1: Chapter nine

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"Sirius dear! Sirius dear! Get up! Get up!" Sirius woke up to find Justin hitting him in the face with a pillow

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"Sirius dear! Sirius dear! Get up! Get up!" Sirius woke up to find Justin hitting him in the face with a pillow.

"Justin!" The dark-haired boy groaned, batting the pillow away.

"Come on! We have to get to breakfast." Justin hit him again. Sirius groaned once more and pushed himself out of bed and dragged himself to the bathroom.

When he was finally ready, Sirius, Justin and another boy from their dormitory called Ernie, met Hannah in the common room, and together the four of them went down to breakfast. It was quieter then Sirius had expected when they finally found some seats at the Hufflepuff table, they ended up sat with Cedric and his friends.

"Morning Cedric." The four greeted the older boy, who grinned at them and introduced them to his friends, Edward and Leah.

"Morning guys." He added, remembering that he had not yet greeted them.

"What lessons do you think we have first?" Hannah asked, being the first one whose thoughts turned to school.

"I don't know, but I do know that I am starving!" Sirius declared. Hannah and Justin shook their heads at him, but Ernie laughed.

"That's because you ate literally nothing yesterday." Justin pointed out. Sirius shrugged.

"I wasn't hungry then. But I am now." He answered. "and I ate the cookies yesterday." he added.

"You only ate two of them Sirius." Hannah laughed.

"Oh yeah." Sirius sighed.

"Potter, Finch-Fletchey, Macmillan and Abbot." Professor Sprout passed the group their timetables. Immediately they all looked to see what lesson they had first.

"I do not understand this thing!" Sirius exclaimed. Hannah sighed.

"You're holding it upside down." She pointed out.

"Oh." Sirius turned his timetable the right way up and soon realised that it did in fact make sense. "What's transfiguration?"

"I dunno, sounds spooky." Justin joked.

"Spooky?" Hannah asked, one eyebrow raised.

" Why not?" Sirius laughed at the bemused look on her face. "Could be."

"We have it with the Ravenclaws." Justin informed them grandly, featuring at the table beside them.

"Yay! Friends!" Sirius laughed excitedly.

"Sirius you don't have any friends." Hannah sighed, patting him on the back.

"Then what are you?" He asked with a frown.

"Who says we are really here?" Hannah replied, laughing at the perplexed look on the boy's face.

" Oh..." He shrugged and picked up Justin's toast.

"Hey!" Justin took it back with a glare at the boy sat opposite him.

"I think you might be real." Sirius whispered go Hannah.

"Awe look at you! Figuring it out for yourself." She laughed and ruffled his hair. He swatted her away and got himself a piece of toast.

"You're in a better mood then when I woke you up." Justin commented.

"I've had food now." Sirius announced grandly, waving his half-eaten toast at his friend.

"Who's ready for transfiguration?" Hannah asked excitedly, they both frowned at her.

"We still have no idea what it is!" Sirius announced exasperatedly.

" Then it will be fun to find out!" Hannah grinned happily.

" But Hannah, It's school!" Justin yelled dramatically. He looked downcast.

"Yes, but it's magic school!" Hannah pointed out.

"Justin! She's right!" Sirius gasped in the same dramatic tone Justin had just spoken in.

" No! That means..." Justin trailed off, his eyes wide.

"Let's go!" The two boys yelled at once.

They jumped up and ran out of the room, Hannah watched them go with a sigh.

"They're crazy." Cedric commented with a laugh, he and his friends had been watching the first years with amusement.

" And they don't know where they're going." Hannah added, getting up and walking out of the hall.

Professor Mcgongall was the most impressive person Sirius had ever come across. She could control a class with the raise of an eyebrow and taught with the air of the wisest man in the world.

She had come over to him after seeing that he was struggling with the theory she had been teaching.

" What don't you get Sirius?" She asked, before he could even ask about the work.

"How does it work?" He asked.

" What do you mean?" The professor frowned at him.

"Like how do I get my hedgehog into a pin cushion? It can't just suddenly change, do I have to imagine it or something?" Sirius frowned back at the woman.

"First of all you have to actually believe you can do it, and then you have to want it to happen, and then you have to cast the spell." She answered.

"That makes no sense. This is stupid." Sirius sighed. Justin patted him on the back.

"Really?" Mcgongall looked extremely amused.

"It doesn't make sense, how can something just become something else?" Sirius told her.

"So is this stupid?" The professor asked, and then she turned into a cat.

"Wow." Sirius whispered.

"So is Magic stupid?" She asked him.

"Its cool, but still doesn't make sense." Sirius shrugged.

"Can you get on with your work though?" She asked him.

"I can, but I don't particularly want to." Sirius answered.

" Get on with your work Potter." She told him, but he swore he could see a sparkle of laughter in her eyes.

By lunchtime, word had gone round about the other potter, who had argued with Professor Mcgongall about the stupidity of magic, and lived to tell the tale. Sirius found himself getting high fives down the corridor from people who found the story absolutely hilarious.

"I can't believe you argued with Professor Mcgongall!" Cedric laughed as he sat down beside Sirius, who was stuffing his face with a bacon sandwich.

"I just asked her a question and she tried to change my opinion." Sirius shrugged.

"But you argued." Cedric pointed out.

"yes." Sirius nodded in the same condescending tone.

"With Professor Mcgongall." Cedric added.

"I did." Sirius nodded.

"I love this kid!" Leah, a friend of Cedric, with the frizziest red hair you could ever see, announced with a laugh.

"Thanks." Sirius grinned.

Maybe, just maybe, this school wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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