2: chapter thirteen

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Platform nine and three quarters was busy, was it always was. Friend's greeting friends for the first time in weeks, mothers and fathers waving goodbye to their children for the first time, people moving about everywhere. Sirius soon lost his friends in the bustle of the crowd, and was about to call out one of their names, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning quickly around, he found himself looking at Aro.

"I have a job for you." He said, he seemed to be avoiding something, Some one. Sirius frowned.

"Do you not want me to get the others?" He asked, unsure of what was going on.

"No, this task is only to be entrusted to you. Jane and Ollie must not know." Aro was adamant, but Sirius felt uneasy keeping something like this from them, finally he nodded.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" He asked carefully, trying to figure out the situation he was being kept from.

"Find the chamber and kill the memory." Aro replied vaguely, Sirius sighed, he just wanted a simple answer.

"Is that it?"

"I dare not reveal more, you must keep this a secret." Aro told him, he was fixated on that part, no one else must know.

"I don't like keeping a secret from my friends." Sirius spoke his concerns, he understood what he had to do, he just didn't like it.

"Only Jane and Ollie must never find out." Aro told him, which took a bit of the weight off Sirius' shoulders, he could at least tell Hannah, Justin and Ernie.

"Are you sure?" Sirius tried, he had to, he just had to.

"I am sure." Aro nodded, "And be careful of the creature."

"what creature?" The boy asked, but Aro had disappeared. He cursed, he hated this, he hated it all, but at the same time... it felt like it was what he was supposed to do.

"Sirius!" Justin called, snapping Sirius out of his thoughts, he couldn't seen his friend and almost jumped out of his skin as the boy grabbed his arm. "Are you alright?"

"Just... I have something to tell you, bit not here." Sirius replied, Justin nodded slowly.

"Okay, come on." He led his friend onto the train, where Hannah had found Ernie and a compartment for them.

"You found him!" Hannah celebrated, as Sirius and Ernie greeted each other with a laugh. They hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"I sure did." Justin grinned, Sirius closed the compartment door and gestured for his friends to gather round. He explained what had happened in hushed tones.

"Thats insane." Justin said, his eyes wide.

"Not to tell them at all?" Ernie asked, Sirius nodded.

"I don't like it but... will you help me?"

"Of course we will, it's not like we'd let you do it alone anyway." Hannah grinned. "We're best friends, a team."

Sirius smiled for a split second before frowning. " Where are Jane and Ollie?"

"They sort of... Walked off as we were boarding the train, like they didn't want to be seen with us." Ernie told him, causing his frown to deepen.

"What did we do?" Sirius asked, he didn't understand what was wrong and began to wonder if he should go and find the two, a thought he stated to his friends.

"No, they probably want to be alone." Hannah replied, turning her gaze from the window to the door, "besides it seems we have company."

A small group of Slytherins stood at the door, some they knew, some they didn't. But they invited them in anyway. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle they knew, the other three they recognised, but weren't sure of their names.

"This is Pansy, Blaise and Theo." Draco explained, as he and his group sat down opposite them. They quickly introduced themselves.

"So my father says that something significant is going to happen this year." Draco told them, spilling the tea like always.

"What does that mean?" Sirius asked with a frown, what did Lucius Malfoy mean?

"I don't know, he wouldn't tell me." Draco replied, he looked at them, as though telling a ghost story. "He did say one thing though, that history is going to repeat itself."

"So if we want to know what will happen, we just have to find out what happened last time." Hannah decided.

"You say that as though it's easy." Blaise commented, stretching out in his space between Theodore Nott and Pansy.

"Theo spends time in the library, he can do it." Pansy suggested, causing the boy in question to pull a face. Draco snorted.

"No, why do all the work when Sirius can just get Granger to find out." The blond sneered.

"I can't just ask her." Sirius said, shaking his head. "She won't listen."

"To be fair, she won't, unless she works it out for herself." Hannah agreed.

"So we let her, talk about it, make it obvious for her." Draco grinned.

"This is some serious much ado like plotting." Theo sighed, surprising them, he didn't seem the type to be a Shakespeare fan.

"Shut up Theo." Crabbe and Goyle told him, they often acted like a single entity and it was wholly unnerving.

"Leave him alone, yeah?" Blaise glared at them, his presence was a lot larger than Theo's, who seemed like he wanted to disappear. Blaise glanced at him, before stretching his arms and resting them behind Theo and Pansy.

Trying to figure the three out, Justin watched them each in turn. Theodore Nott, he was jumpy and seemed awkward, probably didn't like Pansy, not that he blamed her, he'd heard she was insufferable. Blaise Zabini, the 'cool kid' type. Powerful and with a certain presence that drew you to him, he was confident and easy to talk to. Last there was Pansy Parkinson, she was pretty, and she knew it. She strutted around like she owned the place and fawned over Draco constantly. Justin wasn't a big fan.

"Any way, we just wait for Granger to figure it out." Draco continued, as though nothing had happened. Hannah and Ernie exchanged a look and rolled their eyes, it was going to be a long train ride.

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