1: Chapter thirteen

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It was starting to get cold, and by now Sirius knew how to go along with the Hogwarts way of life

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It was starting to get cold, and by now Sirius knew how to go along with the Hogwarts way of life. Since Harry had by some miracle made it onto the Gryffindor quidditch team, despite it being made clear that first years weren't allowed on the team and Sirius had had to hex Draco several times to stop him talking bad about Harry, Sirius was proud of his brother and had made it his personal mission to go to each and every game his brother played in. it was the rumours that bothered him, he didn't want people to turn on his brother, or think he was using his fame to get what he wanted.

It was the day of the quidditch match, the first match of the season, and whilst Sirius wanted to be there to support his brother, he didn't want to face getting out of bed.

He felt awful.

No, he felt worse than awful, worse than ill, worse than them both combined. His face throbbed, his chest pained him with every breath, he was sweating because he was warm and yet shivering because he was cold. And at the back of his mind was a tiny nagging that his body was reacting to some sort of magic.

He was right.

But he wouldn't know for sure, he would never know for sure and that was how it would always be.

He wanted to go to the hospital wing, but he remembered Aro's warning, and going against that didn't seem like a good idea.

"Sirius get out of bed!" Hannah's voice woke him from his third nap of the morning.

"Leave me alone." Sirius mumbled, pulling his blanket over his nose.

"You can't miss Quidditch Sirius!" Cedric told him.

"Especially seeing as Harry's playing." Justin added.

"I know; I want to be there." Sirius sighed.

"You'll feel more awake after breakfast." Ernie inputted.

"And they're serving pancakes today!" Hannah added.

"It's not just that I'm tired, I don't feel well." Sirius told them.

"You do look awful." Justin nodded.

"Thanks J." Sirius smiled weakly.

"Do you want one of us to stay with you?" Ernie offered, but Sirius shook his head.

"Thanks, but I'll meet you at the game." Sirius told them weakly.

"Alright, we'll save you a seat." Cedric ruffled his hair and left the room, going to look for his other friends.

"I'll get some snacks, see you at the game." Ernie nodded. All three high-fived Sirius and left him alone.

Sirius sighed and rubbed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain and muster the energy to move.


"There you are!" Hannah exclaimed, as she tied her long, red hair up into a ponytail.

"Here I am." Sirius nodded, sitting in between her and Justin.

"You missed Flint and Wood giving each other serious death glares." Hannah informed him.

"Who?" Sirius asked in confusion.

"The captains, dingbat!" Hannah told him jokingly.

"You'll love Quidditch Sirius, just watch!" Cedric said, leaning over the back of Ernie's seat to talk to the Potter boy.

"I feel like you've told me that before." Sirius sighed at the older boy, although he didn't always talk about Quidditch, it was clear Cedric was passionate about Quidditch.

"It's true, you should listen to me." Cedric said, before going off on a rant about the best game he'd ever seen.

"Is he okay?" Sirius asked Leah, who shrugged.

"He's just having a moment." She patted Cedric's arm. "If not we'll spray him with the hose."

The game began, and Sirius soon realised that he hated Quidditch. He didn't understand the rules and he didn't understand why the entire school seemed to enjoy watching it.

"Good god this is boring." Sirius sighed.

"Get used to it kid, you have another seven years of this yet." Leah told him.

"You hate this too?" Sirius asked her, she nodded.

"I can't stand it, but I sit here, not like there's anything to do anyways." She answered.

"This is stupid." Sirius sighed, but he knew he couldn't leave. He had to be there for Harry.


Another wild party was taking place in the Hufflepuff common room. Even though it hadn't been their house that had won, everyone was celebrating the sour look on Snape's face, which was enough to make even the Slytherins to crack a smile. But the Slytherin Quidditch team would come back with a vengeance, and that wouldn't be pretty, but it was a 50% chance of the Gryffindor team surviving the next month, so no one was worried.

"How do we not get caught?" Sirius asked his friends, who shrugged.

"Who cares? It's great!" Hannah shook her head and passed him a drink. "You ever tried butterbeer? It's great!"

"What is this?" Sirius asked with a frown, looking at the caramel-coloured, frothy drink with a bemused expression.

"I have no idea, but it tastes great!" Hannah shrugged. Sirius sighed and took a sip. It was too sweet, sickly sweet.

"Here, you drink it." He passed it to Justin, who was just finished his own.

"Thanks Sirius." Justin smiled.

"Anytime J." Sirius nodded.

"Hey Sirius, you want to dance?" Hannah asked him.

"No." He answered.

"Justin?" Hannah turned to her other friend.

"Nope, go try Ernie." Justin told her.

"You two are so boring sometimes." She said, with that she left to go and find Ernie. Sirius and Justin looked at each other and laughed.

"I have Uno in my bag." Justin told him.

"Winner gets a chocolate frog?" Sirius suggested.

"Deal." Justin grinned.

"You're on." Sirius nodded. With that the two went to find Ernie.

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