1: Chapter five

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Sirius stood beside his brother at Kings cross station. Their aunt and uncle had abandoned them there, as soon as uncle Vernon had pointed out that there was no platform '9 3/4', which was the platform number Hagrid had given them.

"Maybe we should just go." Sirius suggested, causing Harry to shake his head. "Or not." He muttered.

"No, it's here Siri, I know it." Harry answered, before his head snapped up and he stared at a group of red-headed beings.

"Packed with muggles of course." The mother sighed, leading her children down the platform.

"Muggles?" Harry asked, starting to walk towards them, Sirius sighed and followed his brother.

As the woman sent a few of her children running into the wall, and then they disappeared through it, Harry began to talk to her.

"Don't worry, it's Ron's first time as well." She assured him, before gesturing to her youngest son.

"What about you dear?" Sirius jumped when he realised she was talking to him.

"I- I'm starting too." Sirius said after receiving a look from his brother that said 'you can talk you know'.

"OK, I suggest starting at a bit of a run if you're nervous." The woman said to them. Harry nodded and broke into a run, grabbing his brothers wrist to pull him along with him.

The place they ended up was not where Sirius would have expected. They were on another platform, but the train they were going to catch was a huge scarlet steam engine. After shoving his trunk onto the train, Sirius abandoned his brother and went for a walk down the platform, mainly to see what he could see. Not that there was much he could see. That was until a short, blonde girl pulled him into the wall.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?" He asked.

"It's ok, I'm a friend." She told him, her curiously blue eyes were watching him closely, she seemed to be looking for something on his face, perhaps an expression that gave away something that she wished to find out.

"Who are you?" Sirius asked, the fear that had built up dispersing, she seemed to have a calming presence.

"Aro sent me, I'm here to keep an eye on you, and to learn from the teachers." She told him. "I'm in the same year as you, it would be wise to stay close to me."

"What does he want with me?" Sirius asked. The girl shrugged.

"You're obviously powerful or he wouldn't want you." She answered, "now come on."

He followed her onto the train, but as soon as Harry walked up to him and grabbed his arm, she disappeared.

"Come on Siri!" Harry yelled impatiently, he seemed extremely excited and Sirius didn't want to ruin that. He sighed anyway, he still didn't want to go to this magic school, especially since he was being watched by some creepy weirdo.

When they entered the compartment Harry had found, Sirius curled up in the corner and fixed his eyes determinedly on the window, Harry sat down beside his brother, looking over at the boy worriedly.

"What's up?" He asked. Sirius ignored him.

"Sirius, you look awful!" Harry exclaimed, reluctantly his brother removed his gaze from the window to Harry's face.

"I'm fine Harry." Sirius asked.

"You look really pale." Harry stated, Sirius shrugged.

"Sirius, is this about Hogwarts?" Harry tried again, but his brother said nothing, looking back out of the window. Harry sighed.

"You are allowed to talk you know." Sirius knew his brother was upset with him, but Harry had never really paid attention to his feelings, as well as hating it when Sirius ignored him, he knew for a fact that Sirius didn't want to be there, but he had dragged him along anyway. Sirius didn't have a problem with going to stonewall high, but Harry did. Sirius didn't have a problem with the Dursleys, but Harry did. Sirius didn't want to be on this train going God knows where, but Harry did. Sirius couldn't do magic, he'd never caused anything to happen, but Harry had and Harry could do magic.

Sirius was fairly sure he couldn't do magic, he wasn't magic and he had convinced himself he would be kicked out of the school, because he wasn't magic. It was then Sirius realised that there was another person in the compartment. It was one of the red-haired boys from the platform.

"So you're Sirius?" The boy asked him. Sirius frowned and then nodded.

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley!" Ron stuck his hand out and Sirius shook it carefully, he was wary of this strange boy.

"Nice to meet you." Sirius nodded, although he didn't sound particularly convinced by his own statement. He leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes, hoping that maybe if he fell asleep then he wouldn't have to listen to Ron and Harry talking about Hogwarts.

"Sirius, Siri wake up." Sirius awoke to Harry shaking his shoulder, he sat up properly and rubbed his eyes.

"Wha-What?" He asked in confusion, they weren't there yet, so why had harry woken him up?

"Here, eat some of this." Harry passed him a small pile of sweets.

Sirius picked up a box and looked at it in confusion. "What is it?" He asked.

"Bertie botts every flavour beans, they have a lot of different flavours." Ron explained.

"Like what?" Sirius asked, opening the box, which was filled with lots of different coloured jelly beans.

"Liver, tripe, my brother swears he got a bogey flavoured one once." Ron answered. Sirius shrugged and ate one, it tasted like toothpaste.

"Interesting." Sirius nodded, picking up what looked like a stick of liquorice and biting the end of it. Harry passed him a card, which had a picture of a bearded man with half-moon glasses and the word Dumbledore underneath. "That's Dumbledore?" He asked.

"Well what were you expecting?" Ron asked him.

"Maybe for him to look less like he should have been dead at least ten years." Sirius answered. Ron snorted.

"He is quite old." He added.

Sirius noticed the girl he had seen earlier stood in the corridor and got up. "Back in a minute." He mumbled, leaving the compartment, just as three boys entered it.

"I've been stood out here for ten minutes, now come with me!" she grabbed his wrist and pulled him into another compartment, which was all but empty, apart from a boy who looked a bit like her.

"Ollie, this is Sirius." She said, the boy looked up and sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"When did you first meet Aro?" She asked him.

"In Diagon alley, he said he had been keeping tabs on me." Sirius answered.

"So you're the one he's been watching, but why?" She asked.

"I don't know, I'm nothing special, I shouldn't even be here." Sirius said.

"Course you are, you're powerful, you're like us." Ollie said.

"I hope you don't mess up." The girl told him.

"Leave him alone Jane!" Ollie said. "If you need help, we're here." He added.

"Thanks." Sirius nodded, he turned and headed back to his compartment, only to almost walk into a bushy-haired girl, who flounced out the door.

"Where've you been?" Harry asked.

"Oh, um I just went for walk." Sirius answered. This year was going to be interesting.

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