2: Chapter fourteen

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The feast was as grand as always, and as they watched everyone file in, Sirius noticed nether Harry nor Ron had appeared. "Have you seen Harry?" He asked Hannah, who was people watching, trying to figure out who got together and who broke up over the summer.

"No, sorry." She replied. "I'm sure he's fine, he is Harry Potter after all."

"Sometimes I think all that gets to his head." Sirius sighed. "He's a nightmare honestly."

"He'll turn up, I'm sure." Justin comforted his friend who sighed.

"He has a habit of doing that doesn't he?" Sirius laughed, but they all knew he was still worried about them.

"Snape's not here, I'll bet he's bothering your brother." Ernie suggested, Sirius nodded it was common knowledge that Snape hated his brother, Sirius he could tolerate but no one actually knew why.

"I hope so." He agreed with a sigh. "Why is he so attracted to trouble?"

"Because he's Harry Potter." Hannah said sarcastically. Sirius laughed, and then noticed the first years shuffling in. He remembered walking into the great hall for the first time. He had been terrified, but then he had been worried about not being able to do magic to enjoy his first evening at Hogwarts.

"Glad we aren't going to going through that, to think I was convinced I was going to end up as a pig-headed Gryffindor!" Hannah snorted, shaking her head. "To think I wanted it at one time!"

"Well it's over now." Sirius patted her shoulder gently.

"Can they hurry up, I'm starving!" Ernie sighed, looking at his empty plate in disgust. The sorting was almost done, but they still had the hats song to go. Sirius' head began to pound and he could feel something beginning to invade his minds eye.

"Sirius?" Justin asked gently, he could tell something was wrong straight away. "Hannah it's happening again."

Hannah took Sirius' hand thoughtfully. "Sirius focus, tell me what you can see okay?" She said, trying to make it as easy and as less painful as she could. "Hogwarts, what are you seeing about Hogwarts."

"A girl died here." Sirius whispered, how had he gained this information so quickly, he assumed it was the ghosts passing it around. "She- it was last time, like Draco said."

"How did she die?" Hannah prompted.

"She looked in the eye." Sirius muttered and then rested his head on the table, it had gone.

"You're getting better at controlling it." She commented, he shrugged, his head pounding.

"What set it off?" Justin asked, reaching over and ruffling his friends untidy mass of hair.

"The ghosts." Sirius murmured. The food appeared suddenly and Hannah pushed a cup of pumpkin juice into his hand.

"It'll stop soon, we'll figure it out." Ernie nodded, they had filled him in on their time in Rome already and he had expressed his opinion that neither Harry nor the Swan siblings should hang around with Sirius, deciding that the four should do it all alone. Should go through it alone. And Sirius agreed. Every time it we either Harry accidentally getting him into a situation that was dangerous or Jane and Ollie not telling him things that could be threatening for him or hurt him. And he was tired of it. He just wanted to enjoy his life for once, he just wanted not to worry.

"How?" Sirius murmured taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"With less of that pessimistic attitude." Hannah supplied with a laugh. "You're so problematic."

"Thanks." Sirius said glumly as he sprinkled salt onto his mashed potato. It was all he had piled onto his plate, just mashed potato.

"You're not seriously just going to eat that are you?" Justin frowned, Sirius saw the chance and took it.

"I'm always Sirius." He winked.

"Hi always Sirius, I'n Ernie." Ernie jumped in, the four burst into laughter, frightening the first years that were sat near them.

"That was brilliant." Hannah commented wiping her eyes, she was still chuckling a bit at the thought.

"I regretted it as soon as I said it." Justin shook his head, a smile still on his face. "But my question still remains."

Sirius followed Hannah and Justin to the common room, wanting nothing more than a quick game of Uno before bed, but as always, that was not the case, because who should stop them but Gilderoy Lockheart.

"Ah you must be Sirius!" He cheered stopping the group in their tracks, right in front of the common room.

"I am yes." Sirius sighed, he didn't like he man already.

"I see fame has not got to you as it has your brother, arriving by flying car!" Lockheart laughed merrily.

"My brother did what?" Sirius asked.

"Oh you didn't know?" Lockheart didn't seem particularly surprised although he tried to act it. "Why that cheeky devil."

"Professor may I point out I am not famous and Harry may be the best one to talk to." Sirius pointed out, his friends staring at the man in intense dislike.

"On the contrary, you have the inside scoop!" He smiled. "I can picture it now, Gilderoy Lockheart gets inside scoop from Harry Potter's own brother!"

"Yeah, on that note professor I'd better go to bed." And they pushed past the man and into the common room. It was quite quiet in the Hufflepuff common room, as it often was.

"I think I'm going to go bed." Sirius murmured, much to the disagreement of his friends as they tried to convince him to stay up with them. He just shook his head and continued on his way, which was unusual for him as he always liked to stay with his friends for as long as he could.

"A flying car Harry!" Sirius was not impressed no matter how everyone else felt about the situation. "A flying car! Does Ron even know how to drive? He could have killed you!"

"Well, looking back it seems stupid, but at the time it was a good idea." Harry defended himself, Sirius shook his head.

"Of course it did."

"Any way, are you feeling better now?" Harry asked gently, Sirius just shrugged, he didn't want to tell Harry any of the summers events. "Siri tell me the truth."

"I'm fine Harry, honest." Sirius replied, Harry rolled his eyes and hugged his brother tightly. "I swear to god if he ever goes near you again I'll-" Sirius cut his brother off.

"Harry he's not the problem." Sirius told his brother. "Just leave it okay."

"Sirius you tried to tell me what happened and he hurt you!" Harry argued, he was not about to let his brother not tell him anything.

"Leave it Harry!"

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