1: chapter nighteen

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Sirius rarely saw his brother, but when he did, Harry was always either acting or doing something suspicious

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Sirius rarely saw his brother, but when he did, Harry was always either acting or doing something suspicious. And when Harry, Ron and Hermione cornered him, he knew that somehow he was going to be dragged into some sort of trouble as well. He just wanted his brother to stay out of trouble for once.

"Hey Hermione, it's been a while, we miss you." Sirius gave the bushy-haired girl a hug. She hugged him back, her friends looking on in disapproval.

"I'll be in the library on Friday afternoon if you want to study with me." She offered.

"Sure." Sirius smiled, before looking at the other two with a sigh. "What trouble are you in this time?"

"Who says we're in trouble?" Ron asked defensively.

"The fact that you dragged me into a part of the castle we won't easily be overheard." Sirius told them with a sigh, he hated having to learn of and go along with their hare-brained schemes.

"Fair point." Ron nodded.

"Did we ever tell you about the three-headed dog we found." Harry asked.

Sirius shrugged. "I don't know, maybe."

"Well, we know what it is hiding and we think Snape wants to steal it." Harry explained.

"You think Snape wants to steal from a three-headed dog!" His brother exclaimed. "Harry, he's a teacher, if he wanted to steal it he would have done it ages ago, and he's not stupid enough to go up against something like that."

"Why wouldn't it be Snape?" Hermione asked, interested in what he was about to say.

"Because if it is in the school, then it's obviously going to be protected by the teachers, so Snape will be protecting it!" Sirius told them. "You lot are barmy."

"But Snape tried to kill Harry!" Ron exclaimed.

"Really? When?" Sirius was unimpressed.

"At the last quidditch match, why weren't you there?" Harry sounded hurt at the prospect.

"I hate quidditch, so Leah and I stayed behind." Sirius shrugged.

"Snape tried to jinx Harry's broom." Hermione explained.

"How do you know he wasn't muttering a counter-curse?" Sirius asked.

"He was the only one."

"Fair enough, but what was the point of telling me all this?" Sirius asked.

"Because you might have some idea of what to do, of how we can stop Snape?" Harry answered hopefully.

"Well you could kill him." Sirius said, earning a horrified look from the three gryffindors.

"Tempting, but no." Ron sighed.

"I don't know, follow him? Kidnap him? Ask someone who isn't me?" Sirius suggested.

"And another thing." Harry said. "I don't suppose you know how to hide a dragon?"



After talking to the trio, Sirius found a quiet part of the castle to sit and read the book Hermione had lent him, which was called Hogwarts a history. The two had talked after Harry and Ron had left to write a letter to Ron's dragon-loving brother Charlie, and Hermione had told him he had to read it.

"Potter! What do you know about Hagrid's dragon?" Draco Malfoy was suddenly stood in front of him. The boy jumped, he hadn't noticed the blond approach him.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sirius looked up from his book in alarm, he was sure Draco wasn't supposed to know about Hagrid's dragon.

"The dragon, I know you know about it." Draco was intimidating the boy, who bit his lip before speaking again.

"Well, I guess... I mean..." Sirius didn't get to finish what he was struggling to say because someone had begun talking over him.

"Leave the poor kid alone Malfoy." It was Ollie.

"I need information Swan." Draco glowered.

"You've already seen the dragon, what more do you want? What more do you need to know?" Ollie reasoned, Draco sloped off, leaving the Ravenclaw to sit down beside the boy. "Does Harry tell you certain things or everything?"

"Certain things." Sirius answered, before closing the book and looking at Ollie. "I appreciate it, I really do, but I can handle things on my own."

"I know you like to think that, but you can't." Ollie said, then he sighed. "Or maybe I'm being overprotective."

"Why would you be overprotective?" Sirius frowned.

"I care about you." Ollie answered. "We're a team, we have to care about each other."

"I guess that's true...." Sirius frowned.

"Jane tells me to stop interfering, maybe I should listen to her." Ollie sighed again.

"Maybe you should." Sirius agreed with a nod.

"Or maybe I should force us all to get to know each other." Ollie suggested.

Sirius looked at him like he was mad. "Or you could not."

"Come on, it'll be fun." Ollie got up and held out his hand to the boy.

"You don't know the meaning of fun, do you?"

"Come on!" Ollie hauled the boy up from the floor and dragged him along the corridor, much to Sirius' disgust.

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