1: chapter twenty four

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Sirius awoke in an unfamiliar room, he remembered seeing something similar, but could not remember where, it looked like his own dormitory, only the curtains and sheets were coloured blue instead of yellow

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Sirius awoke in an unfamiliar room, he remembered seeing something similar, but could not remember where, it looked like his own dormitory, only the curtains and sheets were coloured blue instead of yellow. He was laying on a bed, the room empty of all but him. He attempted to get up, but his limbs weighed him down like a ton of bricks.

And the pain.

The pain he was in was teetering on the edge of unbearable. He heard footsteps heading to the room he was in, he tried in vain to shift his position, but only ended up in more pain.

"How so you feel?" It was Ollie, of course it was. He seemed to care for Sirius, and seemed to have been rooting for him from the beggining.

"It hurts." Sirius managed. His mouth was dry, his throat like a million tiny needles as he fought back the bike that rose to his mouth.

"Here." Ollie passed him a bucket, he seemed to know exactly what Sirius was experiencing, which comforted the boy, as he knew he was in safe hands. Taking the bucket, he promptly threw up. Ollie patted his back comfortingly. "The other wounds are healed, it's just the curses that aren't healing. And you've been out for almost two and a half weeks, we thought you were gone."

"Ollie?" Sirius croaked. Ollie looked at him at once, picking up a small tub of a niggle healing balm.

"Yeah?" He said as he applied the balm to the gash and the burn on Sirius' face.

"Thank you." The injured boy managed a smile for the third year, who smiled back instantly.

"Don't thank me, you did the impossible. And saved us, if you hadn't have won, he would have beaten us." Ollie sighed.

"Why? It wasn't your fault." Sirius was begginging to feel a little better.

"If one of us acts out, the rest of us get into trouble for letting them." Ollie explained. "I don't think he was expecting you to hold on that long."

"Neither did I." Sirius told him, he was about to nod, but just a slight movement hurt his stiff muscles.

Ollie laughed and carefully helped him into a sitting position, passing him a glass of water. Sirius took a sip gladly, although he struggled slightly. "When you collapsed, he looked almost guilty, he told us to get you to a healer and left."

"Guilty?" Sirius questioned, wonder If what on earth would have made Aro feel guilty.

"I don't think he meant to take it that far, he's scared of your loyalty to your brother." Ollie told him. "Sirius you really need to be careful."

"How?" Sirius asked, furrowing his brows in thought.

Ollie was about to answer, but was robbed of his chance by the door opening and Justin, Hannah and Ernie barging in.

"I couldn't stop them." Jane said with a sigh as she followed them in.

"Sirius! You look awful." Hannah told him as she sat down on the end of the bed, opposite him.

"Thanks." Sirius sighed, but he had to laugh, it was nice seeing his friends, despite the pain.

"We forced Jane to tell us everything." Justin added, Sirius looked at Jane with a frown, she shrugged.

"And we support you." Ernie patted his shoulder encouragingly. Sirius smiled at him.

"What exactly did Jane tell you?" Ollie asked, he seemed cautious, and wary of the three knowing their secret.

"Everything. I told them everything. They made me, so I didn't really have a choice." Jane sighed, attempting to justify her actions. "I think they may be able to help us though."

"Damn right we can!" Hannah announced, gently brushing Sirius' hair out of his eyes. He frowned at her. "Darling you need to shower." She said, his frown evolved into a glare. She smiled at him. "We'll help you out. With everything. You should have told us Sirius." She told him, he bit his lip guiltily.

"I didn't know how, and you aren't supposed to know." Sirius answered.

"You have us now." Justin told them. "And we're for you. All of you."

"Thanks guys." Sirius smiled, his friends smiled and nodded back st him.

"Exams were cancelled by the way, and it's the end of term feast tomorrow." Ernie told him, his eyes widened in surprise.

"The years almost over!" Sirius exclaimed, he had not even thought about going back to the Dursleys, the prospect of which, terrified him.

"Yeah." Hannah sighed. "We'd better get to class. We'll be back later though." She reached out and gave him a huge hug, he hugged her back, and then she and his other two friends were gone, leaving him in the good company of the Swan siblings.

"We need a plan." Ollie announced as he and his sister sat in the place Hannah had once occupied.

"We do?" Sirius asked weakly, his face was throbbing and he wasn't sure if it was because it was healing or not.

Yes, we do." Jane answered. "He's angry, we need to figure out what to do, and how to get back into his good books."

"Ignore him and hope the problem goes away." Sirius suggested, and he was only half joking. This was his preferred method of dealing with many of the problems he had faced, of course many, mainly Dudley were not so easy to ignore.

"God no! We'd be as good as dead if we did that." Ollie exclaimed.

"So what can we do?" Sirius said.

"We play it safe, get back on his good side and make him sorry he ever doubted us." Jane sighed. "Sirius you need to distance yourself from Harry."

"I can't! He's the only family I really have!" Sirius shook his head at once.

"You don't have a choice." Ollie said gently. "You have too."

"I share a room with him." Sirius murmured, he was upset, very upset at the prospect of distancing himself and ignoring his brother. Especially at the Dursleys when all they had was each other.

"Then don't talk to him. Don't respond." Jane said. Sirius nodded.


"I'm sorry Sirius, but we have to stay alive." Ollie told him, he sounded truly sorry.

"It's okay. I'll... I'll think of something."

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