1: chapter eleven

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"Sirius!" At the sound of his brother's voice, the boy turned to find Harry, Hermione and Ron stood a few metres behind him

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"Sirius!" At the sound of his brother's voice, the boy turned to find Harry, Hermione and Ron stood a few metres behind him.

"Harry?" Sirius walked to meet his brother and his brothers friends, Harry hugged him tightly.

"Where have you been! I haven't seen you for two weeks!" Harry scolded him, Sirius shrugged.

"I mean I was here, but Justin and Hannah decided that we should join in with the parties and then Justin got a cold and he gets very demanding when he's ill." Sirius sighed. "Then Draco decided that we should learn how to play quidditch, so we had to learn that. Then we went swimming in the lake and spent the whole weekend in bed, with colds."

"Draco? As in Malfoy?" Ron asked, his eyes wide with shock. Sirius shrugged.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

" You shouldn't hang around him Siri." Harry said. Sirius frowned.

"And why not exactly?" Sirius asked back defensively,

"Because he's a bad person!" Harry exclaimed exasperatedly.

"And you know that because?" Sirius asked, Harry said nothing. "You don't know him Harry, now i need to go, I said I'd meet Ernie in the library."

With that he turned and went on his way, confused as to why his brother seemed so against his friendship with Draco, Harry barely knew him.


Halloween came all too soon. The decorations were marvellous and the Hufflepuffs were even planning a Halloween party for the house and a few close friends, all were excited.

"I can't wait for this party." Ernie said as he re-entered the room from the bathroom. Sirius looked up from where he was tying his shoe laces and nodded.

"Possibly the best one yet." He agreed.

"I heard one of the seventh years was sneaking in firewhisky." Justin added with a grin.

"What's firewhisky." Sirius asked in confusion.

"I forget how little you know, even Justin seems to know more." Ernie commented, Sirius pretended to look hurt.

"That's because I pay attention in class." Justin said with a grin at Sirius.

"I do pay attention." He defended himself, they both looked at him with raised brows. "Sometimes."

"Firewhisky is a drink by the way." Ernie told Sirius who nodded.

"There's gonna be hangovers tomorrow." Justin sighed.

"It's always the slytherins." Sirius added with a laugh.

"I hope there's a Halloween themed breakfast or I'm going to lose faith in this school." Ernie announced, his two friends laughed loudly. "Come on, let's go and find Hannah."

The group trooped downstairs to find Hannah waiting for them. she sighed at them and grabbed Sirius by the arm as he lagged behind the other two. "You three took way too long!" She announced to them. "Let's go, I'm starving."

They entered the great hall in a heated argument about whether or not the giant squid would eat ducks or not. The room was beautifully decorated for Halloween. pumpkins hung from the ceiling, the candles glowed an eerie green and the ghosts were floating out of the food unexpectedly in a bid to scare the most students.

"Oh wow!" Hannah exclaimed with wide eyes.

"The food better be themed as well." Ernie added with a mutinous tone, they could tell he would be highly disappointed if it was not.

Upon sitting down at the Hufflepuff table, it was clear to see that the house elves had done a wonderful job on the food that morning. the pancakes were skull-shaped, the scrambled egg coloured green, and most amazingly, the toast shaped as characters from the wizarding children's tales, which Ernie explained to his friends.

"Are you happy now Ern?" Sirius asked as he ate a pancake.

"Yep!" Ernie said eating a bit of everything. A fresh plate of chocolate brioches appeared, each one shaped like a dementor, as Ernie explained to them.

"This is a good breakfast." Hannah said happily as she bit into a brioche.

"We should go down to the lake later." Justin said.

"Yeah, I've got that pack of cards I stole from my uncle!" Sirius added with a grin, he was still surprised that he hadn't been caught for that yet.

"Bring any sweets you can, whoever wins the game gets all the sweets." Justin decided.


Still not completely hungry after the sweets-feast they had had that afternoon, Sirius sat in the great hall preparing for an uneventful evening, at least until the party later of course.

That was until Professor Quirrel, turban unravelling slightly, ran the length of the hall, faster then anyone would even think that he could run, and stopped in front of the teachers table. "Troll in the dungeon!" He bellowed. "Troll in the dungeon! thought you ought to know."

With that the defence against the dark arts teacher fainted and sent everyone into blind panic.

until Dumbledore called everyone to silence, sending them back to their common rooms.

Amongst the hustle and bustle of everyone running to get back to their common room, Sirius lost his friends, but he did find his brother.

"Harry you don't think it really is a mountain troll do you?" Sirius asked as he met Harry and Ron in the midst of it all.

"Yeah, and Hermione doesn't know, come on!" Harry grabbed his brothers wrist and dragging him along with them.

"Harry, we aren't going towards the troll, are we?" Sirius asked nervously, he should have just walked away, not tried to find his friends.

"We might be." Ron answered.

"Oh great."

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