3: chapter five

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Sirius groaned and rolled over. Aro had needed help containing Gideon, meaning he had been the distraction whilst Aro and Lianna came up with a solution. It was always him who got attacked by Gideon and he was beginning to take it personally. Somehow everytime he went to Aro's he always ended up in the infirmary.

"How do you feel?" Ollie asked as he walked in with a cup of water.

"Have you cut your hair?" Sirius demanded upon taking one look at him.

"Yeah, why?" Ollie frowned.

"I don't like it." He replied bluntly.

"Told you." Jane said as she walked in. "Merlin Gideon was in a bad mood, look at the state of you."

"Is it bad?" Ollie went over to the mirror, adjusting his hair.

"I like your long hair." Sirius replied with a shrug. "When its curly."

"You do?" Ollie turned to him in surprise.

"It suits you." Sirius shrugged. "Aro interrupted our holiday."

"You don't strike me the type for camping." Jane said as she passed him some sort of potion. He thanked her and drank it, pulling a face, it tasted horrible, but his cuts healed and his bruises faded so at least it worked.

"It was fun, until Aro turned up, was that the only thing he wanted?" Sirius asked. The Swan siblings exchanged a look. "What?"

"He wants to talk to us, he... I don't know how to put it." Ollie sighed.

"He has a job for us I guess." Jane replied. "Sirius I feel like we've been distant."

"What do you mean?" Sirius frowned.

"Did you, or did you not get a solo job from Aro last year." Ollie asked seriously.

"You might as well tell them boy." Aro said as he walked into the room followed by Hannah, Justin and Ernie.

"Yeah, we did." Hannah answered for him as she sat down beside him. Justin and Ernie also took a seat on the bed.

"You lied to me." Ollie said, he sounded hurt.

"I know." Sirius replied quietly.

"Why?" Ollie asked in the same quiet tone.

"You were scared, I didn't want to make it worse, you were so frantic it was scary." Sirius replied. "I'm sorry, he didn't want you involved."

"But it was okay for them to go?" Jane asked disbelievingly.

"You think we'd let him do it alone?" Hannah scoffed. "Think again."

"I needed to test them, and their loyalty to me, which is more important than their loyalty to you." Aro explained.

"So what they're part of the group now?" Jane asked, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"They will help Sirius when they can, but are not as important as you and Sirius, Jane." Aro replied. "Now, can I please talk to you."

"Fine, but afterwards I need to talk to Sirius, alone." Ollie said. Sirius just nodded, he was finding the situation awkward and uncomfortable and he wished for it to be over.

"Now, as you probably know Voldemort is returning and we are on his side." Aro told them. "But, we are also in talks with the order of the Phoenix."

"The what?" Sirius asked.

"The supposed 'good side' if you will." Aro replied. "When the war comes and it will, we will join the winning side."

"So what do we do now?" Jane asked.

"I want you to be the best, and I know it is something I have said before, but I need you to be skilled in battle." Aro told them. "Learn how to duel, learn defensive spells and boxes, be better."

"Is that all?" Ollie asked.

"Sirius you need to start learning how to control your wandless magic." Aro added.

"I'm sorry what?" Sirius asked in shock. "It was a one time thing."

"Because Ollie and Jane were in danger, yes. It's an innate ability and we need to channel it." Aro told him. "We can start tomorrow."

"Great." Sirius sighed. Justin patted his arm gently.

"I am going out, do not leave the house." Aro said as a way of parting and he left.

"Merlin he scares me." Ernie murmured. Sirius nodded.

"Me too."

"Can we talk now?" Ollie asked. Sirius sighed and nodded.

"Okay." He followed Ollie out of the room and into the corridor.

"You lied to me Sirius." He said, Sirius looked down at his hands, he couldn't look Ollie in the eye.

"I know, I'm sorry."

Ollie sighed and pulled Sirius into a hug, Sirius hugged him back after a moment of deliberating. "I know he told you not to tell us anything, but we could have helped."

"I know, I wanted to tell you but-" Sirius cut himself off, biting his lip.

"You're still scared of him." Ollie finished, Sirius nodded lamely. "Its okay Sirius, just... don't lie to me again. I'm here to help you."

"I won't, I promise." Sirius nodded. Ollie smiled at him and hugged him again.

"I missed you Sirius, being stuck in the house with Jane all the time is really boring." Sirius laughed at this.

"I'm hungry." He replied back, Ollie let go of him and laughed.

"I was thinking about making lasagne, will you help me?"

"Sure-" Sirius said before freezing and clutching his head.

"Sirius, what's wrong?" Ollie asked gently.

"The prisoner has escaped." Sirius murmured.


"He's coming." Sirius replied. He began to cry. "He's coming to the house. Mary quick, I'll hold them off."

"Sirius..." Ollie was shocked, this had never happened before, it was like Sirius was recounting something that had happened once.

"Lianna it's a mob, you can't hold them off." Sirius continued. "I can try."

Ollie could swear he heard the door being flung off its hinges. "Lianna no!"  Sirius yelled, before grabbing Ollie's hand and trying to run, and then freezing still. "Help me!" He shouted. "The witches are dead!" He then announced before his eyes rolled into his head and he hit the ground unconscious.

"Jane!" Ollie yelled for his sister, who ran into the corridor at once.

"What in Merlin's name happened to him?" She asked.

"I think... I think he might have picked up on something that happened here." Ollie said as he and his sister lifted Sirius off the floor.

"What?" Jane asked as they headed back towards the infirmary carrying Sirius between them.

"Mary and Lianna's death." Ollie replied as the readied themselves to face Sirius' friends.

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