3: Chapter Eleven

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Whilst his friends were excitedly getting ready to go to Hogsmeade, Sirius had already resigned himself to the fact that he wasn't allowed to go. His aunt and uncle hadn't signed the letter, meaning that he wouldn't be allowed out of the castle. He would have liked to go, but sneaking out didn't seem like a good idea, especially with the dementors floating around.

"Sirius are you not ready to go?" Hannah asked, he realised he hadn't told them he wasn't going.

"I can't go, I haven't had my letter signed." He told them.

"I'm sure they'll let you go anyway." Justin said, although none of them looked convinced of the fact.

"I doubt it." Sirius sighed. "Its fine, you guys go and bring me back some chocolate. I'll go and annoy Harry."

"We can sneak you out if you want?" Ernie offered, Sirius shook his head with a smile.

"And get murdered by either Filch or a dementor? I think I'll pass." He knew his friends wanted him to be there, but he wasn't about to argue with authority today. "Besides, you have to bring me back some sweets." 

"We will, promise." Hannah hugged him and then the three left Sirius in the common room alone. He considered what he would do with his time alone for a moment, before deciding he would go and bother his brother, considering he could find him. Harry had a habit of disappearing after all. 

wandering down the corridors humming a merry tune, Sirius came across Peeves the Poltergeist, who threw a quill at him. dodging the assault, Sirius continued on his way, finally finding Harry on his way to the entrance hall. 

"Harry!" He called to his brother, who smiled at him as he approached. 

"Hey Sirius, you not allowed to go either?" Harry asked sullenly, Sirius shook his head.

"No, but I made my friends promise to bring me food, so it's all good." he replied.

"Hey, have you had defence against the dark arts yet?" Harry asked as they walked up the main staircase together. Sirius nodded.

"Yeah, the Boggart was scary." he replied, the memory of the Boggart sending a shiver down his spine, he involuntarily clenched a fist at the memory, his nails digging into the soft flesh of his palm.

"Mine was a dementor, and because they affect me so badly, Professor Lupin is going to teach me how to do a patronus charm." Harry told him.

"What's that?" Sirius frowned, he hadn't heard of one before.

"It keeps dementors away." Harry explained. 

"That's cool, those things scare me." Sirius sighed. "I was worried they would be just floating around the corridors." 

"Dumbledore wouldn't allow that to happen." Harry told him, his confidence in Dumbledore confused him, Sirius didn't find the headmaster to be that trustworthy. 

"I guess not." Sirius nodded, "Hey, right now I'm craving chocolate chip pancakes, do you want to go to the kitchens?"

"That's a very specific craving, but why not?" Harry agreed, following his brother towards the kitchens. Unlike his brother, Harry and his friends did not make that many trips to the kitchens.

Sirius and Ernie were playing an early morning game of wizard chess, when Leah and Cedric, along with their friend Edward rushed towards them.

"Have you heard?" Leah asked.

"Heard what?" Sirius asked with a frown, looking up from where he was watching his rook brutally attack Ernie's pawn. 

"The fat lady's been attacked!" Cedric announced to them.

Ernie and Sirius exchanged confused looks. "Who's the fat lady?" Ernie asked.

"The portrait to the Gryffindor common room, she was attacked by Sirius Black." Edward explained to them, knowing the other two wouldn't.

"Sirius Black is in the castle?" Sirius asked in surprise.

"Not anymore, otherwise they'd have found him by now." Leah shook her head. "It's crazy though."

"I thought Hogwarts was the safest place in the wizarding world, how did he get in?" Ernie asked, thinking allowed, Sirius shrugged, he couldn't understand it either.

"How did he escape Azkaban?" Cedric asked back, the man must be seriously powerful to have escaped so many people and dementors.

"I wonder what he wants?" Sirius mused allowed. "I mean why come here?"

"If he's working for you know who, maybe he's looking for your brother." Ernie pointed out, Sirius nodded, it did make perfect sense. "Not that he'll get to him here." Ernie added quickly.

"So how do we know we're safe?" Sirius asked them, they all exchanged a existential look.

"How do we ever know we're safe." Edward replied morbidly. Sirius wasn't sure he liked him and he did try to be positive about everyone he met.

"Well I'll sleep well tonight, thanks Ed." Leah said sarcastically with a sigh. "I was hoping for a quiet year."

"You and me both." Ernie nodded.

"As long as saturdays game goes ahead, we're playing Gryffindor and I want to win." Cedric said excitedly.

"Have you ever beaten Gryffindor?" Edward asked.

"No, but I reckon we'll get lucky this time." Cedric replied optimistically.

"At least you're positive Ced." Sirius congratulated him. "Is anyone else really hungry?"

"We can't get breakfast until Hannah and Justin are here or we'll get murdered." Ernie pointed out to him.

"Ah, well we'd better finish our game then." Sirius turned his attention back to the chess board.

"Who's winning?" Leah asked as she sat down opposite them.

"Me, as always." Ernie replied smugly.

"Shut up!" Sirius pulled a face at his friend as Ernie's knight took out his bishop.

"And you said, and I quote 'I'll beat you this time'." Ernie teased him. Sirius pulled a face at him.

"Shut up!"

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