1: Chapter two

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"Well done Harry! Now we're stuck in here for a couple years!" Sirius said with a glare towards his brother, Harry sighed.

"I swear to god I didn't do anything, the glass disappeared on its own, you saw that right?" Harry answered, Sirius frowned and shook his head.

"I didn't see it happen Harry, but I do know that you must have done something, glass just doesn't disappear." Sirius said, thinking logically, Harry sighed again.

"But it did, I swear it did." He defended himself. "And how would I make glass disappear?"

"I don't know, okay. Harry I believe you, but you need to be careful, if Petunia and Vernon keep thinking you're doing weird stuff like that, Harry you'll be in trouble." Sirius said.

Harry nodded. "I know, I just... how did that happen?"

"And you think I'll have the answer to that because?" Sirius asked. Harry laughed.

"You don't have an answer, do you?" He questioned, Sirius shook his head.

"Nope!" He exclaimed.

"Somehow I thought not." Harry said.

"I love your lack of support." Sirius chuckled lightly.

"Of course you do, I'm your brother, it's my job to not support you." Harry retaliated.

The two brothers fell into silence for a while, Sirius lying on his back, staring at the stairs above him, he had wrapped himself on a blanket, whether to comfort himself, or merely because he was cold, not even he himself was sure. Harry was sat opposite him, half watching his brother to make sure he was okay, half daydreaming about life without the Dursleys.

"Sirius?" Harry asked tentatively after a while, Sirius raised his head to look at his brother.

"Yes Harry?" He asked back, wondering what his brother was going to say next.

"What do you think our parents were like?" Harry asked.

"Harry, you ask me that at least several times a week. You're always gonna get the same answer. I don't know, we're twins, I knew them for the same amount of time as you did." Sirius answered with a sigh.

"I know; I guess what I'm asking is what do you imagine them to be like?" Harry inquired. Sirius frowned.

"Why do you always ask me really weird questions?" He asked, Harry shrugged.

"I think they were kind, I think mum liked cooking, and dad would annoy her." Harry said, Sirius frowned.

"Nah, I think mum was a terrible cook, unless she followed the recipe letter by letter. I think dad was the good cook, but he experimented and that turned out bad." He said, running a hand through his floppy, black hair and fixing it to look a tad less unruly.

"What do you think they looked like?" Harry asked, Sirius sighed and pulled himself up into a sitting position, he frowned at his brother's question.

"I think dad looked a lot like you, and mum was a red-head." He said.

"Really?" Harry asked. Sirius nodded.

"Aunt Petunia said something about it once, she was moaning about mum, and she said something about her having perfect red hair." he answered, Harry nodded.

"I bet she was beautiful." He said, Sirius nodded.

"Of course she was! There's only so many good looks we could have got from dad, besides, we're handsome, at least I am, you... well..." He said, Harry punched him in the arm lightly.

"Hey!" He yelled, Sirius laughed.

"I was just saying." He commented.


When Aunt Petunia finally opened the door to the cupboard and allowed the twins out, it was the summer holidays. Sirius was curled up beside Harry, sleeping soundly, and didn't stir when the door opened and Aunt Petunia looked in.

"You can come out now." She told them. Harry nodded in both understanding and thanks. She left and Harry turned to his sleeping brother.

"Sirius, Siri wake up!" He gently shook his brother by the shoulder, and was met almost instantly by a pair of hazel eyes.

"Morning Harry." Sirius grinned, stretching out and almost hitting his brother in the face.

"It's the afternoon actually." Harry commented. Sirius laughed and sat up.

"Are we free then?" He asked, Harry nodded. "Woop!" Sirius rolled out of the cupboard and made his way to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked him, Sirius sent him a grin.

"I'm going for a walk, see you later Harry!" With that he was gone.

Sirius was not sure where he was headed in his walk, but he knew he was glad to get out of the house. He walked through streets filled with row upon row of houses. He reached the end of the street, and began to wander towards a park, entering it and sitting down on a bench, loving being outside again. Although being locked in the cupboard had given him a chance to talk with his brother, Sirius was glad they had been let out, there was only so much of Harry he could take, despite the two being close, Sirius still needed to have some alone time.

"Sirius?" Sirius looked up as he heard his name being spoken.

"Justin!" Sirius smiled at the boy as he sat down beside him.

"Hey, how've you been?" Justin asked, Sirius smiled.

"Not too bad, you?" he asked.

"As good as I can get." Justin grinned.

"So what are you doing here?" Sirius asked.

"I went for a walk, you?"

"Same." Sirius laughed lightly.

"Hey, why don't I introduce you to a friend of mine, I'm meeting her in ten minutes anyway, and it takes ten minutes to get into town." Justin suggested. Sirius grinned at him.

"Sure, why not." Sirius said. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a girl with blonde hair watching him, but he dismissed it. When he looked back a second later, just to check if she was there, she was gone.

"Great! Shall we go?" Justin asked. Sirius nodded and got up at the same time his friend did. Justin hummed a tune as they walked along, and they soon reached a shopping centre, where a red-haired girl was waiting outside. She waved at them when they approached.

"Hannah!" Justin high-fived her when he got there, and Sirius just waved at her.

"Hi!" Hannah grinned.

"This is my friend Hannah. Hannah this is Sirius." Justin introduced the two, who grinned at each other.

"Who's ready to have some fun!" Hannah yelled happily.

"Where are we going?" Justin asked, Hannah grinned widely.

"Away from here, it's manky!"

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