2: chapter eight

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"Sirius Charlus Potter! Boy have we missed you." Sirius opened the door to find Justin and Hannah smiling at him. Justin's mother stood behind them with a smile.

"Sirius, it's so good to finally meet you." She smiled at them, she looked even prettier than the photo Justin had once showed him. "Your uncle met us downstairs, it's so nice of the two of you to invite Justin and Hannah to stay, they're enjoying Italy so much."

"Its um... no problem." Sirius smiled at her.

"Alright, well I'll see you guys in Diagon Alley next week." She ruffled Justin's hair and left the three stood in the doorway.

"My uncle?" Sirius finally asked.

"We met Aro outside and had a little chat with him." Hannah told him. "So you have a lot to fill us in about."

Sirius sighed. "Well, you've missed a lot." He told them before telling them all that bad happened once they were sat down in the living room.

"So what is Ollie there for? And why is he obsessed with you?" Hannah asked at once.

"I don't think obsessed is the right word." Sirius replied running a hand through his hair. "Aro wouldn't tell me why, but every one keeps mentioning a prophecy and they won't actually tell me what it's about."

"You think he's included in the prophecy?" Justin questioned.

"I heard somewhere that there was a prophecy about a Potter and a Swan." Hannah added. "That's insane."

"What I want to know is did he really call you his equal?" Justin asked.

"Yeah." Sirius nodded.

"That's insane." Justin grinned. "Also I'm hungry."

"I can make Bolognese." Sirius offered. They agreed with the choice of meal and followed him into the kitchen.

"Let's get cooking!" Hannah celebrated, examining the contents of the fridge with a grin.

She turned on the radio and grabbed a large pan. Dancing around the two bemused boys, who watched her with a frown before gathering the ingredients they needed. They proceeded to dance and cook following Hannahs dance expertise. She had been her county champion at only ten years old, of which she revealed to them later.

It did not take long for the Bolognese to be complete and the three to be sat, eating and laughing as they caught up on what had been going on in each other's lives. There was something about one another that had brought the three together in that strange coincidence of events. And now they needed one another, they relied on one another without realising it. And if one were to be taken away from them they would be in the deepest turmoil.

After eating, which didn't take long, the three squeezed onto the love seat and began to talk again. As always, Sirius' friends wanted to know more about his strange abilities.

"So these visions?" Hannah prompted. Sirius sighed.

"Hannah it had never happened to me before, I mean I've recalled things that I've seen before, but not like that." He replied, she poked his cheek with a smile.

"Do you think you can control it?" She asked, as though conducting a survey.

"I don't really know." The boy replied. Justin wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Well, we'll just have to make Aro teach you." She replied. "We're going to training with you by the way."

"Yep, he's the reason we're here, so he can put up with us." Justin grinned.

"I really missed you guys." Sirius said, his friends laughed.

"And we missed you." Hannah poked his cheek again, leaning her own cheek against his shoulder. "Never again are we going to go this long without talking. Promise me, both of you." She looked at both boys sternly.

"Never again." Sirius nodded.

"Never again." Justin agreed, the three linking their pinky fingers and making the promise. They did not want to be parted again.

It was the middle of the night when Sirius awoke, he was squashed in the bed inbetween Hannah and Justin, and wasn't sure why he had woken up. His head was pounding, and scared he was going to see more visions, he got up for some water.

The visions did come, but not as bad as they had. He saw a huge snake, hiding in the depths of the school, of Hogwarts. He saw the ghost of a girl and the warning that history was about to repeat itself. As they faded from his minds eye, he saw Hannah stood in the doorway.

"What did you see?" She asked gently, taking the glass out of his hand and filling it up with water.

"A snake, a serpent. In the school and a girl who died." He answered, she pulled him close to her, he had gone pale.

"That's the past, we're all safe now." She told him, he nodded.

"I get the impression it's about to happen again. What if it's one of us?" He asked, the fear in his voice sky-rocketing. She smiled gently.

"We can't think about the what ifs. We just need to focus on the now." He nodded at her words and took a sip of water. "Come on, let's go and get some more sleep." He nodded and followed her back to the bedroom.

"Night Hannah."

"Good night Sirius."

Back in England, Harry too lay awake.

"Ron?" He asked.

"I'm sure Sirius is fine Harry." Ron replied sleepily, rolling over onto his back. Harry laughed.

"Do you think we'll have a quieter year at Hogwarts this time?" Harry mused.

"You-know-who is gone Harry, so I guess so." Ron told him with a sigh. "It'll be just education from now on."

"So you don't think Dobby was telling the truth?" Harry continued asking questions, Ron sighed, it was one in the morning and usually when Harry asked him questions, he stopped after two.

"I doubt it, he was probably sent to play a joke on you. Bet it was Malfoy." Ron hypothesized, before flopping onto his back with a sigh. "Go to sleep Harry."

"Night Ron."

"Night Harry."

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