2: chapter five

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Sirius awoke in what he assumed was the infirmary, although it looked different from last time. it seemed smaller and less busy then he remembered from the previous day. He tried to sit up, but not having the strength to do so meant he quickly gave up. He was so incredibly tired that he could barely keep his eyes open, but still managed to smile at Ollie as he entered the room.

"How are you feeling?" Ollie sat down on the edge of the bed, he seemed quite tan and blonder than usual. his hair was slicked back, rather than hanging around his head in curls like it usually was.

"I had a dream where you were a cat." Sirius replied. "Only you weren't very happy about it."

"That wasn't a dream." Ollie sighed, passing the boy a potion, Sirius took a sip and pulled a face.

"So you did turn into a cat?" He brightened.

"What? No, you were hallucinating." Ollie told him. "Drink all of that."

"Tastes like mould." Sirius frowned, but drank the potion anyway. It gave him the strength to sit up. "I feel better, can I go?"

"You're just having a good day. The potions we have you will wear off soon." The older boy replied. "You need to rest."

"Where are we?" Sirius asked. "Is this the same place he brought me to last time?"

"Yes, you came to this room as well as the lobby." Ollie sighed. "We're in Rome."

"Can we go explore? I've never really been anywhere before." Sirius questioned.

"When you're better we can go. We've fixed most of your broken bones, but you're still really bruised and you've got that illness." Ollie sighed again. "Sirius you called for our help, didn't you?"

"You never came. It was dark and cold, and I couldn't move, I-" Sirius cut himself off. "You said I could contact you if I needed help."

"I know, we wanted to help you, but we weren't allowed. Aro saw that the Weasleys would come and help you." Ollie told him. "But if you need us, we will always help you."

"You didn't." Sirius sighed, noticing the distrust in his voice, Ollie bit his lip in worry. If Sirius stopped trusting them, then their whole team would be ruined.

"We would have, but we knew you were safe. We will never abandon you." Ollie told him. Sirius looked down at his hands, his eyes filling up with tears, he had counted on them, people he was supposed to count on, and they had let him down. They had abandoned him. Left him scared and alone in the cellar of his aunt and uncles home. Ollie moved to sit beside him. " We will never again leave you. We won't let anything happen to you. Not again." He told the boy.

Sirius shook his head. "Never?"

"Of course not." Ollie smiled at him. "Get some rest okay?"

Sirius nodded and lay down again, Ollie smiled at him and went over to the medical cupboard. He took a needle out of the cupboard and filled it with a medicine they hadn't tried yet. "I don't like needles." He told Ollie.

"It'll only take a second." Ollie told him gently. "It'll help, you're starting to feel ill again aren't you?" Sirius just nodded. "Alright, give me a minute."

Sirius flinched at the needle, but then closed his eyes, "Ollie, you look really nice today. Not like a vampire. Your hair looks weird." Ollie sighed, cleared away the medication and left the room, looking for his sister.

Jane looked up as her brother walked into the kitchen. "What's up with you?" She asked at the upset expression on his face.

"Talked to Sirius about when he asked for our help." Ollie replied. "And he thinks I usually look like a vampire."

"Oh yeah?" She glanced at the toaster, before looking back to her brother. "And he's right, that tan does suit you. That hair style doesn't though."

"He sort of doesn't trust us at the moment." Ollie sighed, "God knows what they did to him. And thanks, you're the second person to tell me that."

"Hey, he'll be fine, probably just confused. I mean they did throw him down some stairs." She replied. "How's he doing?"

"I tried something else, he seemed alright for a while, but i don't know how well he's really doing." Ollie replied, he opened a packet of brioches and took a bite of one.

"He'll be fine." Jane sighed. "He's tough." she opened the fridge and assessed the food inside. "Seriously, no Jam but three jars of marmite?"

"What if we lose him?" Ollie asked. "And no one likes Jam."

"Stop being so pessimistic. He'll be fine in two weeks." Jane rolled her eyes. "God, you like this stuff?"

"He wants to go sight seeing." Ollie told her. "And yes I do."

"Great! So do I! We'll go when he's feeling a bit better." Jane smiled at him. "You need to lighten up, don't be such a downer. You'll kill him off before that illness."

"I'm not a downer." Ollie glared at his sister, who pulled a face at him. "I'm not!"

"You are." She said back, buttering her toast, she pointed the knife at her brother. "Leave him alone before you smother him, or annoy him so much he runs away."

"I will not!" Ollie stared at her, she smiled.

"You will." She took her breakfast and left the room, patting her brother on the back as she left, leaving Ollie to scowl into his brioches.

"I will not!" He yelled after her, although he wasn't sure anymore.

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