1: chapter ten

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"Flying lessons?" Sirius asked Cedric as they walked down to breakfast together

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"Flying lessons?" Sirius asked Cedric as they walked down to breakfast together. Hannah and Justin had already gone down to the great hall, but Sirius had been too slow for them, and they had left him. So he had found Cedric to accompany him instead.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. It'll be fun." Cedric nodded, with a smile. He had obviously enjoyed flying lessons.

"Is this like actual flying?" Sirius asked.

"Yep, on a broom, it'll help if you want to join the quidditch team next year." Cedric told him. Sirius sighed. "What?"

"There's one problem with that Cedric." He told the older boy.

" What?" Cedric asked curiously.

" I'm not exactly the biggest fan of flying." Sirius confessed.

"Don't worry about that, you'll be fine." Cedric laughed.

"Thanks Cedric." Sirius sighed again.

"Oh come on! Trust me, it'll be great." Cedric told him.

"If you really think so?" Sirius asked. Cedric nodded.

"I do." Cedric said.

"Then I trust you." Sirius told the older boy.

"That's the spirit Sirius!" Cedric grinned at him.

"Thanks Cedric." Sirius sighed.

They reached the great hall moments later and joined Cedrics friends, Hannah and Justin at the table.

"You two took ages!" Hannah announced.

" We know." Cedric and Sirius told her in sync.

"Are you ready for flying lessons?" Justin asked, Sirius gave him a tortured look and took a slice of toast.

" No." He said bluntly, taking a bite out of the large slice of toast in his hand.

" Oh come on! Lighten up!" Hannah hit him on the head. Cedric laughed.

"You'll be fine." He told them.

Sirius groaned.

Sirius was walking down the corridor, trying to get to lunch, when he was stopped by a blonde boy with a sour expression.

"Um... hi?" Sirius said brightly to him.

"You're the other Potter?" The blonde seemed confused. Sirius nodded.

"Yup! well, I prefer Sirius, but I'm Harry's brother." Sirius told him.

" I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." The blonde said.

"Nice to meet you." Sirius offered the boy his hand, Draco shook it.

"You've got mud on your face." The blonde pointed out to him. Sirius rubbed his face in embarressment.

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