3: chapter eight

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"Good news everyone!" Cedric announced as he and Leah joined the group by the fire in the common room.

"You're moving to Greece to start a hotel, where you may be one of three men to be the father of a child?" Sirius guessed. They all looked at him.

"Oddly specific." Hannah commented with a frown.

"No, better than that." Cedric replied, he was grinning from ear to ear as they tried to guess what his news was.

"Exams have been cancelled?" Ernie suggested.

"Nope, try again." Cedric laughed, Leah sighed wearily.

"I'm going with you got a new broom." Justin said, it was most plausible but not the answer either.

"Its Quidditch season!" Cedric announced.

"We've been back for like two days." Hannah pointed out to him, he frowned.

"Let him have his moment." Leah advised from where she was looking concerned for her fanatic of a friend.

"Its never to early to start thinking about the up coming season, you four should try out for the team." Cedric added. They all stared at him in shock.

"I'm okay." Sirius said going pale at the thought. He couldn't think of anything worse.

"Oh come on, you'll enjoy it." Cedric coaxed, he often found the friends inside and wanted to try and encourage them to go outdoors.

"Thanks for the offer Cedric, but I think Quidditch is more of a spectator sport for us." Justin explained to him.

"Have any of you actually tried it?" Cedric asked them. They all looked at each other and shook their heads. "Why don't we go and practice? I can teach you a few things and see how you go?" He suggested. He was always encouraging people to try new things and if he could help them personally, then that was even better.

"Thanks Cedric, but I'm just trying to get this charms homework done at the moment." Sirius explained. The others nodded in agreement, for the first week they had been given what seemed like a mountain of work to do.

"Why didn't you say so? Me and Leah can help you, you said you were struggling!" Cedric sat himself down on the arm of the sofa beside Sirius and read through the homework task with them, he and Leah figuring out what they all knew and didn't know.

The evening wore on into night and the Justin awoke Sirius bright and early the next morning.

"Sirius come on, Hannah's been pining for pancakes for the last hour." Justin told him, Sirius sat up and looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Does a shed load only apply to a shed full of items or is it an actual measurement?" Sirius asked in reply as he climbed out of bed, almost walking into Ernie on his way to the toilet.

"What on earth were you dreaming about?" Justin asked as his friend wandered across the room. Sirius stopped at the door.

"A battle on a distant planet, where the enemy alien soldiers were delivered to the battle field in sheds on the back of trucks." Sirius replied as though it was obvious.

"You know I worry about you sometimes." Justin sighed, looking at Ernie, who shrugged in bewilderment.

"I know." Sirius replied as he wandered into the bathroom.

"I'm not going to ask." Ernie said, picking up his hairbrush and looking in the mirror. He sighed and put his hair brush down, not even daring to bother trying to tame his hair.

When Sirius was ready, which took longer than usual as he was being particularly absent-minded that day, the three met Hannah in the common room, she was pacing and reading her timetable.

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