2: chapter ten

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Sirius awoke around noon, his bruises throbbing, failing to block spells had meant be had been blasted into the wall several hundred times. Aro's training routine was brutal, but it worked, Sirius could now block spells.

He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes and glancing at the light streaming in from around the curtains, something felt different. Something felt... wrong.

He could hear three voices in the next room, Justin, Hannah and Jane, where was Ollie? And why did he have the feeling that he was going to get hurt?

Pulling himself up, Sirius grabbed some clothes and all but ran into the bathroom, dressed in Dudley's old shirt and a pair of shorts he had gotten when Hannah had dragged him and Justin shopping, Sirius went into the living room.

"Where's Ollie?" He asked at once. They all looked at him with a frown.

"He went out, why?" Jane asked, Sirius dragged a hand through his hair in worry.

"I think he's going to get hurt." Sirius replied, "where did he go?"

"I think he was heading towards the tomb." Jane answered, nodding his thanks Sirius ran out of the door.

It wasn't far to the tomb, and Sirius was worried that Ollie would accidently meet Gideon, who was prone to attacking things that came near him. It was why only Lianna dealt with him, for she was already dead.

He reached the door and opened it, seeing Ollie stood at the newest door, at the back. "Ollie stop!" He yelled as he ran towards him, Ollie turned to look at him with a frown.

"Sirius someone's screaming." He told him, but his hand dropped from the door handle.

"I know, it's Gideon, if you go in there's he'll try to kill you." Sirius panted. "I thought something bad was going to happen to you." He added in explanation of his sudden appearance.

"I don't understand." Ollie frowned. Sirius sighed and sat down, still out of breath from sprinting.

"Aro says we're connected." Sirius answered. "That's why I suddenly felt like something bad was going to happen."

"You're still in pain." Ollie said gently, it explained the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Thank you." He sat down opposite him.

"He says the prophecy is more than we both realise, but he told me I'm too young to understand." Sirius sighed. Ollie smiled at him.

"He's probably right, I don't understand it properly." He told the younger boy. "You're so tanned."

Sirius laughed. "So are you."

"So what do you know about Gideon?" Ollie asked, Sirius frowned in thought.

"Um... He isn't supposed to be like that, he's trapped in his body and every second like that is torture. Lianna thinks that one day he will pass on, but Aro doesn't. It happened to Lianna, and he had to put a stake through her heart. Then she became a ghost." Sirius explained, trying to recall everything that Aro had told him. "He's hoping he won't have to do it to Gideon as well, but he probably will."

"So who's Lianna?" Ollie frowned.

"His first assistant." Sirius replied, smiling at the ghost who floated out of one of the doors and waved at them.

"Sirius! Hello my lovely." She smiled warmly, he grinned back. "How are you healing?"

"Painfully." Sirius replied with a laugh. He didn't seem to mind very much, or maybe he was just used to hiding his pain.

"He gets frustrated with you because you hesitate, and you don't cast the spells with confidence. You must learn to believe in yourself Sirius. You're going to be a great wizard, if only you have confidence." She told him, Sirius sighed.

"I'm trying." He replied.

"I know, but trying is only part of it, if you don't have confidence You have no hope of ever succeeding." She answered. Then she turned to Ollie. "Oliver, it must be the first time you've graced these halls." She said somewhat harshly. Sirius gave her a 'be nice' sort of look.

"It is yes." Ollie said, he wasn't sure how to react to the ancient ghost who was looking down at him.

"I've heard much about you." She replied. "Not all good, you don't seem to be in Aro's favour."

"I suppose not, no." Ollie answered.

"We should probably go, say hi to Gideon for me." Sirius got up and pulled Ollie up after him, bidding goodbye to the spirit.

"I shall." She nodded.

With that, Sirius pulled Ollie out of the door. "She does not like you. Which poses the question, how much have you pissed off Aro?"

"I don't know, a lot of the things I do seem to piss him off." Ollie sighed. "I can't win."

"Life is not all about winning." Sirius told him. "Sometimes it's about looking after one another."

"Since when were you so wise?" Ollie laughed.

"Life teaches many lessons Ollie, you just have to figure out what they are." The younger replied grandly, before bursting put laughing. "Will you come exploring with me? I haven't had a chance yet."

"Sure, what exactly do you want to see?" Ollie asked.

"Old stuff, like Rome in Roman times." Sirius replied. "All I've seen so far are shops." He added wrinkling his nose in disgust, shopping clearly wasn't his favourite thing.

"Alright good sir, follow me to the colluseum." Ollie told him in a terrible attempt at being a 'posh' englishman.

"Never do that again." Sirius told him with a laugh, Ollie grinned at him and took off running. "Hey wait for me!" Sirius yelled, running after him immediately.

They reached the colluseum soon after. "How was that fair?" Sirius demanded, pouting at him.

"Come on, there's lots to see." Ollie held out his hand, they were on a small ledge high up the wall and it looked like Ollie was going to jump off.

"This is a bad idea." Sirius told him, Ollie shrugged.

"Do you trust me?" He challenged. Sirius sighed and took his hand.

"Of course I do."

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