1: Chapter three

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Humming the same tune Justin had been humming all day, Sirius skipped up to number four privet drive and opened the door, walking into uncle Vernon, Sirius found Harry watching him.

"Where've you been boy?" Vernon asked, glaring at him. Sirius beamed at him.

"Out with friends." Sirius answered, waving at his twin with a smirk.

"you don't have any friends." Vernon shoved him into the house, where he fell into Harry.

"Sorry Harry." Sirius muttered, before turning to look at Vernon. "You're the one with no friends." He added a bit louder. Harry looked at him in surprise, Sirius never talked back, he was the smart one, he knew there would be consequences, it was Harry who usually talked back and got punished, not his twin.

Uncle Vernon turned around, red in the face with anger. "What did you say?!" He yelled.

Sirius seemed to have thought better of arguing with the man, because he was staring at his feet and biting his lip. "Nothing." He muttered insolently.

"Cupboard, now!" Uncle Vernon opened the cupboard and shoved the boy into it. "You get in there too!" He ordered to Harry, who followed his brother into the cupboard.

"That wasn't like you." Harry pointed out, causing Sirius to sigh.

"I know." He muttered. Harry looked at him and shook his head.

"Where've you been all day?" He asked. Sirius shrugged.

"Out with friends." The younger boy answered.

"Friends?" Harry asked, he had no recollection of his brother mentioning any friends before.

Sirius nodded. "Yep!"

"You've never talked about them before." Harry pressed.

"It's a new thing." His brother answered.

"Sirius?" Harry asked. His brother looked at him.

"Yes Harry?" Sirius asked back.

"You know how we're going to stonewall high after the summer?" Harry asked sullenly.

"I was aware of that." Sirius nodded.

"How are we going to survive? Maybe we should... Leave?" Sirius laughed at his brother's suggestion.

"We would never survive out there. Besides, who says we actually have to go to that school? My friend Justin reckons we could try out for Eton." He answered.

"It's expensive and if we skip school they'll kill us. Either way we're doomed." Harry sighed. Sirius laughed.

"You're being dramatic. I bet it won't be that bad." He shrugged.

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