1: Chapter four

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Harry grabbed Sirius and pulled him up off the floor, dragging him into a corner, where he stood protectively in front of his brother

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Harry grabbed Sirius and pulled him up off the floor, dragging him into a corner, where he stood protectively in front of his brother.

"Harry?" Sirius mumbled, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. "What the hell is going on?"

"Sorry about that!" the large figure that stood in the doorway said loudly, picking up the door and covering the doorway with it. "Couldn't make us a cup o' tea could yeh? It's not been an easy journey." He strode toward the sofa, fixing his large eyes on Dudley.

"Budge up yeh great lump!" The stranger said to Dudley, who squealed and hid behind his mother. The giant turned to the twins.

"An' here's Harry!" He said and after catching sight of Sirius, he added, "which means you must be Sirius."

Both boys nodded, which seemed to encourage the giant to continue talking. "Last time I saw yeh both, you were just babies. Harry, you look like your dad, but you have your mum's eyes. And Sirius, you look a lot like yeh mum, but you have yeh dad's eyes." The giant finished. Looking at the two happily.

Uncle Vernon made a strange sort of coughing noise, he had a gun in his hands. "I demand you leave at once! You are breaking and entering!" He had gone very red in the face.

"Ah shut up Dursley, yeh great prune."The giant reached over the back of the sofa, took the gun from Uncle Vernon and twisted into a shape that greatly resembled a pretzel. Sirius snorted, causing his brother to elbow him in the ribs.

"I got something for the two of you, it mighta got squished on the way, but it'll taste alright." The giant passed Harry a box.

Harry opened it to show a slightly squished, badly iced cake. It held the words 'happy birthdae Harry and Sirius' on top in green icing.

"Um... Thanks?" Sirius said, causing the giant to smile at him.

"Who are you?" Harry asked abruptly.

The giant laughed. "That's true, I haven't introduced myself. " he said as he lit the fire and started cooking sausages.

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys at Hogwarts. Of course you'll know all about Hogwarts." He laughed to himself.

The twins exchanged a confused look.

"Not really." Harry spoke for them.

The giant looked confused for a moment before speaking again. "Don't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learnt it all?" He asked.

The twins exchanged another confused look. "All what?" Sirius finally asked.

"Sirius, Harry you're both wizards." The giant told them.

Sirius burst into a loud round of laughter.

"You're kidding right?" He asked.

The giant shook his head. "You're a wizard. Both of you are wizards." He told them. Sirius turned pale and raised one eyebrow.

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