2: chapter nine

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Ollie was starting to get really anxious. Five days had passed since Sirius had left, and they hadn't seen him since, Aro seemed to have abandoned them and he just wasn't sure what to do anymore. It annoyed him more that he and Jane could sense Sirius getting hurt, healing and getting hurt again and they couldn't imagine what was happening to him, nor where he was.

A thousand scenarios had gone through his mind as he worried about the boy. And he blamed himself, instead of trying to protect him, they should have told him the truth. They should have told the truth and helped him deal with it. Maybe Aro was right, he could never do anything correctly.

"Ollie!" The blond looked up at the sound of his sister's voice. She ran into his room, almost tripping over a pile of discarded clothing on the floor. "I think I've found him."

"What makes you say that?" Ollie frowned. Last time she had thought she had found Sirius, it had been a confused young German boy who was on holiday with his parents.

"Because I talked to him, he filled me in on what's been going on, and he told me where he's been staying." She told him. He stared at her.

"How on earth did you manage that?" He asked.

"I found him training with Aro, who's being very nice by the way." She answered simply. "And I finally got to visit the tomb, the rumours are right. Gideon Prewitt really does lie in a state of eternal torture."

"Training?" Ollie questioned anxiously. "Is he okay?"

"Fine actually, I've never seen him so... contented." She frowned. "Justin and Hannah are there too."

"Can we go and see him?" Ollie wanted to see him again, he didn't like not knowing where either Sirius or Jane was.

"Duh! Hannah decided they were going to cook for us." Jane rolled her eyes at her brother. "You're very slow today." She commented, organising the pile of books on his desk.

"Is he okay?" Ollie wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied.

"He's fine." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Jane if you're not telling me something." He warned her threateningly, she sighed, he had gotten so much worse.

"He's had some more feedback." She said. "And there's something bugging him, but I don't know what. Hannah will know."

"We've messed everything up." Ollie told her grandly.

"He'll forgive us, he's very forgiving." She answered.

When Jane and Ollie got to the apartment, they found Hannah sat inbetween Justin and Sirius, both boys asleep. Sirius curled up beside her with his head on her lap. She was gently playing with with his hair. Justin had his head in her shoulder. The tv was playing softly. She smiled at them. "Aro's definition of training is my definition of torture." She told them gently. "Justin's been very upset seeing Sirius get so hurt." She explained, the tearstains on Justin's face certainly proved that. Ollie had to wonder what he had seen.

"Are you alright Hannah?" Jane asked gently.

"I'm worried about him." She replied. "Aro goes on and on about the potential he has, but he's killing him."

"You told me he was fine!" Ollie hissed to Jane, who shrugged.

"I didn't want you to have a paddy." She answered. Ollie sighed and examined the bruises on the sleeping boys face.

"He has to heal like a muggle doesn't he?"

"He'll be fine." Hannah told him, "dinners in the microwave, I don't have the heart to wake them."

"Thanks Hannah." Jane smiled at her and got up, to get the food for herself and her brother.

"Don't mention it." Hannah smiled. "Just please don't wake my boys."

"Your boys?" Ollie asked with a frown.

"My best friends, the people who put a smile on my face every day. And Ernie of course. We all miss him." Hannah sighed. "Aro told me about the prophecy."

Ollie paled. "He did?"

"He did. I get it, okay, but you can't put that pressure on him right now okay, he's going through a lot right now." Hannah warned him. "Just because the prophecy states it, doesn't mean it will happen."

"I know." Ollie sighed. "I know."

Hannah shook her head. "Why are you here? You don't need to be here, you don't have to go through this."

"I couldn't let him take my four year old sister. And I couldn't leave her with him. And now... I can't lose either of them." Ollie told her, thanking Jane as she passed him a plate of food.

"Can we stay here tonight?" Jane asked with a hopeful smile. "It's lonely in that big house, and Aro hasn't been back for ages."

"He's having troubles in the tomb. Gideon isn't settling." Hannah told them, Sirius shifted uncomfortably. "Hey, hey you're safe." She whispered to the boy asleep in her lap. "Of course you can stay."

"Thank you Hannah." Jane said sincerely.

"We're friends aren't we?" Hannah rolled her eyes and rested her cheek against Justin's head. "We're going to Diagon Alley in two days and then we're going to Justin's. I'm sure Jennifer won't mind if you come along?"

"We'd love too." Ollie nodded with a smile. Hannah looked around productively, checking the time on her watch, which had passed considerably.

"I'll get these to bed and then I'll set up the sofa for you." Hannah paused. " And I'll bring the futon out of the other room."

"I'll get it." Ollie told her, heading to the other room, where she directed him.

Hannah then looked to Justin. "Hey Jay, wake up." Justin frowned, bleary eyed and grumbling. "Go to bed." She told him. He nodded and looked at Sirius. "I don't want to wake him." She told the boy with a frown.

"See if he needs anything." Justin suggested. Hannah nodded.

"Sirius, wake up." She shook the boy gently, he stirred painfully. "Come on, let's go to bed." Sirius nodded and his friends helped him up, Jane frowned at him, noticing the full extent of his injuries. They passed Ollie on their way into the bedroom, and the boy almost dropped the futon at the sight of him.

Once she had got the boys settled, knowing they were having a bad day, Hannah returned to the living room. She set up a bed each for Ollie and Jane, and was about to leave them , but they stopped her.

"Hannah, you're amazing you know that? The way you're looking after them when they're down, how you're helping us." Ollie sighed. "Thank you."

Hannah and smiled. "We're all in this together now."

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