shadows, no someone. Aro. He turned to look at the man.

"Sirius. You're impressive." He said. Sirius just frowned. If Aro was here why hadn't he helped them? "I'm not really here. And I cannot get to them. You must help them yourself, if you do, I will forget your behaviour from a few weeks ago."

"Okay." Sirius knew he had to be careful with what he said. He couldn't get into anymore trouble. Not when he had to help his friends.

With that Aro disappeared, leaving Sirius alone, confused as to why he has no gut feeling as to where to go anymore. He sighed. He had lost them.

He sat down on the pavement, trying to work out which way to go. His pain had heightened slightly, which told him he had somehow gotten himself further away, or they had moved. If they had moved, he would never find them.

It was as he began to give up, that his gut feeling returned. He stood up at once, something told him that one of them was on trouble. He continued through an alley and onto a busy main street. People shoved past him as he tried desperately to continue up the street. It was like everything was against him. Finally reaching his turning, which took him through to a quiet cul-de-sac. And there it was. The house on the end.

He reached it, scared at how he had seen no movement, no life. The house itself looked less than lived in and a grate covered a window to the basement. It was open.

"Jane?" He asked tentativly. He saw her appear below him, she looked relieved to see him, which was very out of character for her.

"Sirius, thank God." She breathed, "you need to find a way inside. Please hurry."

"Okay, I'll... I'll be as fast as I can." He said, before leaving her and going to the door. He couldn't find a key, but the door was unlocked anyway. Their father wasn't the brightest evidently.

The house was dusty and unclean, mud and items flung everywhere. Pictures of Jane and Ollie as children hung on the walls. They were adorable. He got distracted by looking at all the Pictures, until he heard Ollie crying out with pain.

Turning, Sirius found the door to the basement, but no key. A box full of keys was found in the kitchen, and he tried seventeen before finding the correct key. The lock itself was stiff and he struggled immensely before it finally opened.

He ran down the steps and found Ollie curled up in a ball, crying, he was covered in dried blood and Sirius couldn't figure out what was hurting him. Jane knelt next to her brother, but upon seeing Sirius she got up and threw her arms around him.

"Thank god you're here. We sent our school stuff back to Hogwarts the day after we got here, we knew something was off, our clothes are packed to leave, we were gonna go, but he locked us down here." She paused and hugged him again, "I don't know what's wrong with him."

Sirius sat down beside Ollie, the boy looked at him for a moment. Before unwinding out of his compact position. Sirius smiled at him. "You okay?"

Ollie nodded, but when Sirius gave him a hug, he felt the older boy sobbing in his arms. "Hey, it's okay. We're gonna get out of here."

He helped Ollie up, and noticed the cut on his chest. That was where the blood had come from. "You're still hurt." Ollie accused him. He shrugged.

"I'm fine."

"You really came all the way on your own, for us?" Jane asked him, he nodded.

"You asked for my help." He answered. Ollie was leaning heavily on his shoulder. "We need to get out of here."

Jane nodded and helped him help Ollie up the stairs. They reached the hall, before meeting a tall, angry-looking man. Sirius heard Jane gasp loudly. Evidently, this was their father.

"Where on earth do you think you're going, and who is this?" He bellowed, Jane sighed, before making sure Sirius could take Ollie's weight and stepping forward.

"We're leaving, this is our friend, we asked for his help and he came to save us." She said bravely. The man just laughed.

"Funny how an eleven year old boy can help you, but your brother cannot." He laughed, Ollie angrily tried to run forward and hit out at the man, but Sirius held him back.

"Ollie!" He hissed, grabbing him by the waist and pulling him back.

"Sirius, let me at him." Ollie said, trying to make it seem like he was calm. It didn't work.

"So he can kill you? No!" Sirius shook his head. Ollie sighed, almost falling over as he tried to get Sirius to let go of him.

"We're leaving, you can't stop us." Jane said boldly, the man laughed again, and grabbed her arm.

"Your friend can stay, but you will never leave this house!" Suddenly, the man was blasted across the room, hitting the door to the kitchen.

"Did you just... Sirius did you just do wandless magic?" Both Swan siblings were staring at him. He shook his head.

"No, did you?" He asked back. Ollie grabbed hold of him as he stumbled slightly.

"You did, I felt it." Ollie told him. Sirius didn't look too convinced. "Come on, let's get out of here."

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