1: chapter twenty two

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Sirius was panicking, he didn't know what to do

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Sirius was panicking, he didn't know what to do. One way or another this night was not going to end well for him. He left the common room early, hoping to avoid his brother, but he had only gotten to the end of the corridor when something grabbed his arm.

"Good you're here." He sighed when he heard his brothers voice.

"Harry I have something I need to do, can you please let go of me?" Sirius tried his best to get out of it.

"Sirius you said you'd help is, you can't just suddenly change you mind!" Harry sounded upset.

"Well, I-" Sirius began.

"Come on! Snape could have got the stone already!" Ron urged them.

"Sirius, whatever you have to do can wait, this is important." Harry said, with that Sirius was dragged under the cloak.

"It really can't wait." Sirius mumbled as they made their way towards the third floor corridor.

"Sirius, we're going to stop you-know-who from coming back." Hermione pointed out.

"I know, but you don't really need me for that, you're fine on your own." Sirius tried again to get out of it, he did not want to be killed by Aro.

"I understand that you're scared, but we'll be okay." Hermione tried to comfort him. Sirius sighed.

"That's not what I'm scared of." He mumbled in answer.

They reached the room that held fluffy the three-headed dog a few minutes later, it was asleep and snoring loudly. The stench of bad breath filled the room, coming from all three heads and the briefly fur stood on end, making the appearance of the giant dog all the more freaky, like Frankenstein's monster.

Harry instructed that the had to move one of its paws, which was covering a trapdoor. The law was roughly the size of Dudley, and looked to Sirius like it would be an impossible task, but they managed somehow.

Once the paw was moved and the door opened, Harry began to give them the rundown of the plan, it was then that Sirius noticed the dog was no longer snoring. All six of its eyes were open and it looked livid.

"Guys." Sirius interrupted his brother, who frowned at him, but then noticed the giant fog looming over them.

"Jump!" Harry yelled, and the four jumped through the hole in the floor, not knowing where they would end up.

They landed on some sort of giant plant, of which Sirius vaguely recognised from a herbology lesson, but couldn't think of what it was, due to the fact that it was wrapping itself around his wrist. He regarded this with interest. Plants were interesting to watch, especially magic ones.

The plant began to hurt him, wrapping tighter and tighter around him, like a python, cutting off his circulation. "I don't think this plant is friendly." He stated, trying to free himself from the plants viny grasp. It didn't work, he was well and truly stuck.

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