1: Chapter Sixteen

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"Happy actual Christmas!!" Sirius awoke to Justin yelling at him, as he had every day for the entirety of the holidays so far

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"Happy actual Christmas!!" Sirius awoke to Justin yelling at him, as he had every day for the entirety of the holidays so far. Sirius sat up at once and grinned at his friend.

"Happy actual Christmas Justin." Sirius said, getting up. "Let's go find Hannah."

They soon found Hannah sitting by the Christmas tree and waiting for them expectantly.

"Early bird catches the worm morons! Wake up earlier!" She yelled at them. "But I love you two, happy Christmas!" She hugged both boys at once, making them stagger backwards with the unexpected force.

"Happy Christmas Hannah." Sirius laughed, as she let go of him.

"Happy Christmas." Justin nodded, catching a present that Hannah threw at him, which narrowly avoided his face.

The three opened their presents with a chorus of 'thank yous' and exclamations of delight as they surveyed their gifts.

"So what did you get your brother?" Hannah asked Sirius as he tried on the Hufflepuff jumper she had given him.

"I got the houseelves to bake him his favourite cakes and gave them to him in a box." Sirius answered, examining the fizzing whizbees Justin had given him.

"How did you get this?" Justin asked as he flicked through the books Sirius had given him.

"I have my sources." He answered with a smirk.

"Your sources are good." Hannah said, as she added the chocolate he had given her to her growing mound of sweets.

"So what do we do now?" Sirius mused.

"I say we eat sweets and chill, then go to the feast. Who needs breakfast anyway." Hannah decided. Sirius and Justin laughed, but agreed.

On their way to the feast, the three encountered Millicent Bulstrode, a rotund Slytherin girl in their year, who looked dismal, she was the only Slytherin in the school at that moment.

"Merry Christmas Millicent!" Sirius greeted her, he had been infectiously good-spirited and passionate about everyone having a good Christmas. The other two also greeted her, giving her their own wishes of a happy Christmas.

"Merry Christmas." Millicent replied, she looked like she wanted to sneer at their Christmas cheer, but instead she smiled.

"Are you going to the feast?" Justin asked her, she nodded.

"Great, so are we!" Hannah said happily, and the four made their way down the corridor.

"I have to say, I thought they were going to dress peeves up as a snowman, or even Santa." Sirius commented, the others laughed.

"As amusing as that would be, I don't think he would let them." Justin laughed.

"It would be funny." Millicent reluctantly agreed.

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