3: Chapter eighteen

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Sat on the top of the astronomy tower, Sirius pondered exactly what Aro had told him. What did he mean by that they had to be ready for something? Was you-know-who going to return? And if so were they really going to side with him.

It was as these thoughts were swirling around his mind, he saw the strange figure standing by the edge of the forest again, it seemed to be watching him. Sirius watched as it disappeared right in front of his eyes.

"You're not thinking of jumping off, are you?" Sirius jumped as a voice sounded behind him. Looking back he could see the figure now coming to sit next to him. It was a boy, not that older than himself with blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

"I don't know." Sirius replied, he couldn't say the thought had never cropped up before, but the worry that Aro would find someway of bringing him back tended to stop it. "Who are you?"

"Hush darling." The boy replied, Sirius felt all of his questions melt away. "I ask the questions here, understand?"

Sirius nodded, although he hadn't made any sort of inclination to his nervous system that that was the response he wished to give.

"First of all darling, who do you belong to?" The boy was scaring him, terrifying him and Sirius felt so endangered that he tried to call out to Ollie with his mind, like he had last year, but he didn't seem able to do so. "Oh come on now darling, we don't want them imposing on us, now do we?" Sirius unwillingly shook his head. Are you going to answer my question now?" The boy pulled back Sirius' collar to reveal the mark that dominated his skin. "Oh no need." The boy laughed. "I think we'll get rid of that."

A burning sensation ripped through Sirius' body quicker than a wild fire, he tried to scream, make any noise to help him cope, but all he could do was cry. He shook his head violently, trying to get the boy to stop, and when he finally did, the mark had faded to a scar. "There darling, that's better."

"Who are you?" Sirius forced himself to speak, the action causing a stabbing in his throat.

"I ask you the questions Sirius, I need to know what's he's doing to you." The boy was suddenly concerned. "I have to get you out of there."

"Please just tell me who you are?" Sirius begged, "I'll tell you what you want to know."

"I didn't want to hurt you darling, I would never." He smiled at Sirius. "I'm Elias Swan and you're coming with me."

And then the two disappeared in a swirling mist.

"Darling? Are you okay?" Sirius awoke with a banging headache.

"Ollie?" He mumbled, seeing the blonde boy walking over to him.

"Merlin no!" When his the world stopped spinning Sirius saw the boy who was introduced himself as Elias sitting down beside him. "You've never apparated before, huh."

"I don't understand, who are you?" Sirius asked, it was too much new information for his brain to handle and his thoughts had scattered into tiny fragments his brain couldn't piece back together.

"I'm getting you the hell away from Aro." Elias answered, pulling Sirius up off the ground. "Come on darling, we have a lot to do."

"How did we get here? We were in Hogwarts." Sirius asked as Elias led him by the wrist into another seemingly empty stone room.

"I apparated us out." Elias said, opening another door and pulling Sirius up a flight of stairs.

"No one can, no one can apparate in or out of hogwarts." Sirius was struggling understand.

"If you knew how to apparate, you would be able to, as you can't I harnessed a bit of your power, hence the headache." Elias paused and scanned Sirius' face. "I won't hurt you."

"What did you do to me? Before I mean."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it isnt particularly nice magic. Normally it doesn't work so well, but you're different as I'm sure you know." Elias craftily adjusted his grip so he had Sirius' hand in his.

"Different how?" Elias stopped in his tracks.

"Oh darling they haven't told you." He sighed. "Come and sit down." They had convientiantly ended up in a sitting room and Elias took them over to the sofa, where he sat holding both of Sirius' hands very Seriously. Sirius wasn't sure why. "Do you know about your prophecy?"

"I know of it." Sirius said. "Ollie said it was about me and him."

"He thinks its him? Oh that's pathetic, he's not nearly powerful enough for it to be him, no darling it's about me and you, you must have felt the connection?"

Sirius shook his head, thinking back to how Ollie could calm him down so easily and how much Ollie cared for him. "No."

"Oh darling, they've tried to force it." Elias looked distinctly sad. "The prophecy is about you and I. We make each other stronger, better, we're a team. A pair. Aro had never been my biggest fan, so he's trying to substitute Ollie so he can keep control of you. But I'm not about to let him."

"I don't get it." Sirius sighed, all of this was overloading his brain.

"I'm going to break your connection to Ollie and Jane." Elias said.

"No, don't." Sirius tore himself out of Elias' grip and tried to make a run for it, but Elias was taller, faster and stronger. "Please, I need them." Sirius begged as Elias kept an iron grip on him.

"Darling look at me, look at me." Elias forced Sirius to meet his eye. "You're better then them."

"No!" Sirius wrenched himself out of Elias' grip, just as Ollie and Aro appeared in the room. Elias grabbed Sirius again,pointing his wand at Sirius' neck.

"I'm sorry darling." Elias whispered in Sirius' ear. "Move and I kill him."

"Ollie." Sirius murmured, Ollie looked angry, angrier than Sirius had ever seen him.

"Let go of the boy." Aro said calmly.

"He's mine and you know it." Elias hissed, pulling Sirius back down towards what must have been the basement. "After everything you've done to try and ruin him, I'm not letting him go back."

Sirius was scared and he had no way to get to his wand, which was in the back pocket of his jeans.

Aro gave Sirius a look that clearly said 'don't move' and aimed his wand at Elias. "Expelliarmus." Elias let go of Sirius so he could dodge the spell, so Sirius took the opportunity to run to Ollie, who checked him over for injuries.

"You're okay." Ollie told him, holding him tightly. "I've got you."

"Ollie I don't understand." Sirius mumbled as Elias and Aro began to duel.

"Ignore him, he's been mentally unhinged for years." Ollie tried to comfort Sirius, but he had heard too much and didn't know who to believe anymore.

"I want to go home." Sirius mumbled.

"We will, don't worry."

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