1: chapter eighteen

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The Christmas holidays soon passed and Sirius, Hannah and Justin were happy to have Ernie back with them. The four were lounging in the grounds and chatting about the holidays, when Draco Malfoy came up to them. He was, as usual, followed by his beefy henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle. Both always had little to say.

"Hey Draco, have a good Christmas?" Sirius asked pleasantly, although he was wary of the threatening stances that the three were taking.

"It was good." Draco nodded, he clearly had a purpose and was unimpressed by all the small talk.

"So how can we help?" Hannah asked, it was clear she too felt threatened.

"I need your help." Draco answered.

"With what?" Justin questioned.

"Two things: One, revenge on the other Potter, and secondly, there's a pure-blood Ravenclaw I must speak with, but he always refuses to speak with me, but I know you three will get him to talk.

"I will not go against my brother." Sirius said at once, he hated it when people tried to get him to do that.

"I will." Hannah shrugged unconcernedly.

"Hannah!" Sirius and Justin exclaimed at the same time.

"What? You know I don't like him." She defended herself.

"Hannah please, he's my brother." Sirius begged, giving her the 'puppy-dog' eyes.

"Oh fine, we won't help you get revenge on Harry, but we can help with the other bit." Hannah announced.

"So who do you want us to talk to?" Justin asked.

"Oliver Swan." Draco answered.

"Sirius is friends with him!" Hannah stated, Draco looked surprised at this.

"I wouldn't say friends... but yeah." Sirius mumbled.

"But he talks to you?" The blonde Slytherin asked.

"Well yeah, but- "Sirius was cut off by Draco.

"Then let's go."

"What? Now?" Sirius asked.

"That is what 'Let's go' means." Draco sighed at the dark-haired boy.

"I guess I'll see you guys later." Sirius said to his friends with a sigh, as he followed the blonde inside. "Um... Draco I don't know where Ollie is."

"I do." The other boy announced.


Draco led Sirius to the library, where he pointed out Ollie sat in the corner, reading. He was, as usual, alone and looked like he didn't want to be disturbed.

"Maybe we should come back later, he looks busy." Sirius said.

"Sirius, if he talks to you, he'll talk, now go!" Draco pushed the boy into the library. Where he sighed and walked over to the corner, where he sat sown beside Ollie.

"Hey Sirius." Ollie greeted him without looking up from his book.

"Hey Ollie." Sirius replied.

"What's up?" The older boy asked, looking up from his book.

"Well...." Sirius began, but Ollie cut him off.

"Draco Malfoy asked you to convince me to talk to him, didn't he?" He asked, Sirius nodded.

"You hit the nail on the head there." He agreed.

"You do realise you don't have to help everyone." Ollie pointed out to him.

"His henchmen are scary." Sirius sighed. "Ollie, will you please just talk to him? It means he will stop annoying the both of us."

"Alright, I'll do it. But if he keeps annoying you and trying to get you to do things for him, then tell me, I'll get him off your back, okay?" Ollie lectured, Sirius sighed again.

"Ollie you don't have to do that; I can look after myself." He told the older boy.

"No you can't. besides, we're work mates- team mates, and we need to look out for each other. And I worry about you, so if you need me, I can help." Ollie told him, he nodded.

"Thanks Ollie."

"you'd better go and get him, I can see him hovering around like a bad smell."

"So, did Malfoy get to talk to Ollie?" Hannah asked as Sirius re-joined his friends in the common room.

"He did." Sirius nodded.

Justin looked like he wanted to say something, but before he could, Cedric and Leah burst into the room.

"But QUIDDITCH Leah!" Cedric exclaimed.

"Oh dear." Justin muttered.

"And?" Leah was unimpressed.

"Do I really have to say more?" Cedric asked.

"Yes." Leah looked like she wanted to tape Cedric's mouth closed so he would shut up, he had obviously been on a rant, and he wasn't even as obsessed with Quidditch as other students in Hogwarts.

"It's the best sport!"

"It's a Sport! Cedric, I don't like it okay, please just drop it." Leah sighed.

"Should we go save her?" Sirius asked.

"Give it a few minutes." Hannah answered.

"But he's annoying." Ernie commented.

"Shh, I'm watching." Hannah sighed.

"It's not just a sport, it's the foundations of this house, it's the- "Cedric was interrupted by Sirius.

"The foundations of this house is a woman who liked badgers." Sirius pointed out.

"Stay out of this Potter!" Cedric yelled jokingly.

Sirius rolled his eyes and shook his head. Leah had already walked off at this point.

"What was all that about Cedric?" Justin asked.

"I was just trying to get her to like it." Cedric sighed. "I thought she did."

"Not everyone likes Quidditch." Sirius pointed out.

"Just find something else to talk about, that isn't Quidditch, you obviously have other things in common." Hannah advised.

"We do, I just, she always seems to listen and be interested." Cedric frowned.

"She's your friend, that's what friends do." Sirius said.

Cedric sighed and got up, heading towards his dorm, the three first years laughed and shook their heads, before Justin took a deck of exploding snap cards and began handing them round.

They played a few games of snap, before switching to cheat, yelling so loudly that others in the common room turned to look at them.

Justin won.

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