3: Chapter nineteen

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"Okay, I'm confused." Justin sighed once Sirius had finished telling his friends about his encounter with Elias.

"You're confused? How do you think I feel?" Sirius asked, flopping onto the rug in front of the fire in defeat. "What on earth am I supposed to do now?"

"Runaway to Greece." Hannah said confidently.

"Isn't that geographically close to Italy?" Ernie asked. He paused. "Australia's nice this time of year."

"Anyone fancy running away with me?" Sirius asked.

"Sure." Justin nodded. "Whenever you want to leave."

"Why did it have to be me!" Sirius groaned dramatically.

"It had to be someone." Hannah shrugged.

"Oh kill me now!" Sitius sighed, Rowan padded over to him and licked his cheek. "Hey Rowan."

"Do you think he's related to Ollie and Jane?" Ernie asked, Sirius shrugged.

"I don't know." He sighed, suddenly both Ollie and Jane made their way into the common room.

"Sirius!" Ollie exclaimed. "Did he hurt you at all?"

"No, I'm just very confused. I wish for once someone would just tell me the truth and not hide things from me!" Sirius ranted. Jane and Ollie looked at one another with a sigh.

"What Elias told you, about the prophecy is right, but it isn't about him, it's about us, but I think you already know that." Ollie explained gently, Sirius nodded.

"I felt it." He agreed.

"But what Elias did to you, I don't know how, but it shows that he's dangerous, don't you think?" Jane asked.

Sirius sighed. "That's the thing, I don't know anymore. I don't know who I'm supposed to trust and who's side I'm meant to be on."

"Sirius-" Ollie began, but Sirius cut him off.

"Please, just let me have some space. I need to think." Sirius sighed. Time had gotten away from him and he wasn't particularly sure how much time he had missed during his time with Elias, as he had been very disorientated after they had apparated off the astronomy tower.

"If you get into any trouble, or he comes back please let us know." Ollie begged him. Sirius nodded once and went back to staring despairingly at the tapestries on the ceiling.

"Alright, we'll check on you another day, please be careful." Jane added showing a strange amount of emotion for her usual self.

"See you guys." Justin waved them off and tried to get Sirius' attention, but he failed at this. Sirius was enveloped in his thoughts and didn't even comprehend anything else.

Sirius awoke in a cold sweat, he'd dreamed about Elias and he was terrified, he didn't know who to trust anymore, and he didn't like it. Who had told him the truth? Elias or Ollie? If Elias had removed the mark from his skin did that mean he was free? Did he have to obey Aro anymore?

He got up and sat by the window, Rowan instantly padding over to sit beside him. Rowan had known something was wrong, and had barely let Sirius out of his sight since he had returned. The grounds were quiet, noting appeared to be happening, that was until Sirius saw Elias stood by the forest, watching the window as always.

Sitius absent mindedly petted Rowan's head and turned away from the window. "Do you think I should talk to Lupin about this?" He asked the dog, who seemed to nod as though he thought it a good idea. "Who am I supposed to trust?"

Rowan looked at him as if to say 'me'.

"Thanks Rowan." Sirius sighed. He looked at the dog and then back to the window, Elias had gone. He then looked at the still faded mark on his skin, he wondered why Aro hadn't replaced it, if he even knew it was gone. "Does this look bad?" He asked the dog, who barked at him and licked the edge of his chin. "I'll take that as a yes." Sirius laughed.

"What are you still doing up?" Justin had sat up in bed and looked across the room, to find his friend sat by the window with Rowan.

"Nightmare." Sirius replied.

"You need to get some sleep, you'll only feel worse." Justin told him gently, but he still came to sit beside him. "Everythings going to be alright, you know."

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed J." Sirius replied with a sigh. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"Whatever happens, you've still got us." Justin told him. "Whether you get Aro to leave you alone and we do this just us, or we figure out the truth."

"How do I know what the truth is?" Sirius asked. "I don't know anything anymore."

"Why don't we find your prophecy, that will tell us exactly what it's about." Justin suggested. Sirius nodded.

"Providing we can find it." He agreed with a sigh.

"Do you think Aro has it?" Justin asked, "I mean he must do."

"I guess, I don't know where abouts he would have it though." Sirius mused, trying to think of where a prophecy would be kept on Aro's property.

"I mean you're gonna end up there this summer anyway, so why don't you look for it then, and then you can decide what to do, we'll be with you whatever decision you make, you know that." Justin said brightly, Rowan nodding like he agreed with everything he said.

"You're right, thanks Justin, I need the truth." Sirius nodded with another sigh.

"Come on, let's get some sleep." Justin suggested, both boys were tired and the situation would look better in the morning, at least that's what they were always told.

Sirius nodded. "Night Justin."

"Night Sirius, don't worry about it okay?" Justin smiled at him. "We'll figure this out."

Sirius managed a smile for his friend and got back into bed, hoping that he would be able to sleep without his fears and insecurities making their way into his dreams, tarnishing the quality of his sleep. But like most things in life, he had no control over his dreams and of course as soon as he drifted off, Elias appeared once again in his dreams.

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