2: chapter eighteen

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Draco and Harry did not in fact use defensive spells as Lockhart desperately attempted to tell them, but jumped straight into a duel, which started off rather entertaining, that is until Draco made a snake appear out of nowhere.

"That's odd." Sirius murmured to Justin, who nodded.

"I didn't realise that was a spell." Justin murmured back.

The snake slithered toward Harry menacingly, and despite Lockharts feeble attempts to protect him from the creature, and then the snake paused.

A strange hissing noise came from Harry, and the snake turned and began slithering away from him... towards Sirius and Justin. Instinctively, Justin pushed Sirius away from the stage, fearing that Harry had told the snake to get his brother. Harry said something else to the snake, making more and more people back away from the stage.

The snake advanced on Justin, looking ready to strike, Hannah, Sirius and Ernie gathered around him, pulling him backwards, fearing for his life.

It was not until Professor Snape stepped up and eliminated the serpent, that anyone dared to do a thing, that was until Justin stepped towards the stage.

"What do you think you're playing at?" He yelled angrily, before grabbing Sirius and Ernie's wrists and dragging them and Hannah out of the room.

The group sat alone in the common room, none saying a word until Justin spoke again. "He's out of line, I'm sorry Sirius, but he could have killed me, killed you!" He sighed and clasped his hands together. "Did you know?"

"Know what?" Sirius asked, he frowned.

"That your brother was a parslemouth." Ernie supplied, Sirius shook his head. "Are you?"

"No, at least I don't think so." he said quietly. "I didn't even realise people could talk to snakes."

"Sirius you realise Harry could be the heir of Slytherin?" Hannah said gently, Sirius shook his head.

"No, because then I would be too."

"Not necessarily, an heir can be chosen, not born." Justin said, "Thats why Harry can talk to snakes and you can't."

"But why would Harry be chosen as Slytherin's heir?" Sirius asked, he grabbed the pillow from behind him and leaned back with a sigh. "I mean he's a Gryffindor, and Harry."

"Maybe you don't know him as well as you think you do." Ernie suggested, Sirius sighed.

"No, he's my twin."

"So, you're not identical, and you clearly don't have a lot in common, and he's an ass." Hannah replied stiffly, Sirius shook his head.

"Hey, that's my brother!"

"He tried to kill you!"

"We don't know that."

"We do." Justin said. "Look, you're going to have to face facts, Harry isn't the same as he was before Hogwarts, you can't deny that the two of you aren't close anymore."

"Well no but-" Sitius tried to argue.

"Nor that you're both clearly hiding something from each other." Ernie added.

"No, but he's still-" Sirius tried again.

"And you know that blood doesn't mean family." Hannah finished.

"But he's my brother."

"He set a snake on you and your best friend!" Hannah argued at once. "Face it Sirius, he's dangerous."

"Just because you've never liked him anyway." Sirius shook his head and got up, heading to the door of the common room.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked with a frown.

"To get the truth!" Sirius replied shortly, he was tired of all of it.

"Sirius no!" His friends screamed, but he had already left.

Sirius never made it to his brothers common room. He was stopped on the way by a strange sound echoing in his head. He followed it, knowing at once why he could hear it, and found Ollie, Jane and Aro stood in a secluded part of the castle.

"Ah good, you made it." Aro looked as calm as ever, Ollie looked verging on angry and Jane looked like she had been crying.

"How has no one found you in the castle yet?" Sirius asked. "So much for no one unsavoury can get in."

"That applies to the living, child and I am neither living, nor dead, i surpass the boundaries of both." Aro replied, he had seemed to have been reading a lot of Shakespeare since their last meeting as he was being rather over dramatic.

"Oh, well good for you." Sirius shrugged. "So why the pity party?"

"I am interested in the information you have gathered on the monster, I'm sure you and your mystery solving friends have been working." Aro told him.

"Well we did some reading... well a lot of reading, and after looking at all the signs, we have concluded it is a serpent." Sirius said, trying his best to make it seem like they had decided to solve the mystery as oppose to being asked to.

"What type of serpent?"

"A basalisk." Sirius replied. "As for the heir, the others are convinced it's my brother."

"Why on earth would it be your brother?" Ollie burst out, earning a glare from Aro.

"He's... a parslemouth."

"But you are not, which means he cannot be a born heir and a born heir it must be." Aro nodded. "Any other ideas."

"Well you said born heir... does the heir have to be alive or can they be in a state similar to you?" Sirius asked.

"I do not know child, one presumes so." Aro nodded. "You must find the entrance, and the heir."

"I'm trying, its petrifying people, I don't want to see anyone else lying in that hospital wing, the cat was bad enough." Sirius mumbled. "So it can't be Harry?"

"Most certainly not, he is a Gryffindor for starters!" Aro exclaimed, he himself had been a Slytherin back in the day and had an intense hatred for the rival house.

"Well that makes me feel better, thanks." Sirius turned to go, stopping as Aro spoke again.

"Do not fail me boy, you will regret it."

"Yeah, yeah I know." Sirius mumbled.

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