1: chapter twelve

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Sirius' eyes widened as they headed towards the girls' bathroom

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Sirius' eyes widened as they headed towards the girls' bathroom. They hid around the corner, and watched as the biggest, most ugly-looking being Sirius had ever seen, and he had seen Dudley, walked into the girls' bathroom, where Hermione was.

"Do you think that Dudley's related to that thing?" Sirius muttered, Ron snorted, but Harry hit his brother over the head.

"Not now, we need to help Hermione." He said.

"I mean, she's smart, how much help could she need?" Sirius shot back. They heard Hermione scream. "Oh."

"We gotta help her." Ron said, Harry nodded.

"Come on." Harry said, beckoning them to follow him.

"We aren't seriously going in there?" Sirius asked in surprise, both Harry and Ron looked at him.

"Yes." They said in sync.

"You two are crazy!" He announced, but followed them into the bathroom anyway, he was curious to see what the 'Dudley-lookalike' would do.

The troll was breaking toilets like they were piñatas. Harry and Ron jumped into action, attacking the troll, whilst Sirius decided to do something a little more useful, and get Hermione to safety.

"Hermione, give me your hand." Sirius yelled, he had climbed under the sinks and was offering his hand to the girl.

The girl shook her head and screamed again as the troll aimed another hit at her.

"Hermione, trust me!" Sirius yelled, the girl thought about it and took his hand. He helped her under the sinks and to safety. Looking up, he saw the troll about to kill Harry, and Ron looking helpless as to what to do.

"Ron, levitate the club!" Sirius yelled. Ron nodded and did so, hitting the troll hard on the head.

The troll collapsed, Harry jumped before it hit the floor and rolled and lay at the feet of his friends and brother.

"Harry James Potter! You dare do that again and I swear to god, I will kill you!" Sirius slapped his brother hard across the face and then hugged him. "Why would you try and attack a troll? You're so stupid!"

"Sorry Siri." Harry murmured. Sirius gave him a disappointed look.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and professor Quirrel walked into the room, looking horrified.

"What on earth?" McGonagall asked in shock.

"It was me Professor, I did it. I'd read about trolls and thought I could handle it. If the boys hadn't found me, I would be dead." Hermione said, half of that was a lie, as Sirius would later find out, but McGonagall looked satisfied.

"five points from Gryffindor, and five points each to you three, for sheer dumb luck!"

"Where have you been?" Hannah asked as he walked into the common room.

"My brother decided to defeat a mountain troll." Sirius answered with a hint of awkwardness in his voice.

"What?" Hannah shrieked, hitting Sirius repeatedly on the arm.

"Harry is brave and that will probably kill him one day." Sirius added.

"You boy, have a story to tell." She told him, Ernie and Justin joined them in interest. Sirius sighed and began to tell them the events of that evening, behind them, the party continued behind them, despite not many people being in the mood to party anymore.

"So your brother and his weird ginger friend dragged you into the girls' bathroom to fight a troll?" Ernie asked.

"Yes, to save Hermione." Sirius nodded.

"Why is your brother so weird?" Justin asked, Sirius shrugged.

"I don't know." He answered.

"Well, at least you're safe, if he had led you to your death we would have hurt him." Hannah said murderously.

"No, you don't hurt my brother." Sirius answered protectively.

"What if he hurts you?" Hannah asked.

"No." Sirius told her. "No one hurts Harry."

"What if he hurts us?" Hannah asked, Sirius just stared at her for a solid five minutes before answering.

"He won't, He won't hurt you. So it's fine." He finally said.

"Guys we're close to the first game of the season!" Cedric announced to them as he and his friends joined them.

"Cedric, you talk about Quidditch too much." Sirius deadpanned at once.

"He's right." Leah added.

"Oh come on! I said one sentence!" Cedric defended himself.

"One sentence too many Cedric." Ernie added.

"This isn't fair." Cedric pretended to be upset.

"Life isn't fair." Justin shot back.

"Nice one J." Sirius muttered, high-fiving his friend.

"Oh I see how it is!" Cedric announced, before pointing at each of them in turn. "You dare to mess with me children!" He joked. Hannah booped him on the nose.

"Sit down superman, nobody cares how you think you can beat us all on your own." She told him. He laughed and sat down.

"Alright, fine." He said pretending to be defeated.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Sirius said, standing up, but Hannah pulled him back down.

"Hold up buddy! You ain't leaving us that easily!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's only half ten." Justin added.

"Alright, I'll stay." Sirius shook his head with a laugh.

They talked for a few more hours, before finally going upstairs to bed, for Sirius that had been the weirdest day he had had at Hogwarts, and he hoped that things like that wouldn't be a usual appearance.

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