1: Chapter fourteen

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"Hey, Potter! Stop!" Sirius rolled his eyes and stopped, waiting for Draco to catch up

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"Hey, Potter! Stop!" Sirius rolled his eyes and stopped, waiting for Draco to catch up.

"Can this wait Draco? I have things I need to do." Sirius sighed, Draco shook his head.

"I have something you might want to know." He answered. Sirius raised his eyes.

"Is it something that I actually need to know? Or are you just telling me something because you want to talk to someone?" Sirius shot back.

"Aro is coming to meet with my father in the holidays." Draco told him. This peaked Sirius's interest.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"He has chosen his side, you'll be on our side too, as will I." Draco answered.

"Your fathers one of... his followers?" Sirius asked in surprise.

"You really don't know anything do you?" Draco sighed.

"I mean; I know some stuff." Sirius defended himself.

"Come on, you need a proper education." Draco said, Sirius frowned at him.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm going to catch you up on everything you need to know, now come on we're going to the library." Draco ordered, Sirius groaned and followed the blond to the library.


"Where have you been?" Ernie asked as Sirius walked into the common room and flopped down on the sofa beside him.

"Why are we friends with Draco?" Sirius complained, lifting his head from where he had face-planted a cushion.

"What happened?" Ernie asked.

"He gave me a two-hour lecture on the origins of you-know-who." Sirius groaned and face-planted the cushion again. Ernie patted him on the back.

"It'll be okay." He said comfortingly.

"My head is killing me." Sirius complained.

"Sirius Ollie is waiting for you outside." Hannah told the despairing boy, who looked up and frowned.

"Ollie?" He wondered. "Oh! Ollie!" he got up and left the common room, leaving his friends laughing at him.

"Have you heard?" Ollie asked him, Sirius frowned.

"About what?" he asked.

"Aro is talking to the death eaters over the holidays. He seems to be making his choice clear." Ollie told him.

"I know, Draco told me." Sirius nodded.

"Sirius this is bad; you know that right." Ollie said.

"I gathered that." The boy nodded.

"Be careful, okay?" Ollie brought the boy into an unexpected hug.

"I will." Sirius hugged him back awkwardly.

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