1: Chapter six

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"Firs' years over here!" Sirius sighed as he spotted Hagrid's familiar head towering over the crowd.

"Heya Harry." Sirius rolled his eyes as he heard Hagrid greet Harry, he wasn't that fond of the man, he didn't trust him and he wasn't one hundred percent sure why.

"Hi Hagrid." Harry responded.

"And where's your brother?" Hagrid asked. Sirius groaned.

"Why am I always an afterthought?" He questioned to himself, he saw Jane smirking at him out of the corner of his eye, when he looked in her direction, she was gone.

"You need to get yourself a reputation." She said evilly in his ear, he jumped.

"don't do that!" He yelled, but she was gone. The group began walking, Sirius' heart dropping when he saw the lake they would have to cross. He hated boats.

"Sirius? Where'd you go?" Harry appeared next to him.

"Oh, I was just... is that Justin?" Sirius' train of thought trailed off as he saw a familiar boy stood next to a familiar red-haired girl. He began walking towards them.

"Sirius!" Hannah yelled, hugging him as soon as he reached them.

"Hey Sirius, strange how we keep meeting." Justin mused. Sirius laughed.

"I'm so glad to see you guys, harry and his weird friend are just..." He trailed off.

"Weird?" Hannah suggested, Sirius nodded with a laugh.

"I guess so." He said. The three walked towards a boat and got in, being joined by a bushy-haired girl, who introduced herself as Hermione Granger. As the boat began moving, she began spouting off interesting facts about the castle, of which the three found generally fascinating they had just began discussing the giant squid that was rumoured to live in the lake, when Hannah gasped loudly, pointing at something in the distance. Sirius turned to look at what the red-head was looking at.

Stood in the distance was a huge castle, bigger than anything Sirius had ever seen. It was beautiful, but also old. Very old. He wasn't sure how it was still standing.

"I never thought it would be this pretty." Hermione commented.

"It's huge, and old. But yeah, very pretty." Sirius agreed.

"I thought you'd read about it?" Hannah asked Hermione, who shrugged.

"The pictures are nothing like real life." The bushy-haired girl answered.


When they reached the other side of the lake, the four had become pretty good friends, already they had learned things about each other, and got on very well.

"What house do you want to be sorted in?" Justin asked as they followed Hagrid up to the huge oak doors. The giant man knocked loudly.

"I don't really mind, I haven't thought about it much though." Sirius shrugged.

"I'm not really sure, I wouldn't like to be in Slytherin though." Hannah said.

"I want to be in Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff, they sound good." Justin said.

"Well, we will find out soon." Sirius mused.

"Promise me, we'll stay friends even if we're in different houses." Hannah said seriously.

"Of course we will, right guys?" Sirius said, he linked his little finger with Hannah's, Justin and Hermione doing the same.

"Right." They said at the same time, before frowning at each other.

The group of first years entered the huge building. Harry grabbed his brother's wrist, pulling him away from his new found friends.

"You ok?" He asked him.

"Of course, what's wrong?" Sirius asked, noticing the frown on his brother's face.

"you don't look okay, are you ill?" Harry asked his brother, Sirius shook his head.

"no, why? Harry you're confusing me." Sirius frowned.

"I was just concerned, but if you're okay then..." Harry shrugged. Sirius rolled his eyes and quickly hugged his twin.

"I'm fine Harry, you don't need to worry about me, just enjoy Hogwarts." Sirius said.

"Of course I worry about you, you're my brother." Harry rolled his eye, then he smiled at his brother. "Alright Siri, I'll see you later."

"Bye Harry!" Sirius waved at his brother as he walked back towards his friends.

"What was that all about?" Justin asked when he reached them, they were all assembled outside the hall, in which they would be sorted.

"Harry was just worried." Sirius shrugged.

"Your brother is such a weirdo, I mean did he really have to literally pull you away from us?" Hannah asked.

"He obviously didn't want to talk to him in front of us." Hermione said.

"He thought I was ill, do I look ill?" Sirius asked.

"No, you look fine." Justin answered his friend's question.

"Thanks Justin." Sirius grinned.

"But still. I prefer you over him. "Hannah told him.

"Thanks Hannah." Sirius shrugged.

"We do too!" Justin asked.

"Thank guys." Sirius said.

"You're our Potter!" Hannah said fondly, patting him on the head.

"Great!" Sirius sighed sarcastically.


The sorting was almost half way through now. Hannah and Justin had been put in Hufflepuff, whilst Hermione was in Gryffindor, and it was almost time for Harry and Sirius to be sorted.

"Potter, Harry!" McGonagall yelled, people around them started muttering as Harry left the group and walked up to sit on the stool. The woman placed the hat on his head.

"What house do you think he'll get?" the red-haired boy, Ron, whispered to Sirius, who shrugged.

"I don't know." He whispered back. The hat did not seem to know either, as it spent a long time deliberating, but at last it yelled out the house name.


Most people clapped, as well as the two red-haired twins, who began screaming 'we got a potter, we got a potter,'

"Potter, Sirius." The woman at the front yelled. Sirius sighed.

"You'll do great." Justin and Hannah mouthed to him from the Hufflepuff table as he walked to the stool and sat down.

'Another potter?' The hat inquired, but by the blank faces of everyone watching him, Sirius knew only he could hear it. He didn't answer the hat's question.

'You're so different to the last one, much harder to decide where to put you.' Sirius sighed. All he wanted the hat to do was hurry up and sort him. 'You're clever, loyal, brave and what's this? A wanted boy. Oh how thrilling. But the quality that stands out the most, oh that's grand. I know just what to do with you Sirius.'

This was it, Sirius found himself waiting anxiously for the answer.

'Looks like you're a...'

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