2: chapter seven

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Sirius felt bad as soon as he had left the house, but he wasn't about to go back, he hated that they hadn't told him, and he wasn't in the mood to be the bigger person. As nice as Rome was, he wasn't in the mood to go sightseeing, he just wanted to go home, and in order to do that, he had to find the Rome equivalent to Diagon Alley.

It took him a while and a lot of trying to figure out what things meant in a language totally new to him, but he got there. He knew Justin was there, as he had been told all the dates Justin would be in places as the boy liked to record things. He just had to find him. He knew Justin could help, and right now he was his only option.

It was a long street, so old and winding, there were shops as far as the eye could see and Sirius had no way of knowing where abouts Justin was. He was in a country he knew nothing about, all alone. Sirius began to realise how much of a bad situation he was in.

"Good you're here." He turned to see Aro standing in the shadows of possibly the oldest building. "I knew Oliver and Jane wouldn't do anything right."

"I don't understand." Sirius frowned.

"They were supposed to inform you of your ability, the prophecy-" Sirius cut him off at this.

"What prophecy?" Sirius frowned. Aro sighed.

"I'll explain later, follow me." He replied, Sirius still wanted to know what he was talking about, but followed him anyway, ending up in a wizarding grave yard. They headed to a large stone building, a tomb with an ancient inscription, one Sirius could strangely still read. It was a list of names. Always in pairs. "This is the resting place of your forebears."

"I don't understand." Sirius frowned.

"It's time you learned your history." He responded, pushing open the heavy mahogany door. Sirius followed him in, not knowing what to expect.

It was cold inside the tomb but the torches in brackets on the walls lit as soon as they entered. The main hall was lined with doors, names of so many and it made Sirius realise that there had been so many before him. In the middle of the room there was a book on a stone pedestal.

"Each time we lose someone, the building weeps and a new room is created." Aro told him. A ghost of a tall girl in a cream dress and bare feet floated through the door of the newest room. She gave them a wistful smile. "They all passed on except two, Lianna remains in this form, whilst gideon remains trapped in his body, struggling for eternity." Aro explained.

"He is better today, he may be free one day." The ghost said solemnly, she glided towards Sirius and put a hand on his cheek. "So powerful." She turned to Aro. "He will survive."

"I thought so, Jane's too brash and Oliver too soft." Aro agreed, as though Sirius couldn't hear him.

"Wait, Ollie and Jane are going to die?" Sirius asked with a frown. This couldn't be happening.

"No." The ghost replied simply.

"Then what?" Sirius stopped himself, he knew he wouldn't get a straight answer out of either of them.

"They will be fine." Lianna the ghost said knowingly.

"Lianna was my first assistant." Aro explained, he nodded at the oldest door. "Her body rests there, with Mary's."

"Have there always been two?" Sirius asked, he was starting to see how things weren't quite adding up.

"Always two." Lianna nodded.

"Then why are there three of us?" He questioned.

"Oliver isn't chosen and he knows it, he's with us for another purpose. He likes to think he's one of you, but he isn't." Aro replied. Sirius stared at him, all this information was overloading his brain.

"He is like me. So gentle, so loyal." Lianna looked sadly at him, before gliding over to the book. "You are so much more than you know."

"I don't understand." Sirius finally said, looking overwhelmed.

"You and I are equals in power." Aro told him, "I never realised until you started doing wandless magic."

"What does that mean?" Sirius asked, nothing made sense to him.

"You have a lot to learn." Aro replied. "Lianna and I will guide you."

"I don't follow." Sirius sighed.

"We are going to teach you how to become the best you can." Lianna told him. He frowned.

"I can't really do anything." He told her.

"Collecting information, wandless magic and casting the hardest spells with ease aren't nothing." Lianna told him. "He needs to rest."

"You start tomorrow." Aro told him. "I'll take you back to the house."

"I don't want to go back." Sirius murmured.

Aro sighed and nodded, taking some keys from his pocket. "There's an apartment down the street, under the name of Sheen." He passed the keys to Sirius, who took them with a nod.

"Thank you." Sirius whispered, before bidding the two goodbye and leaving the tomb, making his way to the apartment Aro had let him use. It was on the top floor of a small block of apartments and after trooping up the stairs, he found the correct door and was pleasantly surprised by what he saw when he opened the door.

The apartment was nice, an adjoining kitchen and living room furnished with a large corner sofa resting on a mulitcoloured rug, a clean, minimal kitchen with a possibly the biggest fridge/freezer he had ever seen. There were two doors leading off the living room, which he assumed was the bedroom and bathroom. He didn't know where to start, did he relax for a bit and use the television to watch what he wanted for the first time in his life? Or did he cook something as he was starving? He wasn't sure, and it was as he debated this, that he heard a loud, angry-sounded knock on the door.

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