1: Chapter seven

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'Looks like you're a Hufflepuff!' The hat shouted

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'Looks like you're a Hufflepuff!' The hat shouted.

For a moment, no one said anything. They all expected Sirius to be a Gryffindor, just like Harry. Then the Hufflepuffs, Led by Hannah and Justin began clapping. Everyone else soon joined in, and Sirius joined Justin and Hannah at the Hufflepuff table. He looked at his brother as he passed him, Harry looked concerned for a moment, but then grinned at Sirius.

"A potter in Hufflepuff? This is going to be an interesting year!" an older student said to Sirius cheerily. "I'm Cedric by the way, Cedric Diggory."

"I'm Sirius, but I guess you already knew that." Sirius shook the hand Cedric offered him.

"We knew you'd do well." Hannah said happily.

"We're very proud Sirius." Justin added.

"Guys stop, you're embarrassing me." Sirius joked. The three laughed.

All of them looked up when Jane's name was announced.

"Swan, Jane."

Jane did not look nervous as she sat on the stool and waited for the hat to give its verdict.

Jane got up and went to her table, shooting Sirius a smirk as she did so.

"She seemed like a Ravenclaw." Hannah commented, looking at the girl curiously, Sirius could only nod in response.

"She does." He agreed after a while. Hannah laughed.

"Your brother is looking at you." She said after both Sirius and Justin had questioned her on what she was laughing at.

Sirius glanced over to his brother worriedly, Harry was trying to get his attention, which meant he would happily kill Sirius if Sirius ignored him. And Sirius ignored him.

"He probably wants to talk to me, but who has time for that?" Sirius laughed, earning a few laughs from his friends, but they seemed concerned.

"Is he angry at you?" Justin asked worriedly. Sirius frowned and shrugged.

"I don't know, probably, Harry is generally always angry at me, apparently I act like an idiot half the time." Sirius said, his heart sinking as he realised he was right, his brother thought he was an idiot, or maybe that's just how he perceived it.

"But that's ridiculous!" Hannah exclaimed, her anger overshadowing the delicious food that had randomly appeared in front of them.

"But I do act like an idiot." Sirius shrugged again.

"That's because you are you, an amazing person, who happens to act completely different to his brother." Hannah told him. Sirius sighed.

"Well I'm flattered, but that doesn't make it any less true." Sirius said dramatically.

"What if it is true?" Justin challenged randomly.

"Then I'm dead. And when I die, tell my family I hate them." Sirius said dramatically, causing Hannah and Justin to laugh.

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