1: Chapter seventeen

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Harry answered the door the common room, and Sirius hugged him immediately

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Harry answered the door the common room, and Sirius hugged him immediately. "Happy Christmas Harry!" He yelled.

Harry laughed and beckoned his brother inside. "You should see this."

Ron was perched on the arm of a sofa, and nodded at Sirius as he entered. No one else was there. It was then that Sirius realised that it was actually quite late at night.

"What should I see?" Sirius asked.

Harry brought out an old cloak, causing his brother to frown. "It was Dad's." Harry explained.

"That? It looks a bit..." Sirius didn't want to say it, but it looked like it belonged in the bin.

"Look at this." Harry wrapped the cloak around his shoulders, and suddenly became a floating head.

"Wow." Sirius's eyes widened.

"That's not all, we found a mirror." Harry added. Sirius' eyes widened.

"What type of mirror?" He asked.

"I'll show you." Harry grinned. He walked to the portrait hole and Sirius followed him, this could make his job easier, if it was the right mirror.

"So where are we going?" Sirius asked with a frown.

"Hold still." Harry ordered, covering both himself and his brother with the cloak.

"Harry this is weird." Sirius commented.

"Shh." Harry shushed him, Sirius sighed and nodded.

He did not enjoy his first experience using his father's invisibility cloak. He found it hard to move whilst covered by the object, and found it hard to see through it, meaning he almost fell over way too many times.

When they finally made it to the room that held the mirror, Sirius was instantly confused by the wonder on his brother's face as he gazed into the mirror. He couldn't help but wonder what his brother was seeing.

"Sirius come and see!" Harry said, Sirius walked over to stand beside his brother.

"I don't see anything." Sirius answered, staring at his own confused reflection.

"Stand where I am, go on." Harry moved aside, allowing his brother to stand in his spot. Instantly, many people appeared around Sirius's reflection, his family, his friends and his future lover, but he couldn't quite make out who it was. "Do you see our family too?" Sirius looked at his brother, wide-eyed, before nodding.

"Yeah." He whispered.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Harry asked him.

"Yeah, yeah it is." Sirius agreed.

After thoroughly examining the mirror, Harry dropped Sirius off at the door to the Hufflepuff common room and disappeared into thin air.

As soon as he could be sure he was gone, Sirius ran to the secluded part of the castle where the others were, the only problem was he couldn't remember which secluded part of the castle it was from, and when he eventually found them, he collapsed on the floor, panting.

"You're really unfit." Jane told him, looking down on him in disgust, her eyes were red, like she'd been crying.

"Tell me about it." Sirius panted.

"Are you okay?" Ollie asked with a frown, Sirius nodded.

"I'm fine." He said, Ollie helped him up off the floor and Aro finally regarded the boy.

"You found it." He stated, Sirius nodded.

"Technically, Harry found it." He added.

"Show it to me." Aro commanded, Sirius found himself nodding and leading them to the mirror at once.

Sirius was not only tired at that point, but he was starting to feel ill too.

"Amazing." Aro breathed as he took in the sight of the mirror. Sirius sat down on the floor, clutching his head.

"How are you so good at this?" Jane asked him resentfully, appearing beside him. Sirius looked at her.


"Jane, he's a Hufflepuff, he's a hard-worker, it's in his nature to try and succeed." Ollie told his sister.

"He's more loyal than us." Jane said moodily

"He's also smart, and brave, and kind. What's your point?" Ollie argued.

"I can hear you." Sirius mumbled at them, but they didn't take any notice of him.

"How are you even still alive? Alli those enchantments at once should have killed you." Jane spat, she seemed angry at Sirius for some reason.

"Shh, I have a headache." Sirius whispered.

"Don't take it out on him!" Ollie glared at his sister, he hated it when she took her anger out on others, although usually it was him.

"Shut up! You're not helping!" Sirius complained.

"Sorry." Ollie apologised.

"Why are you on his side?" Jane asked angrily.

"Because you aren't being fair, we need to work together, not against each other." Ollie told his sister.

"Why do we need him? We were fine before." Jane sulked.

"No we weren't and you know that. We're better off with him." Ollie glanced at the boy, who had fallen asleep against his shoulder. "I don't know what it will do to him when he realises what's happening."

"Then we don't tell him." Jane decided.

"He'll have to know!"

"Not yet he won't."


When Ollie woke Sirius up, Aro was gone. "Come on, you can sleep in my dorm, I don't trust you not to collapse on the way to your common room."

Sirius allowed Ollie to take his wrist and guide him down the corridors, where they very promptly met Professor Dumbledore.

"And what are you three doing at this time of night?" The old professor asked, although he probably already knew.

"Sirius was sleepwalking; we came to find him." Jane lied at once.

"Alright, don't let him wander off again now, will you?" Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eye as he surveyed the three students cryptically.

"We won't Professor, promise." Ollie smiled, and as Dumbledore let them pass, let out an almost silent sigh of relief, they had done it, that time.

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