3: chapter ten

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Excited for their first defence against the dark arts lesson after hearing great things from everyone else, Sirius, Hannah, Justin and Ernie made their way to Lupins classroom, wondering what he had planned. He had changed up the decorations of the room, not that it anyone would have blamed him, all Lockhart had in there was pictures of himself. So anything would be an improvement.

Lupin waited for the entire class to make it before starting his class.

"Does anyone know anything about Boggarts?" He asked them, Sirius frowned and then put his hand up, he'd briefly read something about Boggarts and was digging the information out of his mind. "Sirius."

"We don't know their real form, the change shape depending on fears or something?" Sirius wasn't sure, but he tried anyway.

"Correct, so can we fight them?" Lupin was possibly the most enthusiastic teacher they'd had thus far, but no one seemed to be able to answer his second question. "Say 'Riddikulus' and wave your wand this this." He demonstrated for them. "Can you practice that?"

The class did as he asked, they'd never done this much in a lesson before and they were somewhat shocked by it.

"Alright, now I've got a boggart here today." Lupin gestured to an old trunk that he'd set down beside him. "So who wants to go first."

No one said anything, until Jane stepped forward. Sirius wondered how she wasn't even a bit scared of what she was about to face, he wasn't even sure if he'd want to give it a go.

"Excellent Jane! Now on three, I'll open the trunk and I need you to say the incantation and think if something to add to your fear to make it funny, alright?" Lupin instructed, Sirius couldn't figure out how he'd found out all their names already.

Jane just nodded and got ready, Lupin opened the trunk and out stepped her father and he looked angry. She took a step back and then pointed her wand at the boggart. "Riddikulus!" She shouted, the image of her father flickered and turned into a giant donkey. Jane laughed uncertainly.

"Excellent!" Lupin encouraged her. "Alright, Ernie you go next!"

Ernie didn't look convinced, but he stepped up to the boggart anyway. He let out a sigh as the boggart changed its shape into a giant Pidgeon, with deep red eyes and a look of malice on its face.

"You're scared of pigeons!" Hannah exclaimed in surprise.

"Hannah!" Sirius shushed her as Ernie glanced at them nervously.

"Sorry." Hannah gave him an encouraging smile.

"You've got this Ern!" Justin added encouragingly. Ernie nodded and looked back at the pidgeon, biting his lip.

"R- Ridikulus!" Ernie missed the boggart and hit the wall behind it.

"Try again Ernie." Lupin encouraged from where he was stood by the side of the group.

Ernie attempted the spell again, hitting the boggart, which shifted uncomfortably, taking a long time to decide on a shape until finally becoming a penguin struggling to fly. They all laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

Lupin called the next person forward and Sirius began to panic about being picked. What was his biggest fear? Did he really want everyone to see it? What would they think of him if they did? And would he freeze?

Sirius was barely aware of his name being  called, so wrapped up in his thoughts that he nearly jumped out of his skin when Hannah elbowed him in the stomach.

"Huh?" He frowned at her.

"Its your turn stupid." She rolled her eyes at him and pushed him towards the boggart, which turned to him expectantly. Everyone was watching him.

"Oh, right." He nodded, walking towards the boggart. He didn't want to do this, he did not want to so this, but what choice did he have? He wouldn't live it down if he didn't at least try. That and everyone was dying to know his biggest fear. He had faced Voldemort as an infant and lived to tell the tale, not that he did anything, that was all Harry. As usual.

The boggart shifted, so slow it was painful. Sirius could barely breathe he was so scared about what he would see. He didn't want them all to know.

At last, looming above him was a tall cloaked figure, the eyes shining green in the light, but you couldn't see the face. Fear punched Sirius in the gut and his breathing began to increase. He took a step back, shaking his head. He couldn't do this.

Not this.

He couldn't do this.

He tried to think of something funny, anything he could transform it into and tried the spell. Norbing happened. Panic set in. His breathing got faster. The boggart advanced.

It was just a boggart, it was just a boggart. But it was so real. So, so real. Unable to focus at all, so paralyzed with fear, Sirius dropped his wand. He was hyperventilating now, enveloped in the depths of a panic attack. He felt Justin grab his arm and pull him away from the boggart.

Lupin jumped in front of the boggart and it turned into a glowing orb, which he easily dealt with.

"Breathe, it's okay, you're safe." Justin had hold of both of Sirius' elbows and was desperately trying to calm him down. But Sirius was too wrapped up in his own fear to even comprehend was his friend had just said.

"Its gone." Hannah added, she was stood somewhere to Justin's left and he was vaguely aware of Ernie stood beside him.

"Breathe, ready?" Justin said, he took a deep breath, encouraging Sirius to do the same. Slowly controlling his breathing and calming him down.

"T-thanks." Sirius finally said. Lupin had dismissed the class, so it was just the four of them in the classroom.

"Are you okay?" Ernie asked, he wrapped an arm around his friends shoulders.

"Yeah, thanks." Sirius nodded, but he didn't sound very convincing.

"Sirius are you alright?" Professor Lupin asked, Sirius had forgotten he was in the room. He just nodded, he couldn't be bothered trying to explain himself. "If I may ask, what was that?"

Sirius shrugged, he wasn't sure what he was scared of. "I don't know."

"It was scary though." Hannah agreed.

"Alright, I suggest the four of you go back to your common room." Lupin told them, they nodded their agreement.

"Come on, I've got a packet of chocolate frogs somewhere." Justin said as the group began to move. Sirius was aware of Lupin watching them as they did, he got the strangest feeling he had met him before, a very long time ago.

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