1: Chapter eight

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On his way back to the common room, Sirius met Jane, well he almost walked into her, before noticing that she was there

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On his way back to the common room, Sirius met Jane, well he almost walked into her, before noticing that she was there.

"Hey Jane!" He greeted her happily, before noticing that she was not smiling back, in fact she looked slightly scared. She hands him a letter in silence.

Jane and Sirius,
I have concerns about the progress you are going to make, and because of that, you are to meet me in the forbidden forest at exactly four o'clock on Friday. So that I may monitor your progress. If you fail to show up, or fail to have learnt anything, there will be consequences. This is your only warning.

Jane stared at the mixed emotions on Sirius' face as he finished reading. "We have to make sure we master everything we get taught." She said in a hoarse whisper.

"Or what?" Sirius asked in confusion.

"Or we face the consequences." She answered, fear in her face, which was unusual as Jane Swan wasn't easily scared, or at least that was the impression she gave off. He frowned at her.

"How do you know what they are?" Sirius asked, he wasn't entirely sure of what was going on.

"Because my brother and I have been chosen by Aro since we were four years old. So should you, but you proved hard to find. But now we're in this together, so we better not have to face the consequences, because that will be painful." Jane answered, her voice no more then a whisper.

Sirius stared at her in surprise. "Oh."

"We need to make sure that doesn't happen Siri, do you understand?" She asked him, a hint of anger now in her voice.

"OK, I get it." Sirius wasn't even attempting to make a joke and lighten the mood, what he had learned had scared him, maybe even as much as it had scared Jane.

"There you are!" Hannah greeted Sirius when he entered the common room.

" how did it go?" Justin asked as Sirius sat down beside him. Sirius smiled at him, making no effort to talk about what had happen with Jane, only focusing on his conversation with Harry.

"Me and Harry talked." He answered.

"Is that it?" Hannah asked with a frown.

"Well, yeah. It wasn't that much of an interesting conversation." Sirius answered with a shrug.

"I'm kinda disappointed." Justin added.

"Well next time I have a more interesting conversation with my brother, I will let you know." Sirius answered sarcastically.

"Good, I sincerely hope you do." Justin answered pompously, causing Sirius and Hannah to burst into laughter.

"Is there any food? I'm hungry." Sirius sighed.

"That would be because you didn't eat anything for dinner." Hannah pointed out.

"I can take you to the kitchen if you want." Cedric said appearing beside them, Sirius shrieked and almost fell over, luckily for him, Cedric caught him before he did.

"Don't scare me like that! And thanks." Sirius sighed, hand to his heart.

"I have been wondering where the kitchens are, if you would take us?" Justin asked.

"Sure, let's go." Cedric answered, patting Sirius on the shoulder comfortingly and leading the three first years out of the common room.

"So what's Hogwarts like anyway?" Sirius asked as they walked down the corridor, to a painting of a bowl of fruit.

"Its good, you'll enjoy it. Snape can be a bit off with people, but he generally picks in the gryffindors, so you should be alright." Cedric said, tickling the pear on the painting and revealing the entrance to the kitchens.

"Who's Snape?" Sirius asked.

"The potions master." Cedric explained.

"the one with the long greasy hair?" Hannah asked.

"yep!" Cedric laughed.

"Oh him!" Justin and Srius said in sync, before bursting into laughter.

"What can Lark get for you and your friends master Cedric?" A house elf asked. it was an odd creature, with big ears, big eyes and a small, bony figure.

"Oh my god that's so cool." Sirius whispered to Justin, who nodded.

"A plate of cookies please." Cedric looked at the three first years, who nodded as he said this.

"What was that?" Siriuswhispered to Cedric.

"A house elf, I should have warned you, it didn't cross my mind that you would have never seen one before." Cedric laughed. Sirius grinned at him.

"This place is so cool." Cedric laughed louder.

"It has its perks." He agreed.

Cedric, it seemed, was turning out to be both a good friend and sort of mentor to the three, they looked up t him, and trusted him, despite not knowing him very long.

"Albus, Aro has chosen another." Madame Pomfrey told the headmaster worriedly. The old man nodded and stood up, making his way to the pensive.

"It was inevitable, we should have known that he would chose new subjects, after all he did lose his other two." Dumbledore mused as he watched a memory, a memory of two young boys, aged around 16, be brutally murdered by Voldemort.

"But a first year Albus! The poor boy doesn't know what he's getting into!" Madame pomfrey was beside herself with worry. Dumbledore looked up at her. "And this means he has three now!" She added.

"Who is it?" He asked calmly. The woman sighed heavily, as though revealing his name would have disastrous consequences.

"Sirius Potter." She answered. Dumbledore merely nodded.

"Of course it is. Of course Aro would have known how great of a wizard Sirius Potter will become. Of course Aro wanted that advantage." He said as though it was a relatively normal thing.

But Dumbledore knew the pain and the hardships that lay in store for the boy, even if the boy didn't.

"We have to help him Albus, if Aro goes over to the dark side, it will break Harry, he'll lose his brother." Madame Pomfrey fretted.

"How did you come by this information Poppy?" Dumbledore asked, the woman sighed again.

"He came into the hospital wing, saying he felt sick. he looked awful, but there was nothing i could do, that was whatever curse Aro puts on them manifesting." she answered.

"He had his other two from when they were four, Sirius will be bombarded with whatever enchantments they have had gradually over the years, Aro couldn't find him, otherwise he would already have them all. I fear he may be in the hospital wing more often, if his body can't cope of course." Dumbledore said.

"And if his body can cope?"

"We'll have to keep an eye on him."

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