3: chapter two

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"I don't get it, how did you blow her up?" Sirius asked as they walked out of Private drive.

"It just sort of happened." Harry replied distractedly.

"It just sort of happened?" Sirius repeated with a frown as he followed his brother.

"I don't know, she was talking bad about mum and I got angry and then she blew up." Harry told him. "So yeah it just sort of happened."

"Honestly Hazza." Sirius shook his head at his brother.

"Don't call me that." Harry said, Sirius sighed, he was angry and Sirius knew it, but he didn't know what to do about it.

"Sorry." Sirius sighed. "So where are we going?"

"I don't know if I'm honest." Harry replied, he stopped suddenly and whacked his brother in the stomach. "Hey do you see that?"

"What? Where?" Sirius looked around everywhere, but having no idea what he was looking for, he was failing in that department.

"That dog, there!" Harry pointed towards a bush in a park. Squinting, Sirius saw a big black dog in the distance.

"Its just a dog." Sirius laughed, looking at the dog fondly. He liked animals, but rarely got to see them.

The dog barked suddenly, making Harry jump so much that he fell over, he had pulled his wand out of his coat pocket out of instinct.

"Harry you made it sad!" Sirius pulled a face at his brother as the dog disappeared into the undergrowth.

At that moment, a huge purple double decker bus appeared out of nowhere. "Where you wanna go?" The conductor hopped off and grabbed their trunks. He then frowned at Harry. "Whatchu on the ground for?"

Harry scowled at him. "I fell over."

"Whatchu do that for?" The conductor asked as Sirius helped his brother up off the floor.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Harry defended himself.

"I'm your conductor, Stan Shunpike, now its eleven sickles to get anywhere, for thirteen sickles you can get a hot chocolate and for fifteen you can get a hot water bottle and a toothbrush in any colour. So wheres you wanna go?" He asked, letting the two on the bus.

"Uh, leaky Cauldron." Harry decided, fishing 22 sickles out of his trunk.

"Alright, take it away Ern!" Stan shouted to the driver, who started up the bus.

"Its going to be a bumpy ride!" Ern, the driver warned them.

Sirius didn't believe him until they started moving and he and Harry were getting thrown around all over the ground floor of the bus. It definitely wouldn't make it very high on his list of preferred ways to travel, that's for sure.

When they finally made it to the Leaky Cauldron, Sirius was convinced that he was completely covered in bruises.

"Here we are, the leaky Cauldron." Stan announced. Sirius stared at him and shook his head.

"Thanks." He said plainly.

"What did you say your names were?" Stan asked as they got off the bus.

"We didn't." Harry replied, pushing his brother towards the door of the leaky cauldron.

"Well that was fun." Sirius murmured, Harry shot him a look.

"Shut up!" Harry shook his head at his brother, who shrugged his defence.

The minister for magic had turned up at the leaky cauldron wanting to talk to Harry, so Sirius was wandering the halls of the leaky cauldron absent-mindedly, hoping the week would pass quickly, as it was only a week and two days until he would see his friends again.

In fact, he found himself in an abandoned part of the uppermost floor, when he almost walked straight into Ollie.

"Sirius? What are you doing here?" Ollie asked, he looked worried.

"Harry blew up our Aunt, what are you doing here?" Sirius asked back.

"We always go to diagon alley-" Ollie trailed off. "What?"

"Harry blew up our Aunt, well she's not really our aunt, she's our Aunts, husbands, sister and-" Sirius stopped himself mid explanation. "You don't care do you."

"Of course I do, but if Harry messed up, why are you here?"

"I don't know, he dragged me out the house, now we're here." Sirius shrugged. "We're spontaneous."


"So where's Jane?" Sirius asked after a moments silence.

"Oh, come on." Ollie gestured for Sirius to follow him, he and Jane had a suite to themselves, Jane was sat at the desk drawing on a piece of scrap parchment when they entered.

"I didn't know you could draw." Sirius said by way of a greeting.

"Hello to you too Sirius." She said without looking up. "What are you doing here?"

"Harry blew up our Aunt." Sirius replied.

"Oh, good for him." She nodded. "Left home huh?"

"Yeah, got the... oh what did they call it, knight bus or something." Sirius nodded. "That was interesting."

"Really? We've never been on it before." Ollie nodded.

"Its an experience." Sirius nodded. "Listen, I'd better go, the ministers probably finished talking to Harry so..."

"You can stay for a bit." Ollie offered, Sirius shook his head.

"No, Harry will be wondering where I am." Sirius said, he wanted to stay and talk to his friends, but at the same time he didn't know whether or not he could trust them anymore. Too many things had happened for him to know what to think anymore. "See you guys later."

"Alright then, see you Sirius." Ollie said, he looked like he wanted to say something else but he didn't.

"Cool, bye." Sirius waved and then left the room, trying to figure out which room he and Harry had got.

He eventually found it, and saw Harry sat on his bed reading a book on quidditch. "Where've you been?"

"I went exploring, turns out the leaky cauldron is bigger than I thought." Sirius said, sitting on his bed and taking off his shoes.

"Well I'm glad you found it interesting." Harry sighed at his brother.

"It was actually." Sirius nodded. "So what did the minister say."

"Nothing interesting, just that I won't be put in azkaban." Harry replied.

"Well that's good right?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, it means we're going back to hogwarts." Harry smiled at his brother.

"Well, even if you were in azkaban, I'd still go to hogwarts." Sirius replied.

"Thanks Sirius."


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